Chapter 456

The next day, Liang Ye woke up in the early morning. He got up and opened the curtains. The winter morning sun fell on him through the window, making him squint his eyes subconsciously.

The sun is a little bit harsh, which also means that today will be a good day.

Although the winter in S City is cold, there are occasional snowflakes.But as long as it is sunny, no matter how low the temperature is, it will not affect people's enthusiasm for travel.It was seven o'clock in the morning, and there was already an endless stream of people shopping. People were wearing fleece jackets or padded jackets, walking on the street, enjoying the sunshine in the morning.

Liang Ye opened the window and found a thin layer of frost on the window sill.

It didn't snow last night, but there was frost.

The trees on both sides of the road downstairs are covered with a layer of silver, which looks silvery and very pleasing to the eye.

After eating supper last night, Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao didn't stay at the beach for too long.The sea breeze was very strong at night. Although Liang Ye tried to control it, the temperature dropped more and more with the passage of time, so it didn't take long for Liang Ye to take Xiao Xiao back to Vanke Washington.

Liang Ye stood by the window and looked at it for a while, then put on a coat, took the phone and walked out of the bedroom.

As soon as he left the bedroom, his eyes subconsciously settled on a bento box on the dining table not far away.

It was a white bento box with lace on it, obviously for girls.

There was a piece of paper pressed under the lunch box. Liang Ye stepped forward to look at it, and saw that it said: "I have class in the morning, and you are very tired recently, so I won't wake you up. Breakfast is oatmeal porridge cooked by myself." , if it’s cold, remember to warm it up before eating. —— Xiao Xiao who loves you”

Xiao Xiao had the key to Liang Ye's house, and she found that Liang Ye was a little tired last night, so she didn't wake her up in the morning.She also knew that if Liang Ye woke up, he would definitely send her to school.

Now that the time for the postgraduate examination is getting closer, Xiao Xiao has a lot of courses. Although she is a top student, she will never miss the class she should take, and she will always be the first person to arrive in the classroom.

Looking at the delicate handwriting on it, and the oatmeal porridge on the table that exudes a burst of fragrance, Liang Ye couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.

He has always been thinking of Xiao Xiao, and Xiao Xiao is also thinking of him, and both of them are caring for each other.

Liang Ye showed a smile, turned around and walked into the bathroom to wash up.

After washing up, Liang Ye sat at the dining table with his mobile phone in his hand, browsing the news of the Strategic Security Bureau while eating the breakfast made by Xiao Xiao himself.

Recently, there have been very few operations personally appointed by Liang Ye, and most of them are in charge of Ding Xue. Liang Ye is now only in charge of the operations of his own task force. Compared with before, it is indeed a lot easier.

And Li Shan has recently begun to personally participate in some operations. Many times he did not stay in the bureau, but led the team to act outside.

The situation is in turmoil, and the work of the Strategic Security Bureau is getting heavier.If it wasn't for the ghost task force who was still in charge of the mission of Weixi Medicine, it would definitely be sent out to perform the mission.Now Li Shan didn't put too much burden on Liang Ye, he knew that Liang Ye would have a sense of proportion.

There are some action reports on the internal network of the Strategic Security Bureau. After Liang Ye browsed for a while, he put down his mobile phone. Just when he was about to finish his porridge in one go, the mobile phone on the desktop suddenly rang.

The call came from his father, Liang Anguo. Like Liang Ye, Liang Anguo has the habit of getting up early, and he still maintains his military style and the majesty he used to be a general.

Liang Ye quickly connected, and as soon as he put the phone to his ear, Liang Anguo said first: "So far, only 40.00% of the shares have been acquired. Three, Anthony Lawton just talked to me on the phone, and he said that he will come to S City to meet us in the afternoon. talks."

"Dad, what do you want me to do?"

Liang Ye heard that Liang Anguo had other ideas. Although Liang Anguo said last night that he would hand everything over to Liang Ye, there was a better plan, and he would not hide it.

"Go to Bangzi Country." Liang Anguo said.


Bangzi Country, Weixi Medical Building.

The building was full of reporters from various news media and onlookers, as well as the police responsible for maintaining law and order.

Weixi Medicine is regarded as the commercial face of Bangziguo. After such an incident, many people want to see what will happen to Weixi Medicine.

There is no shortage of people who love to watch the excitement in the whole world, and the same is true for Bangzi Country.People stretched their necks and widened their eyes, as if they were watching a big show.

In the meeting room on the top floor of Weixi Medicine, the windows were closed and the curtains were drawn. The lights in the meeting room were not turned on, and it was pitch black, no different from being in the dark.

Anthony Lawton, as well as the rest of Weixi Pharmaceutical's senior executives were sitting around the conference table with solemn expressions, and all of them had extremely ugly faces.

The one with the ugliest face is Anthony Lawton. As the chairman of the company, he is now under the heaviest pressure among all the company's senior management.And judging from the current situation, he had no choice but to beg Liang Anguo for mercy.

Anthony Lawton knew that Liang Anguo wanted all the core technologies of Weixi Medicine. This was also the reason why he called all the high-level meetings. It was not to keep the company, but to keep the core technology.

Although the company will lose a lot, as long as the core technology is kept, there is no chance of a comeback.

"Everyone knows the form. If this continues, except for the shares in my hand, the rest will be swallowed up by the Yeshen Group in a few hours. I can hold on for a while, but the core technology must be in the shares. Before they are taken away, they are all transferred, there is still time, we cannot let Liang Anguo get our hard work."

Anthony Lawton's words were a little excited. Although the company was about to be swallowed by the Yeshen Group, he didn't mean to give up.

In fact, his core technologies are not all medical, but more of the secrets that the Strategic Defense Bureau most wants to know.

When Zhou Yuying stole the information, she couldn't find it, but she only found some superficial information.The action of the Ghost Task Force is mainly about Zha Weixi Medicine's transaction of human organs, and Weixi Medicine's database also has information on this aspect, but there is no other confidential content.

"Chairman, we have notified the contact person, and he said he will help us." A fat man wearing glasses said.

Anthony Lawton didn't relax because of what the fat man said. He continued, "I'm going to fly to Shenzhou in the afternoon to meet with Liang Anguo. Before that, we still have time."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a chilly wind suddenly blew in the meeting room.

Although the temperature in Bangzi Country was a bit high at this time, everyone in the conference room subconsciously shivered when the gust of wind blew past.

Then, a black shadow appeared in everyone's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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