Ghost Task Force

Chapter 457 Is It Possible

Chapter 457 Is It Possible

Originally, the lights in the meeting room were not turned on, and the dim room gave people a sense of terror. When the shadow appeared, a timid woman screamed directly.

Everyone in the conference room was terrified and surprised by the sudden appearance of this black figure, and no one knew how he got in.The windows and doors of the meeting room are locked, and it is almost impossible for ordinary people to break in by brute force, but it appears silently, which can be said to be very scary to ordinary people.

The person who came in was Liang Ye. He was wearing a hood and swept everyone in the meeting room with his sharp eyes.

Everyone who was swept by Liang Ye's eyes shivered without exception, but the two security guards guarding the gate reacted at this moment, took out their batons and rushed towards Liang Ye.

Seeing the actions of his own security guards, Anthony Lawton's heart relaxed a little.However, the next scene made his eyes widen.

One security guard threw his baton at Liang Ye's head, while another security guard attacked Liang Ye's right leg joint.

Liang Ye didn't move his body, let alone make any counterattack, he just blinked his eyes slowly.

The next moment, a pair of black wings appeared behind Liang Ye. When the enemy attacked, Liang Ye spread his wings, and the black wings startled the two security guards, who subconsciously stopped He didn't dare to step forward again.


Then, two light bullets hit the shoulders of the two security guards. They only felt a stabbing pain, and then fell to the ground without any resistance.

Liang Ye raised his chin towards the window, and then fixed his eyes on Anthony Lawton.

On the building opposite, Lei Yu was lying on the ground, with his sniper rifle "Sky Eye" in front of him. There was no doubt that he fired the two shots just now, and he used tranquilizer bombs.Before the operation, Liang Ye specially reminded that the use of lethal means is not allowed in this operation unless threatened.

Only three members of the Ghost Task Force came this time, namely Liang Ye, Zhou Yuying, and Lei Yu.The rest are still on standby at headquarters.

Because this is not a combat operation, so many people are not needed.

In the conference room, Liang Ye took off his hood, and then walked to the table, his eyes stayed on Anthony Lawton.

"Who are you?" Anthony Lawton said forcefully.

Liang Ye smiled and replied, "You know who I am."

Indeed, Anthony Lawton certainly knew who the person in front of him was. He just wanted to pretend he didn't know anything, but Liang Ye saw through it at a glance.

Anthony Lawton didn't pretend anymore, he clenched his fist vigorously, and said a little decadently, "What do you want?"

He knew that the man in front of him was Liang Ye, not only Liang Anguo's son, but also an agent of the Strategic Security Bureau. Liang Ye was definitely not here for a stroll and a cup of tea.

Liang Ye pressed his hands on the table and said in a deep voice, "The things you want to hide."

A cold breeze blew slowly through everyone in the conference room, making them feel like they were in an ice cave.

As soon as Liang Ye's words came out, everyone present subconsciously fixed their eyes on Anthony Lawton.It's not because they are cowardly, but because Anthony Lawton decides all of this.

Everyone present knew what he was hiding.

"I don't understand what you're talking about," Anthony Lawton said.

"You will understand." As he spoke, Liang Ye snapped his fingers.


The sudden sound startled Anthony Lawton and others.The door of the conference room, which was originally closed, was pushed open, and a long-haired woman in black walked in.

Because of the opening of the door, the dark meeting room finally had a glimmer of light, and people could clearly see Liang Ye's appearance.Anyone who has known him knows who Liang Ye is.

The person who walked in was Zhou Yuying. With a tablet in her hand, she walked straight to Liang Ye's side, and then pushed the tablet in front of Anthony Lawton.

When Liang Ye was entangled with these people, Zhou Yuying invaded the computer system of Weixi Medicine and found traces of data transfer.

Any operation on the computer will leave a record, especially Zhou Yuying came in a timely manner, and she obtained the information when the operator was about to clean up, but she couldn't find out where the data was transferred, so she had to find out where the data was transferred. Instructed to come down to the conference room.

On the tablet is the transfer record just now, which clearly shows that the computer has performed five transfers, and each time the data exceeds 5T.

For files over 5T, it can be seen that the data is not simple.

After Anthony Lawton saw it, a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes. Although it was very subtle, it was still captured by Liang Ye.

"Come and tell me, why are you so happy?" Liang Ye pressed his hand on the table again, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

Anthony Lawton quickly put away the joy in his eyes, even so, his heart beat faster because of the joy.

Of course he knew what the display on the tablet represented. For Weixi Medicine, this was a way of life, and it was also a way for him to avoid being sanctioned.

"I don't know, I've been here for a meeting just now." Anthony Lawton said, shaking his head.

Liang Ye nodded. Instead of resting his eyes on Anthony Lawton, he turned his head to look at Zhou Yuying and said, "Can't find it?"

Zhou Yuying nodded and said, "There are traces, but the direction of transfer has not been traced."

Liang Ye thought for half a second, his eyes flashed brightly, and he said quickly, "Is it possible that it wasn't transferred by the network?"

As soon as his words came out, Zhou Yuying's eyes widened instantly, then she snapped her fingers, turned around and ran out of the meeting room.

In just two short conversations, the two of them had already guessed the general idea.

There are operation records in the computer, but no whereabouts can be found, so there is only one possibility, that is, someone copied all the data with the hard disk.

The time of the operation record was just a few minutes ago, which also proves that the person who copied the data is still here.Zhou Yuying ran out of the conference room just to chase this person.

"Very well, Anthony Lawton, it doesn't matter if you don't say anything, what you want to hide will eventually be dug out by us. Now, you should think about how you want to spend your life in prison." Liang Ye said As he spoke, he took out a piece of paper.

This is the arrest warrant, and Liang Ye was ready when he came.

In fact, he can take people away without explaining anything, but Liang Ye likes to do something special.

Anthony Lawton's face became ugly. He didn't expect that he would be captured by the Strategic Security Bureau. Regarding this result, he would not be aggrieved and lie.

But he couldn't resist, no one in the conference room was capable of stopping Liang Ye, and no one would come out to help him.

 It's been a long time since I updated, and I finally found time to write a chapter.Although it is late, I wish you all a happy new year and all the best.

(End of this chapter)

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