Ghost Task Force

Chapter 466 Surprise

Chapter 466 Surprise

Xiao Xiao will embark on the road of writing not only because of her interest, but also because of the influence of her family.Xiao Hao served in the military camp for 12 years, Xiao Xiao grew up under the care of his mother, and Xu Ziqian was a university teacher whose course happened to be literature.

When Xiao Xiao was young, Xu Ziqian began to cultivate her reading habits, and Xiao Xiao also showed an amazing writing talent. Every time she finished a book, she would write a post-reading review, and Xu Ziqian would comment and comment on her articles. Propose amendments.

It is also true that Xiao Xiao grew into a world-famous writer step by step.

Liang Ye understood all of this.

The two walked into the building, and while waiting for the elevator, Xiao Xiao noticed that Liang Ye was adjusting his breathing.

"What's the matter with you, are you so nervous?" Xiao Xiao asked with a half-smile.

It was rare for her to see Liang Ye with such an expression, it could be seen that he was really nervous.

"I can fight against the enemy in the hail of bullets without a trace of tension, but I have to meet my parents, and I really can't control it." Liang Ye smiled bitterly, "What if your parents are really dissatisfied with me?"

"Don't worry." Xiao Xiao stretched out her hand to hold Liang Ye's arm, and said, "My parents appreciate you very much, and it is my freedom to choose my significant other. They said they would not interfere with my choice."

In fact, long before Xiao Xiao and Liang Ye got together, Xiao Hao had said that Liang Ye was the best candidate for their son-in-law.

Today's meeting did not include any unnecessary factors, it was purely that Xiao Hao and his wife wanted to meet Liang Ye.

After walking into the elevator, Liang Ye calmed down his nervousness.

Xiao Xiao kept holding his arm, although she was about to get home soon, she didn't intend to let go at all.In front of her parents, she didn't want to hide anything, she just wanted to let them know that this man was the love of her life.

"Ding dong..." The elevator door opened slowly, and Xiao Xiao pulled Liang Ye towards her door.

Before Xiao Xiao could knock on the door, Xiao Hao pushed the door open and walked out, his eyes immediately fell on Liang Ye.

Liang Ye didn't flinch, and met Xiao Hao's gaze on his own initiative.

The four eyes met, there was no confrontation, and the eyes of the two were very calm.

"Dad." Xiao Xiao took a step forward and said to Xiao Hao, "He is my boyfriend, Liang Ye."

"I've admired your name for a long time, Liang Ye, you have enough identities, which one should I call?" Xiao Hao looked at Liang Ye with a smile on his face. Although he knew the many identities of the young man in front of him, he didn't know who he was. It was the first time for Xiao Hao to contact him.

Liang Ye was slightly taken aback by Xiao Hao's question, then took the initiative to meet him, freeing his right hand to salute Xiao Hao.

"Hello, old squad leader!"

Xiao Hao and Xiao Xiao were taken aback by Liang Ye's move, but Xiao Hao quickly realized and returned the gift to Liang Ye.

Xiao Hao had served in the army for 12 years. Although he was not an officer, his military service was indeed much longer than Liang Ye, so Liang Ye was right to call him squad leader.

And this made Xiao Hao's impression of him even deeper.

"Thank you for remembering that I am a veteran, but you, a major, took the initiative to salute me, but you are a bit of a corporal." Xiao Hao stretched out his hand towards Liang Ye.

Liang Ye quickly shook hands and said with a smile, "Uncle, you are too polite. I am a junior, and I should pay tribute to you."

Xiao Xiao quickly added from the side: "Father, he is now a lieutenant colonel."

"Oh?" Xiao Hao was a little surprised, he didn't know the news.

At this time, Xu Ziqian shouted from inside the house: "Come in quickly, don't stand outside the door."


Hearing Xu Ziqian's voice, Xiao Xiao turned around and ran towards the house, and quickly threw herself into her mother's arms.

"This child." Xu Ziqian hugged Xiao Xiao with a doting smile on her face.

Although her daughter has grown up, in her eyes, Xiao Xiao is still that little girl who needs to be loved.

"Please come in." Xiao Hao made a gesture of invitation to Liang Ye.

"Uncle, aunt, this is my little thought."

After entering the room, Liang Ye delivered two gifts to Xiao Hao and Xu Ziqian.

"This is?" Seeing the box of tea leaves, Xiao Hao's first feeling was that it was not simple. He had seen and tasted wild camellia before, and he has not been able to forget the taste so far.

Seeing this box now, he immediately remembered it.

"Yes, Wild Camellia, although it has the same name as another tea on the market, you can't buy this kind of tea." Liang Ye said to Xiao Hao.

Xiao Hao nodded repeatedly. He had coveted this kind of tea for a long time, but even in his capacity, he couldn't buy it. One can imagine how rare this kind of tea is.

This time, Liang Ye brought him a whole two catties.Now Xiao Hao tried his best to show a calm expression, but the smile on the corner of his mouth showed his emotions.

"Okay, that's great, Liang Ye, you have a heart!" Xiao Hao laughed and turned to the room. He planned to hide the tea leaves.

His appearance made everyone laugh.

"Look at your father." Xu Ziqian stroked Xiao Xiao's hair and said with a smile, "At first he wanted to pretend to be serious, but now he has been bribed by tea."

"Isn't this good? Liang Ye was very nervous at the beginning. Dad looks the best this way, and I'm not nervous anymore." Xiao Xiao said, turned to look at Liang Ye, and voted for him. Encouraging glances.

"Liang Ye, thank you for your gift, I like it very much." Xu Ziqian smiled and looked at the young man in front of her.

Liang Ye is handsome, his first impression is that he is strong, from aura to appearance, he is a perfect man.

Xu Ziqian didn't care about Liang Ye's identity and background, she only cared about whether he could make Xiao Xiao happy and whether he could make Xiao Xiao happy.Because it was the first time Xiao Xiao talked about her boyfriend in the past 20 years.

"Auntie, you are being polite." Liang Ye said.

Xu Ziqian nodded slightly, and then said, "Stop standing, sit down, I've already made tea."

Xiao Xiao took Liang Ye to sit on the sofa in the living room, and at this time Xiao Hao had already hidden the tea leaves Liang Ye gave him, and walked out with a smile on his face.

"You chat with them, I still have a few dishes to prepare." After speaking, Xu Ziqian turned and went back to the kitchen.

Xiao Hao sat opposite Liang Ye, this time he really looked at the young man in front of him carefully.

Leaving aside Liang Ye's identity and ability, on the surface he is a handsome young man who can easily be liked by others.No one in the world could find fault with his looks.

"The two of you are together, but it detonated the entire Internet." Xiao Hao picked up the teacup, looked at Liang Ye and said, "Mother Xiao Xiao and I have always wanted to meet you, but it was only from the perspective of parents. I didn't intend to To get to know your abilities carefully, we don't want to catch up with your father, we just hope that you can treat my daughter well."

Xiao Hao's words surprised Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao.His first words have already stated that he will not interfere with the relationship between the two.

(End of this chapter)

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