Ghost Task Force

Chapter 467 Sub-support

Chapter 467 100% Support

Although Xiao Xiao knew that his father would not interfere, when he heard his request to Liang Ye, the tension in his heart also faded away.

It's normal for Xiao Hao to say that, after all, he is Xiao Xiao's father, so he naturally hopes that his daughter can live a happy life without any grievances.

"Uncle, don't worry, it has become my instinct to be nice to Xiao Xiao. In my subconscious mind, I don't want her to encounter any unhappy things." Liang Ye replied.

When he said this, Liang Ye took the initiative to hold Xiao Xiao's hand. Although this was in front of Xiao Hao, he didn't want to hide anything.

Xiao Hao nodded, he believed in Liang Ye.

Although Liang Ye is also a son of a rich family, he gives people a completely different feeling, without any frivolity or arrogance.

"I have had contact with your father, you really look like him." Xiao Hao said.

Liang Ye was not surprised by Xiao Hao's evaluation. He replied with a smile: "It's okay, I think I'm not as good as my father. I still need to learn his views and strategies."

The humility and respect for his father revealed by Liang Ye's words made Xiao Hao look up to Liang Yegao again.

After Xiao Xiao and Liang Ye got together, Xiao Hao heard about the public opinion on the Internet.At first, he was worried about whether public opinion would affect Xiao Xiao, but now it seems that neither Liang Ye nor Xiao Xiao paid attention to this.

"Aren't you going to tell me about your current position?" Xiao Hao looked at Liang Ye with a half-smile, "It's no secret that the Strategic Security Bureau is in the whole world now, but I don't think many people will." I can't believe that the ninth-level agent is actually a 21-year-old young man."

"This..." Liang Ye scratched his head, "The Security Bureau is an intelligence agency, so..."

What he meant was very clear, but he couldn't say it.

"Understood." Xiao Hao nodded, but he didn't continue to ask.

He didn't want to dig out all the information about Liang Ye, but just asked some questions from the perspective of an elder.

"My age is embarrassing, but I have always felt that the responsible work does not conflict with my age." Liang Ye scratched Xiao Xiao's palm and said, "My father was the youngest general, and there were many generals at that time. People have expressed criticism of him, but he has come to this point in his own right."

"Yes, Liang Anguo is also a legend." Xiao Hao also expressed his opinion.

Today in the military, the story of Liang Anguo is still circulating. For many current senior generals, he is a legendary existence.

"I was a sergeant back then, and I often talked about your father with my soldiers." Xiao Hao's eyes showed a hint of respect, "He led the Dragon Eagle Commando and successfully captured the hostages from a battalion of enemies. After being rescued, more than 70 enemies were killed, and there were no casualties on our side. Every time I think of this story, my blood surges, how I wish I was also a member of the Dragon Eagle commando.”

Liang Ye was a little surprised, he didn't expect Xiao Hao to be so clear about some of his father's experiences.

"Which unit were you in at the time?" Liang Ye asked.

"I'm an army scout. I changed jobs as a sergeant in 12. At that time, I served in the special operations force stationed in City H." Xiao Hao replied.

He was not an officer, which was what surprised Liang Ye the most.But now he is the mayor, and he has been promoted to the position of mayor after the sergeant changed his job, which is enough to prove Xiao Hao's ability.

"My father mentioned you to me. At the reception a few years ago, he always told me that the mayor of City H is very capable." Liang Ye said.

"It's an honor to receive such a high evaluation from him."

Xiao Hao's words came from the bottom of his heart. He never thought of getting on Liang Anguo's line. He relied on himself along the way.

City H is one of the most developed cities in China. Especially after Xiao Hao became the mayor, the happiness of the citizens continued to rise, and the people gave him a unanimous thumbs up.

Xiao Xiao has been listening to the conversation between the two, and this harmonious atmosphere is what she wants to see most.

At this moment, Xu Ziqian, who was wearing an apron, came out of the kitchen and shouted to everyone, "It's time to eat."

"Mom, I'll help you." Xiao Xiao immediately jumped up from the sofa and ran into the kitchen.

After a while, everyone sat around the dining table, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

"Auntie cooks her home-cooked dishes, which are relatively light. I hope it suits your taste." Xu Ziqian said while looking at Liang Ye.

Liang Ye replied while picking up vegetables, "It's very appetizing, thank you, auntie."

The dishes made by Xu Ziqian are indeed very appetizing. Although Liang Ye is suitable for all kinds of dishes, he personally likes to eat some light meals.

"Xiao Ye, what are your plans in the future, are you staying in the barracks?" Xu Ziqian asked.

It could be heard from the address that Xu Ziqian was also very satisfied with Liang Ye.

"Actually, strictly speaking, I am no longer in the military camp, but I still have a military identity." Liang Ye replied.

According to his current position in the Strategic Security Bureau, he is indeed no longer in the barracks, but his rank is retained and he can continue to be promoted.

"Then will you work in this field all your life?" Xu Ziqian continued to ask.

Her question aroused Xiao Xiao's doubts, and she couldn't help turning her head to look at her mother.

"I don't know yet." Liang Ye shook his head lightly, he really didn't think so far.

Xu Ziqian didn't continue to ask on this topic. Liang Ye is only 21 years old, so it's really too early to think about it now.

"One day in the future, I really won't be engaged in these jobs for the rest of my life." Liang Ye said.

Xiao Hao said: "After retiring from the army, you took over the Yeshen Group?"

Liang Ye shook his head and said, "No, I really have no idea of ​​going into business."

In fact, Liang Anguo also hopes that Liang Ye can take over his position. Liang Ye showed amazing business talent in high school; but the problem is that he doesn't like it.

This is also a headache for Liang Anguo, but now Liang Ye is keen on this military uniform, so Liang Anguo will not interfere with Liang Ye's choice.

Xiao Hao and Xu Ziqian are very curious about Liang Ye's future, while Xiao Xiao and Liang Ye are still young and there are many variables in the future, but one thing is for sure, Liang Ye will definitely bring Xiao Xiao the best living environment.

People like Liang Ye can reach the top no matter what industry they are in.

At the dinner table, everyone chatted with each other sentence by sentence, and the topic gradually no longer revolved around Liang Ye. Xiao Xiao's next work and plans after the postgraduate entrance examination also became topics of discussion at the dinner table.

Liang Ye, the future son-in-law of Xiao Hao and his wife, they really couldn't find any problems.And Xiao Xiao's attitude towards Liang Ye is enough to prove that she has identified this man all her life.As a parent, seeing my daughter find such an excellent boyfriend is of course 100% support.

(End of this chapter)

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