Ghost Task Force

Chapter 475 Werewolf

Chapter 475 Werewolf
"Okay, everyone pay attention, land immediately."

After finishing speaking, Lei Yu loaded Tianyan's bullet, and the crisp "click" sound filled his chest with fighting spirit instantly.

His love for firearms made him the strongest marksman in China and a legend in the world of snipers.

Lei Yu walked to the rear cabin door, supported the cabin wall with his hand, pressed the communicator and said: "Communication test, I am Lei Yu, deputy captain of the Ghost Task Force, please answer the ground commando."

"Ground commando received."

"Share your location, we will arrive soon."


The Phantom fighter plane landed slowly in the middle of the valley. The fuselage was lifted from the stealth state at the moment of landing, and the stealth was restored when the task force members got off the plane.

As soon as Zhou Yuying stood firm, she couldn't help shivering. She took a breath and said, "It's really cold in the north."

"Let's make a quick decision." As he said that, Lei Yu put his Sky Eye behind his back and began to follow the direction shown on the map.

The team members took a step, one kilometer is not far, and it only takes one or two minutes to run.

The mine is surrounded by mountains, and the sunken ground is surrounded by winding mountain roads. The bare hills look very lonely.There are dozens of abandoned excavators and large trucks parked in front of the mine entrance. If a strong attack is launched, although it is condescending, it is really difficult for ordinary commandos to break through the defense.

After reaching the top of the mine, Lei Yu made a stop gesture, then took off the "Sky Eye" behind his back, and said in a low voice: "There is a secret whistle."

"Report to the deputy captain, we have obtained the enemy's location information, and now share it on your interface."

The ground commando of the Security Bureau brought support to Leiyu in a timely manner. They have been waiting here for half an hour, and they will naturally obtain the enemy's location information.

The positions of the mercenaries' secret sentinels have been known to the task force members. Zhou Yuying stretched out her left hand and pressed lightly on the watch.

In the next second, the watch automatically transformed into a small display.

At the same time, Zhou Yuying put on her pair of red-rimmed glasses.

"L and most of the mercenaries are inside the mine, only three secret sentries and five mercenaries are on the periphery." Zhou Yuying said.

Her glasses can see through infrared, and can directly see through the structure of the mine and the location of the enemy.

"There are many sensors around. If we launch an attack directly, it will attract the attention of the internal enemies. There is another exit inside the mine." Zhou Yuying continued.

"Tyrant, mage, you two stand guard at the exit, Zhou Yuying and I attack from the front." Lei Yu stood up, raised the "eye of the sky" in his hand, and while adjusting the parameters, he said: "If you are the boss, At this time, I will also choose to launch a strong attack, and there is no way to sneak into this kind of place."

After speaking, he squeezed the trigger forcefully.

"call out!"

The barrel of the gun flicked slightly, and a bullet flew out quickly, accurately hitting a secret sentry hidden in the dark.

In fact, when Lei Yu stood up, the dark whistle had already spotted him, but before the mercenary had time to react, the bullet had already hit his head.

Tang Hao and Deng Xuan understood, got up and left quickly.

"Strong attack." Zhou Yuying also stood up and pressed lightly on the small monitor in her left hand.

In the next second, the combat boots on her feet shone with light, and she began to soar into the air.

"I rely on?"

Lei Yu, who was aiming at the enemy, was shocked by this scene. He suddenly remembered that Zhou Yuying was still talking about the research on portable aircraft yesterday, but today she actually showed it.

"This is just a test product. I just came to feel it today, deputy team, give the order." Zhou Yuying said proudly. Although she said it was a test product, it could be seen from her expression , her set of portable aircraft has almost been completed.

Although Zhou Yuying's individual combat ability is very strong, she is also the weakest in the task force, so she must arm herself with various high-tech equipment.

Liang Ye has the ability of wind, Lei Yu is a legendary sharpshooter, Tang Hao has power beyond ordinary people, and Deng Xuan has magic.As for her, only her IQ is different from ordinary people.

Zhou Yuying wears two electromagnetic gloves on both hands. The left hand can absorb metal at close range, and the right hand can launch an electric current attack ten meters away.There is a special pistol in the gun pocket on her right leg, with a range of up to 200 meters, and it is also equipped with auxiliary aiming and automatically corrects the ballistic trajectory.

These were all researched and produced by her and the equipment department, and further improvements were made on the basis of the original prototype, and the pistol has become the standard equipment of the task force.

After Zhou Yuying flew into the air, the secret whistle hidden in the dark had already spotted her, and they all raised their rifles to shoot at her.

Hearing the gunshots, Lei Yu was about to tell Zhou Yuying to get away, but seeing her confident face, he didn't shout for a while.

Sure enough, Zhou Yuying stretched out her left hand, activated the magnetic force of the glove, and the bullets flying towards her stopped in front of her, and then fell to the ground.

"Yes, very strong." Lei Yu couldn't help but praise, then raised the "eye of the sky" in his hand, and killed several secret sentries hidden in the dark.

"Ground commando on standby."

After finishing speaking, Lei Yu stretched out his hand towards Zhou Yuying.

Zhou Yuying signaled and lowered the flying altitude, then grabbed Lei Yu's palm and led him towards the entrance of the mine.

Several mercenaries stationed at the entrance of the mine noticed an enemy attack, but they were stunned when they saw two people flying from the sky.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lei Yu activated the pistol guard in his right hand and shot at several enemies.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Five bullets hit the heads of five mercenaries, and before they even had a chance to react, they were killed by the thunderstorm.

The ground commando members who were observing the battle were all stunned, and one commando couldn't help but said: "This marksmanship is too strong!"

The commando captain glanced at the gun in his hand and said to himself, "This is the Ghost Task Force..."

At this time, the headquarters of the Strategic Defense Bureau, the lounge of the Ghost Task Force.

Liang Ye looked at the video screen shared by Zhou Yuying on the screen, and nodded with satisfaction.

So far, the task force's operations have been very smooth, and the aircraft displayed by Zhou Yuying also surprised Liang Ye, because Zhou Yuying did not report the update of the equipment to him.

At this time, Lan Siqi ran to Liang Ye, handed the tablet in front of Liang Ye, and said hurriedly: "Lieutenant Colonel, there is an urgent message from the director."

"Huh?" Liang Ye took over the computer and quickly browsed through the information.

The general content is that a transport ship of the Strategic Defense Agency in the Pacific Ocean was hijacked by pirates. Some of the pirates were werewolves, and the guarding agents could not resist and died in battle.Director Li Shan instructed Liang Ye to lead the commando to recapture the transport ship.

Looking at the content of the message, Liang Ye frowned and said slowly, "Werewolf?"

"Claire, don't you want to come up with a mission?" Liang Ye turned around and looked at Claire, smiling slightly, "I'll take you there now."

Claire, who was eating lunch, heard Liang Ye's words, and immediately stood up from the sofa, with a happy smile on the corner of her mouth, and nodded vigorously.

(End of this chapter)

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