Ghost Task Force

Chapter 476: Strong Responsiveness

Chapter 476: Strong Responsiveness

"who are they?"

In the mine, L stood up from his chair, because no one could see his expression clearly because he was wearing a black mask.

The surrounding mercenaries shook their heads one after another, they also knew nothing about the outside situation, but everyone had already clenched their weapons, and now they were waiting for L to give an order.

"The cameras were all destroyed, we didn't see what they looked like clearly," said a mercenary.

"Defend the passage, stop and annihilate the attacking enemies. We are most familiar with the terrain here, and they will definitely die when they enter."

After speaking, L took the M4 rifle beside him, turned around and walked towards the evacuation passage.

The mercenaries entered the battle positions one after another, and they naturally didn't ask any questions about L's departure. L has a cruel personality. Whoever dares to ask more questions may have his neck broken in the next second.

Although L is impulsive, he is definitely not a fool. He can wipe out all the secret sentries quietly, and the enemies who come to attack must have strong abilities.

If he rushed out rashly, he might directly rush into the enemy's ambush circle, so he chose to leave from the withdrawal point first, and then went around to observe the attacking enemy.

They always thought that the withdrawal point was very secret and no one knew about it, but in fact, at the withdrawal point, Deng Xuan and Tang Hao were waiting for the mercenaries to come out.

At this time, both of them were hiding in the rubble, observing the exit location.

Although the entrance to the mine is full of bare loess, there are many trees growing at the evacuation point.The recovery ability of nature is fully reflected here. Perhaps in a few decades, all the hills here will be covered with plants.

At the entrance of the mine, Zhou Yuying looked at the picture of the internal structure, and said to Lei Yu: "They all chose to stay inside the mine, and one person is going to the evacuation point."

"That must be L." Lei Yu pressed the communicator in his left ear, and quickly said: "Tyrant, mage, L is heading to your location, be prepared, and we must stop him."

As he said that, Lei Yu looked at Zhou Yuying and said, "You and I will enter the mine and destroy the enemy together."

"No problem." Zhou Yuying nodded, and took out the pistol in the gun pocket on her right leg.

Lei Yu picked up his "Eye of the Sky" and rushed into the mine first, followed by Zhou Yuying.

The interior of the mine is pitch black, and the circuit has long been cut off because it has been abandoned for many years.The two quickly turned on the night vision mode of the glasses, ready to fight at any time.

As for the inside of the mine, it was the first time for both of them to walk, but Zhou Yuying had the support of high-tech glasses, and obtained the structure of the entire mine through scanning. Go wrong.

The air inside the mine was extremely turbid. The two of them controlled their breathing while walking. Excessive inhalation of this turbid air would affect the lungs.

"Turn left ahead." Zhou Yuying reminded in a low voice.

Lei Yu nodded, and while he was walking, he adjusted the shooting mode of Tianyan to burst fire.

At the same time, Zhou Yuying also received the latest report from the Strategic Security Bureau. She quickly followed Lei Yu's footsteps, patted him on the back, and said in a low voice: "A transport ship in the Bureau has been hijacked, and the crew reported There are werewolves among the attacking enemies, and the director ordered the captain to deal with it, and the captain has already set off with Claire."

"Claire, did the captain take her there?" Lei Yu thought for half a second, and then said, "Then let's make a quick decision, and it's not ruled out that the captain will need our support!"

However, he hadn't taken two steps forward before Zhou Yuying quickly pulled him back. Before he could speak, Zhou Yuying whispered, "There are mines."

Lei Yu frowned, then scanned the ground in front of him with his eyes, and there were indeed traces of being excavated.

He activated the scanning function in the contact lens, and after observing for a while, he said, "It's a fragment mine, and the buried quantity is enough to kill us hundreds of times."

"I have a solution." Zhou Yuying took out a small blue bead and said in a low voice, "This is a frozen bead specially used to deal with landmines. It can temporarily disable landmines."

"for how long."

"15 seconds."


Lei Yu took the beads and threw them vigorously towards the ground in front of him.

As a gust of cold air rushed out, the ground where the mines were buried was instantly covered with a thick layer of ice, and the thunderstorm quickly led Zhou Yuying through the mine area.

As soon as the two passed through the minefield, the mercenaries in ambush stood up one after another, ready to shoot at the two of them.

But Lei Yu knew that there would be enemies here, and he was ready when he passed.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Three bullets flew out of the pistol guard, killing three enemies.

A fierce gun battle broke out in the mine tunnel in an instant. The intensive firepower of the mercenaries covered the area where Lei Yu and Zhou Yuying were located. The two used the boulders in the tunnel as cover, looking for opportunities to fight back.

"There are a lot of them. If heavy weapons are used, this place may collapse!" Zhou Yuying said loudly.

"I know!" Lei Yu responded, he replaced a magazine for the pistol guard, and said loudly: "I'll deal with them!"

As he said that, he took advantage of the gap between a few mercenaries changing magazines, and rolled sideways out of the bunker.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Bullets flew out of the barrel of the "Eye of the Sky" one by one, hitting one mercenary after another with precision.

When they saw the thunderstorm and wanted to raise their guns to shoot, the bullets would cruelly pass through their brains without giving them a chance to react.

There were ten mercenaries stationed in this passage, and it took five seconds for the thunderstorm to clear all the enemies in this passage.

Zhou Yuying was right, they did have heavy weapons on their bodies, and three anti-tank rocket launchers were enough to blow up this tunnel.

The mercenaries themselves are very capable in combat, but they met the sharpshooter Lei Yu. When the guns confronted, Lei Yu would not give them a chance to react.

If other commandos were to attack this channel, it might be difficult to have a chance to counterattack under the intensive firepower just now, but when thunderstorms came to deal with it, it only needed a small pause to catch the enemy by surprise.

This is the power of thunderstorms.

After eliminating the enemies in this passage, Lei Yu continued to walk towards the depths of the mine, Zhou Yuying followed behind Lei Yu holding a pistol.

At this time, L quickly walked out of the mine exit with a rifle in his hand. The moment his footsteps walked toward the light, he subconsciously raised his gun and shot towards Deng Xuan and the others.


The deafening gunshots rang out, but the scene he wanted to see the most did not appear, and there was only the scene of two bullets hitting the ground.

I saw a transparent protective cover covering both Tang Hao and Deng Xuan, and the bullet's attack was completely ineffective.

"Strong perception ability." Deng Xuan stood up with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

The scene just now made L's eyes under the mask flash a cold light, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Supernatural!"

(End of this chapter)

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