Ghost Task Force

Chapter 477 Information Station

Chapter 477 Information Station

"I have killed many supernatural beings before, and I enjoyed their begging for mercy." L slowly pulled out the samurai sword behind his back, his eyes under the mask were shining coldly, from his words, It seems to be full of resentment towards the supernatural beings.

Deng Xuan and Tang Hao walked in front of L, because L was wearing a mask, they couldn't see his facial expression at this time.

"With your strength and speed, you can be regarded as half a supernatural power user." Deng Xuan took out his exclusive dagger, turned it quickly in the palm of his hand, and said, "But you have killed the supernatural power Or as enjoyment, why is that?"

When L saw Deng Xuan and Tang Hao, a shocking murderous aura erupted from his body, as if he would not stop until he smashed Deng Xuan and Tang Hao to pieces.

No one knew his detailed experience, and the intelligence department's information on L was not complete. If an in-depth investigation was required, Zhou Yuying had to be involved.It's just that Zhou Yuying is performing the task together now, so she can't move away to investigate.

Now, the main task of Deng Xuan and Tang Hao is to arrest L.

Although L has not launched an attack on the transport ship of the Strategic Defense Bureau now, but the intelligence predicts that this may happen, and L himself is evil, killing many innocent supernatural beings cruelly, and his previous crimes are enough to be punished. Capture or kill directly.

L didn't answer Deng Xuan's question directly. He clenched the samurai sword in his hand, walked towards Deng Xuan and Tang Hao, and said as he walked, "The dead are not entitled to know."

As soon as the words fell, L rushed towards the two of them like lightning. The samurai sword in his hand did not attack Deng Xuan, but first slashed at Tang Hao who had not spoken.

Tang Hao also expected this. He stretched out his hand and held L's samurai sword straight.

Intuition told L that Tang Hao did not do this rashly or without brain, but with full confidence.

L's intuition was right, Tang Hao wore a pair of nanomechanical gloves covering his entire arm.He also wore a close-fitting protective clothing, which was concealed under the coat.This set of protective clothing can resist the attack of bullets and swords, and can even withstand the impact of ordinary grenades.

Mechanical gloves can enhance Tang Hao's attack ability and attack speed, which greatly reduces the slow speed caused by his strong body. Coupled with his own strength ability, this whole set of equipment improves Tang Hao's combat ability up a notch.

There is no doubt that this set of equipment was also developed by Zhou Yuying. She has been using her expertise to develop more suitable equipment for the task force members, and is constantly improving it.

Deng Xuan himself doesn't need much equipment support, his magic is enough, and Zhou Yuying hasn't thought of something suitable for him yet.

The most important thing now is to get Liang Ye's battle suit. It will take time for her to integrate it into a smart watch.

The scene returned to the battlefield. At the moment when Tang Hao's palm was about to grab the samurai sword, L quickly retracted the weapon, lowered his body, and passed Tang Hao's armpit at an inertial speed.

Deng Xuan seized the opportunity at this moment, condensed an electric current in the palm of his right hand, and then struck in the direction of L.

The fighting instinct of the body made L turn around quickly, and blocked the electric current attack with the samurai sword in his hand.

Deng Xuan's lightning attack had a strong impact. Although L blocked the lightning with his samurai sword, the impact of the lightning still made him retreat tens of meters close to the ground.

The "sizzling" sound produced by the lightning echoed around, and the ground reflected blue light. L clenched the samurai sword in his hand, and the strong impact almost made him unable to stand still.

The blue light was also reflected on Deng Xuan's face. His right hand controlled the lightning, and his left hand had already condensed a fireball.

After supporting for 2 seconds, L used his own movement speed to quickly leave the attack range of the lightning, and rushed towards Deng Xuan holding a samurai sword.

Deng Xuan had already guessed that he would do this. While L was moving towards him, he threw the fireball in his left hand forward, and then activated the defensive magic, enveloping himself and Tang Hao.

Seeing the fireball flying towards him, L's eyes turned cold, but he had nowhere to hide.


The fire shrouded the area, and the sound of the explosion awakened the animals hidden underground.

Inside the mine, Lei Yu and Zhou Yuying exchanged fire with the next wave of enemies. Relying on their large numbers, the mercenaries used dense firepower to hinder their progress.

Lei Yu lowered his body, leaned out of the bunker and pulled the trigger twice, then shouted at Zhou Yuying: "Use the tracking grenade."

"The tracking grenade can't be used, it will blow up this area." Zhou Yuying said.

"Do you have any other options?" Lei Yu asked while fighting back.

It's not that he can't handle the current situation, and if he is given a little more time, he can naturally destroy all the enemies.What he wants now is speed, and he wants a quick win.

"Of course." As she said that, Zhou Yuying's mouth flashed a ray of confidence.

Then, she took out the blue beads that were used to freeze the mines before, and said quickly: "You can freeze them, and tunnel warfare is the most useful."

"Excellent." Lei Yu hurriedly reached out to take it, and then threw it at the mercenaries who were constantly pulling the trigger.

A mercenary with quick reaction noticed the arrival of the blue beads. He quickly raised the gun in his hand and shot in the direction of the beads.

"Bang!" A bullet hit the bead.

Then, a cold wave swept over, covering all the mercenaries.

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Lei Yu walked out from behind the bunker, looked at the mercenaries frozen into ice sculptures, and couldn't help giving Zhou Yuying a thumbs up.

"I will never provoke you again." Lei Yu smiled wryly.

Every time Zhou Yuying came up with something novel, Lei Yu was very thankful that she wasn't killed by Zhou Yuying.

Although he has a strong combat ability, Zhou Yuying's various high-tech equipment can make others play around, and it is estimated that Liang Ye can't stand it.

"Hmph!" Zhou Yuying looked proud, and walked towards the ice sculptures, taking out her pistol as she walked.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

With the sound of gunfire, the ice sculptures turned into fragments and fell to the ground, and the mercenaries who were frozen inside also lost their lives.

Lei Yu looked at Zhou Yuying's back, couldn't help wiping the sweat off his forehead, and then quickly followed Zhou Yuying's pace.

Going further inside is the small base where L and the others had rested before, and there were two mercenaries preparing to ambush inside, but before they could attack, Thunderstorm shot their heads twice.

"Hehe, this is still an information station?" Zhou Yuying looked at the computers all around her, her eyes shining brightly.

This area is the size of a basketball court. Besides the computer, there are also a large number of weapons and ammunition, almost a small arsenal.

Lei Yu pressed the communicator and said, "Ground commando, come in and search."

(End of this chapter)

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