Ghost Task Force

Chapter 479 Silver Bullet

Chapter 479 Silver Bullet
Liang Ye didn't know that Tang Hao and the others were discussing themselves. At this time, he was taking Claire to the Pacific Ocean in a ghost fighter, and the captain of the support commando was introducing the situation to Liang Ye.

"The transport ship is completely controlled by pirates and is currently sailing eastward. They demanded that we pay 10 billion." The commando captain said.

"Why so much money?" Liang Ye asked.

"Because the things on the ship are worth 100 billion US dollars, mainly various scientific research materials, if they destroy the transport ship, it will cause heavy damage to the research and development department."

"Damn, they really know how to pick." Liang Ye cursed, and then asked: "Where are the positions of the enemy and the hostages?"

Because there were werewolves among the pirates, Liang Ye didn't take it lightly, and reminded Claire to pay attention.

Claire blinked her big eyes and looked at Liang Ye curiously. Although the commando was in charge of explaining the situation, her attention was still on Liang Ye because she only obeyed Liang Ye's orders.

"This is a smart ship with only 17 crew members, and they are all concentrated in the cockpit." The commando leader switched the display to the overall hull, and continued: "The enemy has 30 people, and most of them are wandering on the deck. , a small part in the cockpit and engine room, where they installed bombs that could destroy the entire ship."

Liang Ye loaded the pistol he carried with him with a magazine, and asked, "Who owns the remote control of the bomb? Can you use a detector to find out?"

"It will take time." The Commando Captain replied.

"Reply to me as soon as possible. I can't let them detonate the bomb. I can't bear the loss." Liang Ye said in a deep voice.

His sudden seriousness startled the commandos in the cabin. The commando captain quickly stood up straight and replied loudly: "Yes!"

Liang Ye nodded. He was quite at ease when the agents were doing their jobs. This time, the investigation by the commando team was also in place, at least there were no excessive omissions.

"Where is the werewolf?" Liang Ye asked.

"They are all on deck. They are in human form now, but our satellites can detect the energy in their bodies."

Liang Ye nodded thoughtfully, and said, "On the deck."

"Claire." Liang Ye took out a pistol, handed it to Claire, and said with a smile, "I believe you are already familiar with this thing. Although you basically don't need it, it's better to bring one."

Claire grinned and reached out to take the pistol. An commando took out a pistol bag and handed it to Claire.

At this time, Claire no longer wore the dress she wore in the headquarters, but changed into a long black windbreaker and a pair of black jeans on her lower body. Although she was not tall, she still looked majestic in it.

None of the commandos dared to underestimate this girl. They all knew Claire's abilities, and Liang Ye took good care of Claire, which further stabilized Claire's position in the Strategic Defense Bureau.

Regarding Claire, Liang Ye often quarreled with Ding Xue, which was well known within the Security Bureau.

And Claire usually goes to school, or receives training in secret, and rarely shows up in front of agents. This is her first time participating in a mission. Except for members of the Ghost Task Force, no one has seen her true strength.

"Did I say that you learned your outfit for missions from your elder sister Yueling?" Liang Ye crossed his arms and looked at Claire with a weird smile, "You are only in high school, so is it really okay to dress so maturely? "

Before leaving, Claire ran into the room to change clothes, Liang Ye didn't pay much attention to it, but now that she took a closer look, she instantly felt a bit like Zhou Yuying.

When the task force was not on missions, Claire was always learning from Zhou Yuying, and it wasn't long before she recovered, and it was normal for her to learn Zhou Yuying's style.

"Sister Yueling looked handsome in this outfit when she mentioned the mission." Claire didn't dare to look at Liang Ye, lowered her head nervously, and whispered, "Isn't it good-looking?"

Liang Ye raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help laughing: "Of course it looks good, but you're only in high school, so it's not appropriate to dress so maturely."

But after thinking about it, Liang Ye felt that something was wrong. Although Claire was young, it was not appropriate not to wear some action-related clothes when she was on a mission.

"Forget it, do it according to your own preferences, I will let Yueling design a set of clothes for you that can enhance your abilities." Liang Ye said.

"Okay!" Claire nodded vigorously, she completely obeyed Liang Ye's arrangement.

At this time, the pilot of the Wraith fighter started the cockpit broadcast, "Report to the commander, we will arrive in 10 minutes."

"Okay, everyone pay attention." Liang Ye put away his smile and walked to the cabin display screen.

The commandos and Claire all stood up straight, their eyes fixed on Liang Ye, waiting for his instructions.

Liang Ye has his own deterrent effect. He is only 21 years old, but he has a deterrent power that others may not have in his life. His eyes can make people feel frightened.

"I'll clear the deck first. Claire and five agents will rescue the hostages and take them to the lifeboats. The rest of the staff will wipe out the enemies in the engine room and dismantle the bombs." Liang Ye glanced at the people in the cabin and said in a deep voice: " There are werewolves among the enemies, and all the staff use silver bullets. Although I am responsible for dealing with them, you must be careful. It is not ruled out that they will shift positions during the battle. Their attack power is amazing. Once you encounter them, you must not get close to them. "

"Understood!" Everyone replied at the same time.

Liang Ye nodded. He took out a bottle of silver liquid, activated the Hidden Blades in both hands, and smeared the liquid on the sword.

This was developed by Zhou Yuying, a silver liquid specially applied to cold weapons to deal with werewolves and vampires.

Claire walked to Liang Ye's side and whispered, "Brother Liang Ye, what else do I need to do after rescuing the hostages?"

"When the time comes, look at the situation at the scene. The main focus is to protect the hostages, or to follow my latest orders." As he spoke, Liang Ye reached out and tapped the communicator in Claire's left ear, and said, "I will use this to communicate with you guys." Keep communicating, you just have to pay attention and listen."

"Okay." Claire nodded.

It was her first time participating in a mission, and she was led by Liang Ye, so she was somewhat nervous.

Liang Ye was very relieved of Claire, otherwise she would not be allowed to rescue the hostages. Although there were werewolves on the deck, Liang Ye was not worried, he was confident enough in his ability.

In the last confrontation with the werewolf, although he was a little embarrassed, Liang Ye has been growing and improving his fighting style during this time.

Director Li Shan was also a little too worried, so he asked Liang Ye to take charge of this operation.Liang Ye also seized this opportunity to test Claire's progress.

(End of this chapter)

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