Ghost Task Force

Chapter 480 1 Leap Down

Chapter 480
Liang Ye walked to the rear cabin door and asked while arranging his battle clothes: "Are you going back to school next week? When is winter vacation?"

"It's January next week, and we still have two weeks of winter vacation." Claire stretched her waist and smiled.

Now she is still in the second year of high school, she is a little girl in terms of age and psychology. On campus, many people are envious of Claire's appearance, and no one knows the terrifying power she possesses.

"What are you going to do during the winter vacation?" Liang Ye continued to ask.

"I want to keep training."

"Oh?" Claire's answer caught Liang Ye a little surprised. He tilted his head and looked at Claire, and said, "Isn't vacation supposed to be fun? How could you have such an idea?"

"I want to follow in the footsteps of my older brothers and sisters." Clare looked straight into Liang Ye's eyes, and there was no falsehood in her eyes.

She used to be an excellent assassin, but because of her mother's influence, she lost all her abilities and her character became cowardly.Now, the members of the Ghost Task Force have become her family, and she just wants to integrate into this group as soon as possible.

Claire knew where her strengths were. If she could completely control her abilities, she would be a supernatural being feared by everyone in the world. She also hoped that she could use her abilities to help Liang Ye.

Her cute appearance made Liang Ye couldn't help smiling. He stretched out his hand and patted Claire's head lightly, and said, "If I have time after your holiday, I'll come and train you myself."

"Okay!" Claire said expectantly.

At this time, the back door of the cabin opened quickly, and the pilot called: "Report to the commander, and arrive at the parachuting area immediately."

As Liang Ye walked outside, he turned his head and said to Claire, "An excellent member of the Ghost Task Force must learn to use his own ability to parachute. I hope you can do it this time."

After finishing speaking, Liang Ye turned around and jumped off the plane.

Claire looked at Liang Ye's receding figure, a smile formed on the corner of her mouth.

Liang Ye was also demonstrating for Claire just now. With Claire's ability, it is very easy to be airborne like Liang Ye. The question is whether she dares or not.

Practice is the best experience, Liang Ye is very much looking forward to Claire's performance.

As in the past, Liang Ye used his wind ability to control the speed and direction of his descent, and opened the cloak when he was less than 100 meters away from the enemy at the stern.

Sensing the wind blowing, the two pirates at the stern raised their heads subconsciously. When they saw a black shadow flying rapidly with spread wings in the air, they couldn't help but widen their eyes and forgot to attack for a while.

And this satisfied Liang Ye's attack style.

I saw Liang Ye controlling his body in the air, and a roundabout kick hit one of the pirates who was in a daze.


Kicked in the chest, the pirate screamed. Like a kite with a broken string, he flew upside down for a full 10 meters and stopped after hitting the guardrail beside the ship.

This kick instantly made him lose his ability to move.

However, this wasn't over yet. After Liang Ye knocked down an enemy, his body didn't land on the ground. Instead, he used the wind to hover under his feet, making him float in mid-air.

The other pirate had already reacted. Although the man who fell from the sky in front of him was very scary, his survival instinct still made him raise the gun in his hand.

Liang Ye was already ready to attack, before the opponent could pull the trigger, he activated the rope gun in his left hand.

"call out……"

The rope gun made a sound of breaking through the air, and quickly flew towards the pirate.

The pirate saw the rope gun coming, but his speed was not enough to dodge this level of attack. With a "chi", the tip of the rope gun pierced the pirate's right shoulder, passed through the back and fixed it. on his body.


The severe pain caused the pirate to let out a terrifying scream, but Liang Ye did not give him a chance to continue shouting, activated the recovery function of the rope gun, and clenched his right fist.

The rope gun began to recover automatically, and flew towards Liang Ye with the pirate's body.

The rope gun of the Hidden Blade Gauntlet is very powerful, and the automatic fixing function can make the rope gun fixed in many places without excessive damage to the fixed position.The rope gun is also an extremely powerful assault weapon in a pinch.

When the pirate's body was less than one meter away from him, Liang Ye swung his clenched right fist and hit the pirate's abdomen.

With this punch, Liang Ye used all his strength.


The pirate spat out a mouthful of blood in mid-air, and then his body was carried by force to fly to the deck, and made a close contact with the ground, rolling several times in a row before stopping.

After finishing this enemy, Liang Ye slowly fell to the ground.

The few strokes just now also reflected the improvement of Liang Ye's ability. In the past, it was difficult for him to float in the air for a long time, but just now he is more handy than before.

During this period of time, Liang Ye could clearly feel the progress of his wind ability. This kind of natural power allowed him to easily summon a hurricane to destroy the ship and make all the enemies lose their fighting power.But this is a transport ship of the Strategic Defense Agency, transporting 100 billion worth of research materials, he can't mess around.

Although his family is not short of money, 100 billion is indeed a large amount, and he does not mean that 100 billion can be squandered casually.

After successfully dealing with the two enemies at the stern, Liang Ye put a dart on the sleeve gun in his right hand, and then raised his head to look into the air.

At this time, the ghost fighter used the dark clouds in the sky to hide, and the enemies on the ship could not be found for the time being. Neither the commando nor Claire had been dispatched yet, and they were waiting for Liang Ye's order.

Liang Ye moved his arm, then fired the rope gun in his left hand, brought himself to the pillar of the ship, and looked down at the pirates who were patrolling below from above.

The battle at the stern was loud just now, but it was far away from the enemy on the hull, so no one noticed it.But when the two fell down, the communicator naturally couldn't respond, and it was only a matter of time before they were noticed.

When Liang Ye was about to attack, the contact lens in his left eye suddenly marked one of the three pirates below with a red dot.

Before leaving the plane, the detector was still detecting the energy fluctuations of the werewolf, and once it found something, it would automatically note it on Liang Ye's interface, which helped Liang Ye a lot.

"Werewolf?" Liang Ye frowned slightly, then pressed the communicator, and whispered: "Commando, move."

After finishing speaking, Liang Ye let go of his hand, and jumped down from the air again, and his primary target of this attack was the werewolf with powerful destructive power.

As the saying goes, to capture the thief first, to capture the king, and to deal with the powerful werewolf first, which can reduce a lot of pressure on Liang Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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