Ghost Task Force

Chapter 483 In the Darkness

Chapter 483 In the Darkness

In the eyes of all the agents of the Strategic Security Bureau, the existence of the Ghost Task Force is a good deterrent to the supernatural beings hidden in the dark, and has played an extremely important role in world security.But to ordinary people, they are like gods.

No matter how powerful a combatant is, when they encounter a supernatural being, they will be instantly killed just like this group of pirates.

Claire controlled the guns in the hands of the pirates with supernatural powers, and shot them in the head, wiping out all the enemies in the cockpit.

Looking at the slowly falling pirates, the five commando members had only one thought in their minds, thankfully Claire was an agent of the Security Bureau.On a certain level, Claire is more terrifying than Liang Ye, because she can control everything she wants to control, even if many people deal with her together, they may not be able to escape the fate of killing her instantly.

Nianli, this is the name of Claire's ability. It ranks first among the types of abilities known to the Bureau of Strategic Defense, followed by Liang Ye's wind ability.

Even Liang Ye suffered a loss when Claire's ability was out of control.

The main function of the Strategic Security Bureau is to deal with any supernatural events and monitor the supernatural beings all over the world, and everyone in the Ghost Task Force is an existence that makes the world fear.Director Li Shan had to admit that Liang Ye's formation of the task force did solve many difficult problems for the Security Bureau, and also brought deterrence.

Now that the Ghost Task Force has gained a reputation, there are many rumors about the task force among the supernatural beings. Many supernatural beings have restrained their abilities, fearing that they will be targeted by the Security Bureau.

However, the existence of werewolves and vampires was still the most worrying point of the Security Bureau. During this period of time, there were many conflicts between the werewolves and the Security Bureau, and now, they even attacked the transport ship of the Security Bureau.Because of this incident, Ding Xue, a level nine agent, wanted to leave for Europe, but was persuaded by Li Shan.

Li Shan thinks this is just a group of pirates and does not represent the entire werewolf force.

Ding Xue has other concerns. The werewolf forces have recently shown an unstable situation and are at war with European security agencies. She is worried about an uncontrollable situation.

Li Shan didn't give further instructions on this, he only told Ding Xue not to act impulsively.

Back at the scene of the transport ship battle, Claire successfully led the commando to rescue the hostages, but some pirates were still resisting. The commando leader was leading the personnel to attack the engine room to ensure that the bombs in the engine room would not be detonated.

"We activated the jamming device, and the remote control of the bomb has failed." The commando leader reported to Liang Ye.

"I'm coming here now, you should increase your firepower, and you can't let them detonate manually." Liang Ye moved quickly, and he pressed the communicator and said: "Claire, protect the hostages and evacuate."


Claire, who received Liang Ye's order, flew out of the cockpit and looked down at the entire ship from the air to ensure that no one would attack the evacuating hostages.

There were several lifeboats beside the boat, and a small rescue boat was waiting for orders one kilometer away.

Outside the engine room, gunshots echoed inside the hull, and the sparks produced by the bullets hitting the wall brought a glimmer of light to this dark area.

The commandos, all wearing night vision goggles, stormed the pirates ahead.

The bomb is dangerous enough to destroy the entire ship, which will bring great losses to the Strategic Defense Bureau, and they are well aware of the consequences, so they are doing their best.

When the commando captain heard that Liang Ye was coming, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

This area is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If you want to enter the engine room, you must pass through a narrow passage. At this time, the enemy has blocked all this passage. Time is hard to beat.

However, there are less than ten pirates guarding here. Under the attack of the commando, they have no time to manually detonate, and the consequence of manual detonation is that they will also be killed.At this time, their leader had been defeated by Liang Ye, and they were fighting without a leader.

"The commander is coming, fire the smoke bomb!" The commando captain shouted.

The two commandos quickly pulled out their grenade guns and fired two smoke bombs.

Although the passage is pitch black, both pirates and commandos wear night vision goggles, which can be rendered useless by the use of smoke grenades.At the same time, the smoke bombs fired by the commando can also anti-infrared monitoring, making the detectors ineffective.

Most of the combat units of the Strategic Security Bureau knew that Liang Ye ruled in the dark, and he was a perfect lurker hiding in the dark, who could bring the real fear of darkness to people.

Less than two seconds after the smoke grenade was fired, a gust of wind suddenly blew across the entire area, and the commandos could clearly feel a person passing by their side.

"Cease fire!" shouted the commando captain.

The commandos put down their guns one after another, and they couldn't see what happened next because of the smoke, but they had already guessed the final result.

The sudden smoke bombs made the pirates slightly stunned. A nervous pirate shouted and pulled the trigger forward. The fear in his heart almost made him lose control.

People are prone to nervousness when they are in the dark, but at this time they have completely lost contact with their companions on the deck. Coupled with the enemy's attack and the confusing smoke bombs ahead, a deep sense of fear fills the air. into their hearts.

The bullets cut through the air and hit the walls and pipes ahead, making a crisp crashing sound.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew over the bodies of the pirates.Then, the pirate who was jerking the trigger felt a chill in his neck.

Subconsciously, he reached out and touched his neck, and the viscous liquid instantly covered his palm.At the same time, the severe pain began to stimulate his brain.

Almost at the same time, the rest of the pirates reached out and touched their necks just like him.


A rifle fell to the ground, and after half a second, the rifles in the hands of the other pirates also fell.

The strong wind slowly blew away the smoke. Liang Ye turned on the watch on his left hand and activated the circuit in the engine room.

The lights illuminated the area again, Liang Ye stood in the middle of a group of corpses, the Hidden Blades in his hands were covered with blood, and the cloak fluttered slightly under his deliberate control.

The commandos standing outside the engine room gulped at the same time, and shivered at the same time.

Although they didn't see Liang Ye's attack method just now, the commandos could never imagine how Liang Ye could do it by cutting the throats of all the enemies under the dense firepower coverage.

Liang Ye turned his head to look at them, and said in a deep voice: "What are you still doing, dismantle the bomb within 3 minutes and then evacuate, let the follow-up team take over the ship."

"Yes!" The commando captain responded quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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