Ghost Task Force

Chapter 484 Why?

Chapter 484 Why?

The technicians of the follow-up unit began to land on the transport ship to overhaul the damaged equipment, and the supporting commando also stood guard on the deck of the ship to ensure the safety of the entire ship.

Liang Ye sat on the guardrail and looked down at his hands. They were empty and there was no blood left in the battle just now.

At this moment, Claire flew to Liang Ye's side. She imitated Liang Ye and sat on the edge of the guardrail, shaking her legs, as if asking for credit.

"You performed very well today. I heard the commando describe the scene when you attacked the enemy. You killed so many people without frowning." Liang Ye reached out and stroked Claire's head, and smiled slightly: "I don't know Should I praise you?"

The commandos who participated in the rescue of the hostages told Liang Ye about the battle scene just now. Claire's methods left a deep impression on them. Nothing has changed.

"Did I not do well?" There was a hint of panic in Claire's eyes.

"No." Liang Ye quickly explained with a smile: "It's just that you showed a little too mature, and everyone suddenly felt a little uncomfortable."

He had to admit that Claire did a good job in this operation and successfully rescued all the hostages without any casualties.Although the commando storm can do it, there is absolutely no way to be as perfect as her.

It's just that, under normal circumstances, when a girl kills someone for the first time, even a professionally trained agent will have a slight change in mood.But Claire didn't, she still smiled and showed Liang Ye the joy of completing the task for the first time.

This point really made Liang Ye a little elusive.

But recalling that Claire was once an assassin, Liang Ye let go of his worries.Although Claire lost all the relevant skills and knowledge of the assassin at the beginning, perhaps there is still a small part of the memory deep in her heart, so she will not respond when she kills.

Liang Ye convinced himself with this reason, he patted Claire on the head again, and looked at her with praise.

Claire enjoyed the feeling of being praised by Liang Ye very much. Her smile and dangling legs expressed the joy in her heart.

At this time, Lan Siqi said to Liang Ye in the communicator: "Report to the commander, the mission performed by the deputy captain Lei Yu has successfully completed and is returning to the headquarters."

"Got it, I'll be back now too."

After speaking, Liang Ye stood up, pressed the communicator and said: "Attention all personnel, I am Commander Lieutenant Colonel Liang Ye, the combat team is going to withdraw, speed up the speed of data collection, it's over."

After the battle, the commando team began to rescue and collect relevant information and confidential information on the transport ship. Liang Ye did not go to personally supervise, he felt that the commando team could complete all these.

Liang Ye's guess was correct. The captains of the commandos who could follow him on missions were at least level seven agents.After dealing with all the enemies, the commando team started the intelligence related work, and when Liang Ye ordered to withdraw, they had just finished sorting out.

"Report to the commander, this is the assault team. We have completed the data collection and can withdraw." The commando leader reported.

Liang Ye was a little surprised by their working speed, and he replied: "Very well, the personnel are withdrawn, and the work is handed over to the follow-up team. The ghost fighter pilot, drive the plane down."

As soon as Liang Ye's words fell, the ghost fighter hovering in the sky quickly made a sharp turn and landed slowly above the transport ship.

"Claire, can you take me up there?" Liang Ye looked at Claire and said.

Claire's power of thought gave her the ability to fly. Liang Ye also knew the special nature of her ability long ago. It was just because Claire was a little timid in the initial training and never dared to try it. But tonight's action gave her a lot of strength. The great growth has achieved the effect Liang Ye wanted.

Hearing Liang Ye's words, Claire quickly stood up and nodded vigorously.She grabbed Liang Ye's hand and used her mental power to take Liang Ye to the ghost fighter that was still landing.

Liang Ye's ability is not yet able to fly, but he guessed that when his ability to control the wind is stronger, he can let the wind take him to fly.

Although it seems far away, Liang Ye has confidence in himself.

Now his ability has hit a plateau, not regressing, but not growing either.Now he can control a hurricane to destroy a city, but he has never been able to make himself fly.

This looks smaller than a hurricane, but it is the biggest bottleneck.

Claire took Liang Ye into the air. While controlling her own body, she also controlled Liang Ye's body, allowing him to reach a parallel state with her, instead of leading him to fly.

She held Liang Ye's hand, worried that her ability would become uncontrollable and prevent Liang Ye from falling.

Liang Ye began to envy Claire's abilities. Now she can control everything she wants, and do whatever she wants.

After entering the cabin, Liang Ye looked at Claire with serious eyes, and said sternly: "Claire, now you belong to the Strategic Defense Bureau and the Ghost Task Force. You are an agent and a soldier who guards the world. If you In the future, you don’t want to engage in these jobs, I hope you can make good use of your abilities after you exit this environment, and don’t go astray.”

Although it was not appropriate to say these things at this time, Liang Ye couldn't help but say it.

He knew Claire's ability very well, but seeing her performance with his own eyes, Liang Ye was still not at ease.However, she has long regarded the Ghost Task Force as her family, and Liang Ye naturally does not want her to do things that endanger the world in the future.

"Brother Liang Ye, don't worry. Sister Yueling often teaches me to use my abilities where I should use them. When I should hide them, I should hide them and not be discovered by bad people." Claire knew Liang Ye's concerns, and she also Very well-behaved, has been studying hard, and never let the members of the task force down.

Hearing her answer, Liang Ye didn't say anything else, he patted Claire on the head, and then walked into the cabin.

On the other side, Lei Yu was sitting on the returning plane. He looked at the latest news report, scratched his head and said, "Boss's side is also over, we are almost synchronized."

In the cabin, L wore special chains on his hands and feet, which would automatically tighten as long as he struggled hard, preventing the prisoner from moving.

"I heard that the captain also captured a werewolf, the leader of the pirates who hijacked the transport ship." Zhou Yuying said.

Hearing Zhou Yuying's words, Tang Hao jumped up from his chair and said with a smile, "Not only is the time synchronized, but the results are also the same. We also caught a prisoner."

L who was locked was very aggrieved at this time. In the original action plan, he wanted to hijack the transport ship of the Strategic Defense Bureau, but before it was implemented, he was taken over by the Ghost Task Force, and the transport ship was also taken by another group Hijacked by pirates.

But their end is the same, ended in failure.

It's just that the Strategic Security Bureau hasn't found out yet, and the Ghost Task Force doesn't know why these people hijacked the security bureau's transport ship.

(End of this chapter)

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