Ghost Task Force

Chapter 486 New Mission

Chapter 486 New Mission

"Okay, I won't interfere with Claire's affairs, I believe in your decision." With that said, Li Shan took a thick paper document from Ding Xue and handed it to Liang Ye.

Liang Ye reached out to take it, and he guessed that Li Shan came to the task force lounge in person not to praise the team members, but to have other arrangements.

"Do you still remember the investigation mission I told you a long time ago? In a pristine forest in South America, there was an abnormal incident there. The two investigation teams of the United Nations lost contact in it one after another, and their lives and deaths are unknown." Li Shan said.

Liang Ye pondered for a while, and then asked, "What kind of investigation team?"

"20 people, fully armed, with the best communication equipment." Li Shan said with a serious face, his hands behind his back: "Both teams lost contact after entering the forest for two hours, and the drone search also found nothing. .”

Li Shan rarely assigns tasks in front of all members of the task force, and this time the matter is obviously not simple.

"What kind of abnormal event?" Liang Ye asked his most curious question.

Some time ago, Li Shan mentioned this matter to him, saying that the United Nations had made a request to the Security Bureau, asking them to send people to investigate the virgin forest in South America, where there had been terrible rumors.

"There was a video circulating on the Internet. In the video, a group of primitive tribal people were kneeling down to a woman. She was floating in mid-air, like a god. But the video disappeared shortly after it was circulated. The person who took the video was an explorer. Home, he lost contact after sending the video, and there is no news so far."

Li Shan's narration was very brief, and the task force members guessed that this woman was a person with supernatural powers, who was regarded as a god by the primitive tribe people.

But it wasn't over yet. Li Shan continued: "Later, an infectious disease broke out in the forest. Animals died on a large scale, and the trees withered, but no tribal people were found to leave. The detection satellites showed that there was a strong energy fluctuation in the center of the forest."

"Two important points, infectious diseases and supernatural beings." Liang Ye said in a deep voice.

Li Shan didn't answer Liang Ye's words, he was silent for a while, then raised his head to look at Liang Ye, and said, "You need to take someone in to find out what happened inside, the reason for the outbreak of the infectious disease, and who that woman is. "

"You mean that the ghost task force is not dispatched as a whole?" Liang Ye asked.

Li Shan nodded, and said: "You bring two members, the task force must keep people on duty, and beware of uncontrollable situations."

"Director, I have a question." Liang Ye turned his head and glanced at the task force members, then turned around and said, "Since there may be supernatural beings, why didn't you send the special agent team out of the bureau to investigate at first."

"There are too many factors. At first, the relevant leaders took it as a prank. They only knew to ask us for help after suffering a loss. Now, all supernatural phenomena are under our control. We have enough resources and strength to deal with these things. I The reason why you are asked to lead a team to investigate is because everyone who enters this forest has no way out and is extremely dangerous, and it is not ruled out that someone is testing virus weapons in it." Li Shan said meaningfully.

After listening to Li Shan's words, Liang Ye didn't answer right away, but said after a while: "I see, I will lead people to take action when I am ready, and I will report to you the list of actions."

"Okay." Li Shan nodded, and took Ding Xue out of the ghost task force lounge.

Liang Ye looked down at the thick paper document in his hand, and frowned.

Lei Yu walked to Liang Ye's side and asked, "When will we act, do you need me to go with you?"

Liang Ye shook his head, and said while looking at the information in his hand: "For this kind of investigation mission, it is impossible for the two commanders of the team to act together. In this way, there will be no leader. Although our task force is small, Claire can now Bring help, I will take the tyrant and Yueling, you, the mage and Claire will stay at the headquarters, you will be in charge when I am away, and Lan Siqi will be in charge of handling matters related to me."

"Yes!" Tang Hao and Zhou Yuying answered at the same time.

Lan Siqi didn't respond right away, she seemed worried.

Sensing that Lan Siqi was wrong, Liang Ye turned to look at her and asked, "Do you have anything to add?"

"Report to Lieutenant Colonel, no!" Lan Siqi quickly replied.

Her words made Liang Ye firmer in his guess, he put down the documents in his hand, looked at Lan Siqi and said, "But your expression tells me that you have something to say, it's okay, just say it, don't be too restrained in front of me. "

Lan Siqi turned on the tablet, circled the area where Liang Ye was going to perform the task with a red circle, and handed it to Liang Ye.

"There are many closed primitive tribes in this area, basically not in contact with the outside world. The expedition team evaluated them as violent and cruel, and they even eat people." Lan Siqi said quickly.

After listening to her words, Zhou Yuying and Tang Hao frowned in unison.They are not afraid of these people, but they are worried that these tribal people will affect the operation.

"What else?" Liang Ye asked.

"There are too many unknowns in this area. I suggest that you, Lieutenant Colonel, take your combat team with you."

After finishing speaking, Lan Siqi looked at Liang Ye nervously. It was the first time she made such a suggestion to Liang Ye.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just that too many people will be too conspicuous. Now there is too little information about the forest, and no one knows what's going on inside." Liang Ye flipped through the information and said, "But I will take your suggestion , send a combat unit of 30 people to stand by outside the forest in a ghost fighter plane, without my order, no one can enter under any circumstances."

"I'll arrange it right away." Lan Siqi nodded repeatedly.

Liang Ye finished reading the paper documents in his hand, and then handed them to Zhou Yuying.

Zhou Yuying and Tang Hao must also understand the details of this mission. Judging from Li Shan's arrangement and Lan Siqi's worries, this mission is definitely not as simple as imagined.

Moreover, the Ghost Task Force is not dispatched as a whole. It is a big challenge for them to face unknown dangers while understaffed.

"Lan Siqi, collect relevant information about the mission area and report to me in 5 minutes, and I'll make a call." After speaking, Liang Ye took out his mobile phone and walked into his office.

Zhou Yuying and Tang Hao flipped through the materials. The more they read, the more they felt that this task was too complicated and confusing. There seemed to be a lot of materials, but the actual effect was not great.

"Is the captain also quite nervous?" Deng Xuan kept looking in the direction of Liang Ye's office with a curious expression on his face.

"Don't guess what the boss is thinking." Lei Yu folded his arms and said slowly: "Who knows how long this mission will take, he must be calling his sister-in-law."

(End of this chapter)

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