Ghost Task Force

Chapter 487 Personnel List

Chapter 487 Personnel List
But this time Lei Yu guessed wrong, Liang Ye was not calling Xiao Xiao, but asking his father Liang Anguo about the mission.

Li Shan didn't provide much information, and he gave Liang Ye all the information he could use.In the data, the appearance of the woman floating in the air is very vague, and the technical department cannot recognize it after fine processing.Too many unknowns made Liang Ye feel a little uneasy about this mission.

"I know this matter. The UN's initial decision was too hasty. It was only after losing a large number of manpower that it was handed over to the Security Bureau." As he spoke, Liang Anguo fell into silence.

Liang Ye was not in a hurry, he knew that Liang An would continue talking.

Liang Anguo's pause meant that he really knew something, which made Liang Ye even more curious.

Facing his son, Liang Anguo naturally would not have any reservations. After a long silence, he finally said: "This incident may be related to V. I don't know who that woman is. If it is a new The supernatural person who caused this incident, I suggest you kill her."

"But my intuition tells me that I might know this woman."

"This is up to you to decide. You must be careful when performing tasks and beware of viruses that may be in the air."

"it is good."

After speaking, Liang Ye hung up the phone, and he sat on his office chair and fell into deep thought.

It is related to V. In fact, when Li Shan conveyed the task, he had this feeling, but he didn't jump to a conclusion.But no one knows what the situation in the primeval forest is like now.

Now that V is associated with too many forces, there must be enough evidence to uproot them. If this investigation can collect useful information, it will be a good opportunity to bring them down.Thinking of this, Liang Ye immediately jumped up from his office chair, quickly edited the list of personnel on his mobile phone and sent it to Li Shan.

Liang Ye walked out of his office and said to Zhou Yuying, "Yueling, you should prepare the equipment, antidote, and gas mask according to this mission."

"Yes, I'll go right away." Zhou Yuying responded quickly.

Watching Zhou Yuying leave, Liang Ye looked at Lan Siqi again and said, "Let the combat team set off early, scan above the forest, and report any findings immediately."

Lan Siqi stood up and replied, "Yes."

"Do you have an idea?" Lei Yu walked in front of Liang Ye with a curious expression on his face, "This mission makes me very uneasy, the virus... Could it have something to do with V's broken organization?"

"That's what my dad said." Liang Ye touched his chin, with a cold look in his eyes, and said, "We still don't know much about them now. It's not enough to capture Eiko Kawashima, and she's just a puppet." That's all. We only know of Gladys as the core member of V, and we don't know which other famous nobles participated in it."

An organization like V must have strong financial support to operate. Gladys alone is unlikely to support the entire force, and there must be more big names behind it.

"There is a long way to go..." Lei Yu said with emotion.

Since the establishment of the Ghost Task Force, most of the work has revolved around the V organization, dealing with them. Liang Ye had direct contact with Gladys, and the task force also suffered from her hands.

The Strategic Security Bureau has a very wide range of responsibilities. V is just one of the dangerous organizations, and there are more hidden forces against the Security Bureau. Every eighth-level agent is under great pressure.

After Ding Xue took charge of the overall work, Liang Ye's work was more inclined to lead the team to perform tasks, which also fulfilled his ideas and was not bound by various management tasks.

"We are endless with them." Liang Ye said with a cold face, a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Although it is not appropriate to bring personal emotions into work, Liang Ye can't control his murderous aura every time he thinks of the scene of Chen Kai's death.

Seeing Liang Ye's appearance, Lei Yu quickly patted him on the shoulder, signaling him to calm down.

Zhou Yuying and Tang Hao were making preparations, Liang Ye nodded towards Lei Yu, then walked into his room and began to pack his equipment.

He rarely carried a tactical pouch on missions, but this time he changed his style and took out a backpack from the closet.

To carry out investigation tasks in the forest, the tools for survival in the wild are naturally indispensable, and firearms and ammunition are the most important in this unknown environment.

Fifteen minutes later, Liang Ye took Zhou Yuying and Tang Hao aboard the Wraith Fighter, and Lei Yu and others saw them off in front of the cabin door.

Lan Siqi boarded the plane together, and she said to Liang Ye and others: "The communication has been set up, I will monitor the communication status in the duty room, the emergency communicator is placed on everyone's watch, and the code on it can be sent to let the satellite Immediately lock position and reconnect communicator."

"I see. You have to pay close attention to the energy detection satellite. If there are energy fluctuations in the forest, you must notify me as soon as possible." Liang Ye said.

"Understood." Lan Siqi nodded, then turned around and got off the plane.

Under the control of two Strategic Defense Bureau pilots, the Phantom fighter plane slowly took off and flew towards the distant South America.Lei Yu and the others looked up at the plane gradually disappearing into the sky, and their worries did not diminish at all.

"I really want to go together." Claire said in a low voice.

Lei Yu glanced at her, then exhaled, and said, "Me too."

This mission seems to be just an investigation, but it contains too many unknown existences, which makes it difficult for Lei Yu and others to relax.

A team of 20 people, fully armed, still lost contact in that forest, which made people wonder what was in the forest.

"Let's go back and be on call at any time."

After finishing speaking, Lei Yu was the first to turn around and leave. Deng Xuan and Claire also turned around after a half-second pause. Only Lan Siqi was still standing where she was, as if she was still thinking about something.

Lan Siqi is Liang Ye's assistant, and Lei Yu doesn't have the authority to order her directly, so Lei Yu won't ask what she does standing there.

After a while, Lan Siqi walked away.The combat team she dispatched this time is led by Wang Yu.

On the plane, Liang Ye couldn't help laughing as he looked at the personnel list of the combat unit.

"What's so funny, can the captain share it?" Zhou Yuying looked curious.

Liang Ye threw the list to Zhou Yuying, and said with a smile, "Wang Yu, he is the leader of the support team. I don't know if Lan Siqi arranged it on purpose, or Wang Yu asked for it on his own initiative."

"Hey, isn't this the little brother in the navy, the infatuated boy." Zhou Yuying started to tease.

Wang Yu's pursuit of Lan Siqi has been spread throughout the war department, and many people think that Wang Yu is whimsical in his public pursuit of Lan Siqi.

Leaving aside Lan Siqi's position, Lan Siqi's ability and wisdom are already admired by many people, while Wang Yu is just a fighter, which makes people think that he is a toad who wants to eat swan meat.

However, Wang Yu didn't care about these rumors, he still maintained his pursuit of Lan Siqi, but what was more embarrassing was that Lan Siqi never accepted his invitation.

(End of this chapter)

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