Chapter 488
The combat team supporting Liang Ye and others had set off ahead of schedule, half an hour earlier than the task force. Their current task was to survey the forest from the air. The team leader Wang Yu was responsible for issuing orders and connecting with the headquarters.

Lan Siqi watched the flight paths of the two planes in the operational duty room of the command headquarters. Under Liang Ye's instruction, she became the contact person for this investigation mission. Even Liang Ye was the first to report the investigation situation. Talk to her.

"We airborne from five kilometers outside the energy fluctuation area, where the second UN investigation team lost contact. The red circle area represents the danger zone, where the virus is suspected to spread. The combat team will detect the area while investigating. Whether the air in the area contains viruses and give us feedback.” Liang Ye stood in front of the floating display and told Zhou Yuying and Tang Hao about his arrangements.

There was a red circle on the screen, covering an area with a radius of 2 kilometers. This entire area was defined as a dangerous area by Liang Ye, because the withered trees also surrounded that area.

"Yueling, what do we have in terms of anti-virus?" Liang Ye looked at Zhou Yuying and asked.

Zhou Yuying took out a metal object the size of a little finger, waved it in front of Liang Ye and Tang Hao, put it behind her ear, and pressed it lightly.

The next moment, a mask covered Zhou Yuying's entire cheeks. The mask was somewhat similar to the protective mask of the special forces, but it was lighter overall. There were goggles on the eyes, and the face was mainly black.

After a while, Zhou Yuying pressed the metal object again, and the mask disappeared. She straightened her hair and said, "This gas mask can isolate all toxic substances in the air, and it lasts for a day. When worn, the eye part can display a combat panel, bringing us combat assistance."

With that said, she handed them to Liang Ye and Tang Hao respectively.

"This is good, light, and has a combat assist function." Liang Ye wore it behind his right ear, his eyes full of praise.

Zhou Yuying's own research ability, coupled with the resource support of the Strategic Defense Bureau, can maximize her ability and research many extremely useful weapons and equipment.The new type of equipment she developed was not only equipped in the Ghost Task Force, but also extensively armed the entire Security Bureau, which was well received by the secret agents and combat units.

Liang Ye has never doubted Zhou Yuying's technological support in action, she can always surprise people, the reason why Liang Ye brought Zhou Yuying to this investigation mission is also out of this consideration.

Even in the face of the greatest difficulties, she can often rely on her own ingenuity to solve the difficulties without combat abilities.

For this operation, Zhou Yuying brought enough equipment. In addition to firearms, she also brought a lot of equipment for investigation.Small drones, detectors for detecting substances, multi-purpose handheld small tablets, etc., are stuffed into a whole backpack.

Tang Hao carried more weapons. He knew that Zhou Yuying and Liang Ye were mainly responsible for the investigation of this operation, and he was more likely to provide military support.

The engine of the Wraith fighter has been improved again, and now there are less than two hours left before the mission destination. Liang Ye looked at the map on the monitor and browsed the relevant information again.

"Satellite scanning found nothing, and the combat team went to search, is it useful?" Zhou Yuying asked the question in her heart.

The detection satellites of the Strategic Defense Agency scanned the forest many times, but found nothing. Obviously, the area was blocked by a certain energy, which affected the scanning process.

Liang Ye crossed his arms and said, "You have to try your luck. The satellite scanning program is not omnipotent. Sometimes you have to rely on your own eyes."

Tang Hao walked to Liang Ye's side and asked, "That woman, Captain, do you have a bottom line?"

"No." Liang Ye shook his head. "The photo is too blurry, and there are few features revealed. It's just floating in the air, which is hard to identify. In my memory, there is no similar person, except Claire. If it has something to do with V, Annabelle is not like her, she doesn't have the ability to fly."

Who is that woman? Liang Ye is also eager to know now. It is not surprising that a new supernatural person appears. The main job of the Security Bureau is to deal with these supernatural persons.What worried Liang Ye the most was whether the withering of the forest was caused by this woman.

The generation of viruses does not depend on research, it may also be the influence of supernatural beings.

Ever since he also possessed supernatural powers, Liang Ye has always felt that there are infinite possibilities in the world of supernatural beings, and any kind of supernatural powers may appear.

If someone with the ability to control or create viruses was affecting this forest, Liang Ye would take action without hesitation and kill this woman.

Before he set off, Liang Anguo said that if this woman caused this incident, he would kill her.

Once such an ability is used by evil forces, or she herself represents evil forces, the hidden dangers will affect the whole world all the time.

Thinking of this, Liang Ye couldn't help exhaling, and an invisible pressure arose in his heart.

While Liang Ye was thinking, Zhou Yuying suddenly thought of something, and said hastily: "Captain, we have injected preventive medicine before and it will still work. If the combat team has detected data in the air, then I can analyze the ingredients. Come out and see if our prophylactic can develop antibodies against the virus in the air."

"You can directly give orders to Wang Yu, they are under our command," Liang Ye said.

If the preventive medicine continued to work, then Liang Ye and the others didn't even need to wear gas masks.

However, the combat team led by Wang Yu was not as relaxed as Liang Ye and others. They all wore gas masks and held the guns in their hands tightly, as if they were facing an enemy.

Wang Yu sat by the rear hatch. As the team leader, he would always be at the forefront.

After receiving Zhou Yuying's instruction, he quickly replied: "I promise to complete the task."

Afterwards, he took out a photo from the pocket of his combat uniform, and the person on the photo was Lan Siqi.In the photo, Lan Siqi is walking forward with the document in her arms, her cheeks are slightly turned to the left, her long hair is scattered behind her head, and her tall figure has amazed many people.

This was taken by Wang Yu accidentally, Lan Siqi didn't know about it, and every time he went on a mission, Wang Yu would carry this photo with him.

Typical unrequited love.

The team members sitting next to Wang Yu saw the photo in his hand, and immediately couldn't help shouting: "Damn it, captain, you are a bit good at this."

They all knew that Wang Yu had a crush on Lan Siqi, but they didn't know that he carried all the photos with him.

(End of this chapter)

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