Ghost Task Force

Chapter 490 Landing

Chapter 490 Landing
The situation when performing tasks is ever-changing, and unsatisfactory things may happen at any time.Liang Ye didn't have any major emotional fluctuations. As the commander of the operation, he had to deal with any situation calmly.

If even the commander panicked, how would the rest of the team continue with the mission?
Liang Ye sat back on his chair, frowning, guessing about the situation in the primeval forest.

This forest occupies half of the world's rainforest area, accounting for 20% of the global forest area. It is the world's largest tropical rainforest with the most species, covering an area of ​​700 million square kilometers.

The mission area this time is in the middle of the forest, and there are many primitive tribes living around it. Three kilometers away from the crash area of ​​the combat team, there is a river that runs through the entire forest and leads directly to nearby countries.

Liang Ye and the others still don't know what's in the danger zone. According to the current situation, whether they can successfully enter the danger zone to investigate is still a big problem.

Whether the [-] combat members survived is the most concerned issue for everyone.

"Commander, there are still 5 minutes to arrive." The ghost fighter pilot reported to Liang Ye.

Liang Ye stood up from his seat and took the tactical backpack he was going to carry, while Tang Hao put on the parachute bag and got ready for airborne.

"The altitude of 1000 meters..." Liang Ye looked at the current altitude data, frowned slightly, then pressed the communicator and said: "Continue to climb, keep at 3000 meters, we will carry out airborne at this altitude."


Liang Ye felt relieved the farther he was from the ground. He checked his equipment and put a pistol in the pouch on his right leg.

Because of the airborne landing, Liang Ye and Tang Hao both carried their backpacks on their chests, and only Zhou Yuying carried their backpacks on their backs because she didn't need a parachute.

The small aircraft on her feet allows her to fly in the air as she pleases. Although she can't fly too high, she doesn't need to use a parachute when she lands.

"I'll repeat our mission again, to search for survivors as soon as we land..."

However, before Liang Ye finished speaking, Li Shan's voice sounded from the communicator.

"No, you continue to carry out the original mission. The crash site is under the responsibility of the rescue team, and they have already set off."

Li Shan was giving an order to Liang Ye.

Hearing the director's stern voice on the communicator, Zhou Yuying and Tang Hao both looked at Liang Ye, waiting for his decision.

This was also the first time that Li Shan interfered with Liang Ye's decision, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Not only the task force, but also the combat duty room was quiet. Lan Siqi found out that the rescue team was leaving, and before she could report to Liang Ye, Li Shan occupied the communication channel.

"Your main task is to investigate the cause of all incidents." Li Shan continued.

Liang Ye pondered for a while, and then said: "But what if the combat team discovers something? If we don't meet them first, then what we will face is an unknown forest."

"The rescue team will report to you in time."

"I see."

Liang Ye didn't continue talking, all he had to do was obey Li Shan's order, cancel the order he had just given, and continue to carry out the investigation mission.

Zhou Yuying walked to the screen, quickly tapped the screen a few times, and said, "Reset the landing point, it is still five kilometers south of the energy fluctuation periphery."

"The altitude remains the same. After we landed, you quickly rose to 9000 meters, hovered in the air for half an hour, and returned to the base after half an hour without our notification." Liang Ye said to the two pilots.

Everyone could see that Liang Ye was still uneasy. If something unexpected happened after landing, the Wraith fighter's weapon system could assist.

At this time, South America is in the early morning, the moon hangs alone in the sky, and the stars seem to be afraid of tonight's night, and they hide one after another.

The Wraith flew through the forest at an altitude of 3000 meters. The fuselage pierced the air, and the sound of piercing the air was the loudest sound that night.

Liang Ye opened the rear cabin door and looked at the rapidly retreating forest scenery below. There was no wave on his expression, but the uneasiness in his heart still did not fade away.

What is in the forest, who released the virus, who is that woman... These questions are the reasons why he came this time.

"Airborne in 3 seconds." The pilot shouted.

Liang Ye didn't think any further, he activated his gas mask, and jumped out of the plane, while Zhou Yuying and Tang Hao followed closely behind him.

Here Tang Hao is the only one who needs to use a parachute, and his huge body is the most conspicuous no matter where he goes.

Jumping from a height of 3000 meters, the speed of the free fall exceeded 200 kilometers per hour. However, Liang Ye had no intention of slowing down. He even used the wind power to speed up his falling speed, throwing Tang Hao and Zhou Yuying away. behind.

Seeing this, Zhou Yuying also activated the small aircraft on her feet, trying her best not to get too far away from Liang Ye.

Because the backpack was carried on his chest, the cloak on Liang Ye's back was not affected. When he descended to 1000 meters, he unfolded the cloak on his back, but it was not used to slow down, but to use the cloak to better control own body.

The forest below was pitch black, and the scan on the contact lens did not find anything. If you were an ordinary person, you would definitely be terrified, as if you were falling towards hell.

Liang Ye let the wind blow past his body from below when he was still 300 meters away from the ground, and at the same time used the unfolded cloak to slow down.When the height was less than 100 meters, Liang Ye could already glide in the air and land slowly.

Zhou Yuying followed closely behind him. Her small aircraft worked extremely well. She didn't need to slow down in advance like Liang Ye did. She could take off or land at any time.

Tang Hao was probably the only one who was wronged. He controlled the parachute and let himself fall in the direction of Liang Ye.

Liang Ye was the first to land. He quickly took out the pistol in the gun pocket on his right leg, and looked around in night vision mode.However, there were only one towering tree after another around, and the place where he landed was a small open space, which happened to be the last place where the second United Nations investigation team appeared before losing contact.

If they encountered an accident here, it meant that the surrounding area was very dangerous, so Liang Ye did not relax his vigilance and kept scanning the surrounding area.

Zhou Yuying took out her pistol as soon as she landed, and defended back to back with Liang Ye.

Tang Hao controlled the parachute and landed slowly. Unlike his two teammates, he took out a rifle with an extended magazine and 100 rounds of ammunition.

"Have you discovered anything?" Liang Ye asked Zhou Yuying.

Zhou Yuying shook her head and said, "The detector didn't find anyone, but the air value is normal, and there is no poisonous gas. We can remove the gas mask."

(End of this chapter)

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