Chapter 491

Hearing Zhou Yuying's words, Liang Ye and Tang Hao both removed their gas masks.

However, Liang Ye was still not at ease. He used the wind to blow around, searching for possible enemies.

Seeing that Liang Ye was searching, Zhou Yuying didn't bother him. She squatted down and looked at the ground with the help of the faint moonlight.Tang Hao, who was on the side, came over and turned on the flashlight.

"There are very messy footprints on the ground." Zhou Yuying shared the images detected by the glasses on the communication screen, and both Liang Ye and Tang Hao could see them through the contact lenses in their left eyes.

On the screen, there are 24 footprints of different sizes, while there are only 20 members of the UN investigation team.

"Are there any other different traces?" Liang Ye asked.

"Searching." Zhou Yuying scanned the surrounding ground and trees with her eyes. The detection function of her glasses is extremely powerful, which can automatically detect and analyze the traces she sees.If it is used by the police to conduct criminal investigations, it will definitely improve the efficiency of the police in solving crimes by several grades.

Although there is a night vision function to assist, the light at night is too weak. Liang Ye and Tang Hao can't investigate much, so they can only rely on Zhou Yuying's glasses.

However, Liang Ye's fighting ability will be improved in the dark, because every assassin is the king in the dark.It can even be said that the darkness is dominated by them.

Surrounded by towering trees, it looked extremely scary in the dark, but for Liang Ye, it was more conducive to his actions.

"Strange, the traces here are very messy. The tree at three o'clock has fibers on its body, and there are footprints in front of the tree. Someone bumped into this tree while running." Zhou Yuying stood up and walked towards the tree. Walking forward, holding his glasses, he said, "If they encountered the enemy here, but my detectors didn't find any traces of bullet casings or bullets."

"Will someone clean it up?" Tang Hao followed closely beside Zhou Yuying. Now that Zhou Yuying was concentrating on the investigation, what he had to do was to protect Zhou Yuying.

There is no need for Liang Ye to deliberately arrange, Tang Hao is very clear about his role in this mission.

"Even if someone has moved their hands and feet, my detector can detect it. Obviously, there is no fighting here. They all seem to be in a panic all of a sudden. It's strange."

Zhou Yuying walked around, looking for information that could be brought by the traces, but Liang Ye didn't bother her or ask questions. He looked around, and then shot the rope gun in his left hand at a tree in front, The whole person flew to the branch.

Tang Hao saw Liang Ye's actions, he hesitated for a while and finally didn't ask, Liang Ye must have his reason for doing so.

The purpose of Liang Ye's doing this is to see farther. Although this is the last location where the investigation team lost contact, it doesn't mean that there must be enough clues here.

It is also a good choice for Zhou Yuying to investigate first, and to observe the surroundings when he has time.

Liang Ye stood on the branch, glanced ahead, pressed the communicator at the same time and said, "I am Liang Ye, conducting a communication check."

"The combat duty room received it, your voice is very clear." Lan Siqi was the first to respond.

"The Wraith No. 9000 fighter received it with a clear voice, and will follow your instructions at any time." The fighter pilot hovering at an altitude of [-] meters also responded.

After 3 seconds, the voice of the support team appeared on the communication channel.

"Reporting to the commander, I am Dai Yuan, the captain of the support team, and there are still 30 minutes before the crash site, please give me instructions."

Dai Yuan, the leader of the support team, is an excellent team leader in the Operation Department, and is currently a level five agent.Liang Ye is not familiar with him, and has never cooperated with him, but I heard that he is a good person, and he will try his best to help the brothers around him in difficulties.

"Just follow the director's orders to you, and report to the duty room at any time," Liang Ye said.


After a while, Liang Ye raised his left hand to check the screen on the watch display.

The screen on the display is radar-like, but it is not radar detection, but energy detection.Once a supernatural person appears, the energy detector will issue a warning and lock the opponent's position.

The moon hanging in the sky exudes a faint light, bringing a glimmer of light to this forest, so that people can't see anything.

Liang Ye carried the backpack behind his back, held the rope gun in his right hand, and fired the rope gun forward again with his left hand.Intuition told him that there was something ahead.

"Captain, I have already investigated this area. Although they lost contact here, they did not encounter an attack here. They must have encountered something here, and all of them fell into a state of panic and began to flee. At the same time, some Something interfered with their communication, making them unable to communicate with the outside world." Zhou Yuying reported.

She has been checking the ground and the surrounding trees, and these can not bring many clues, but Zhou Yuying still draws a preliminary conclusion.

Liang Ye moved forward for 50 meters and then stopped. He pressed the communicator and said, "Can you find their escape route?"

"I'm investigating."

When Liang Ye was about to say something, he suddenly saw a person lying on the ground in front of him.

"I saw someone lying on the ground." After Liang Ye finished speaking in a low voice, he jumped forward and onto the branch in front of him.

At this time, Liang Ye was 60 meters away from that person. Because he was standing on a tree, Liang Ye used the telescope function of his contact lenses to zoom in on the picture and saw the outline of that person clearly. He said, "It's a man in black The combat uniform, the blood on the ground has been solidified, and the body has been eaten by animals."

Contact lenses can magnify the picture, like a telescope.After zooming in on the picture, Liang Ye realized that it was a corpse.

Because it was too dark, Liang Ye couldn't see the mark on the man's arm clearly, but it can be speculated that it was the armband of the United Nations.

"It may be the investigators of the United Nations." Liang Ye said, sharing the picture he saw.

In the combat duty room, the staff quickly began to record the characteristics of the man. As long as there was enough information, they could find out the identity of the man.

"I'm getting closer now, and the duty room will report the identity of this person to me as soon as possible." With that said, Liang Ye was about to fall to the ground.

Suddenly, an ominous premonition stabbed Liang Ye's brain, and he stopped subconsciously.

Then, a slender figure slowly appeared from the darkness ahead.

This person's hands and feet are very long, beyond the comprehension of ordinary people, and his back is hunched, and his hands are about to hang to the ground.

With a bent body and long hair that was about to touch the ground, Liang Ye couldn't see his face clearly because it was too dark, and he couldn't guess the gender of this person.All he knew was that this person was so abnormal that his body could be said to be deformed.

The man walked slowly to the side of the corpse, skillfully grabbed the man's feet, and walked towards the darkness step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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