Chapter 492

The contact lens of Liang Ye's left eye was always in camera mode, and what he saw was recorded and shared on the big screen in the duty room.

At this time, all the staff in the duty room, including Lan Siqi, were watching the big screen. What Liang Ye saw made them all hold their breath at the same time.

In the virgin forest in the middle of the night, a mysterious man with long hands and long feet dragged the corpses on the ground and walked slowly into the darkness. Such a scene is much scarier than a horror movie.The staff of the Strategic Defense Bureau have seen many mysterious incidents, but none of them can compare with this one.

Liang Ye looked at what was happening in front of him, he did not attack the mysterious person, but kept on the sidelines.

"Report to the captain, we found footprints leaving here, heading towards the center of the forest." Zhou Yuying reported at this time.

Liang Ye hesitated for half a second, and then said: "I'm following the mysterious man, you continue to investigate along the route, and report to me at any time."

After speaking, he began to jump on the branches, making sure to keep a distance of 70 meters between himself and the mysterious person.

As for whether the person in front of him could be called a human, Liang Ye was still not sure. He had never encountered a similar species in his memory, or this person was a person with supernatural abilities that caused his body to mutate.

Judging from the curved body of the mysterious man, he was at least two meters tall, and his hands were also two meters long.Under the faint light of the moon, Liang Ye could see that the nails of the mysterious man were long and sharp.

Zhou Yuying and Tang Hao went to investigate the footprints, and Liang Ye followed the mysterious man. Not long after they landed, they had to separate due to the reality.This may lead to more clues, but it can also be dangerous.

The forest is full of unknowns. Before landing, no one thought that such a mysterious person would appear in the dark, which would affect the plan of the Ghost Task Force.

The mysterious man dragged the corpse forward step by step. It seemed that his whereabouts were aimless, but in fact they were very regular.

Liang Ye thought for a while, and then pressed the communicator and said in a low voice: "The technicians will investigate this person based on his image characteristics, as well as the disappearance of explorers in this forest over the years."

There are many undiscovered animals here, so many explorers come to this primeval forest every year to explore, hoping to name new species after themselves.However, due to the high mountains and steep slopes, and the presence of poisonous insects and snakes in the forest, many explorers lost their lives here.

Some were buried here forever, while others were found and their bodies were sent back to their hometowns.

As for the explorers who slept here, their corpses have never been discovered. Some people say that their corpses became fertilizer and fed to this forest.

Liang Ye used the camera function of the contact lens to record everything in front of him while keeping track.With his assassin ability, it was very easy to follow him quietly. The mysterious man had been walking slowly, but he didn't notice Liang Ye following him.

The staff in the duty room sent the screen to the technical department for investigation and analysis. Lan Siqi searched in her mind, but there was no memory related to this mysterious person.

Liang Ye didn't see the mysterious man's face, but he could imagine that such a strange man must not look much better.

This road seemed endless, with the breeze blowing gently, Liang Ye used his ability to sense the surroundings to ensure that no one would attack him.At the same time, his eyes were locked on the mysterious man.The poor investigator will be dragged after death, his blood has long since coagulated, and there are only traces of dragging and occasional falling pieces of meat on the ground.

The investigation team lost contact two days ago. When Liang Ye saw the corpse, the corpse had already been bitten by animals.

Liang Ye still remembered that the investigation team carried enough weapons and equipment, but he did not see any guns or other equipment on this investigator, not even a body armor.

On the other side, Zhou Yuying and Tang Hao followed the footsteps. After advancing for about one kilometer, they came to a small river.

"The footprints are on the other side of the river. If you look at the bank of the river, there are traces of trampling." Zhou Yuying pointed to the other side of the river and said.

But Tang Hao didn't answer her right away, but walked to the side of the aquatic plants, and picked out a backpack full of earthworms from the grass.

Tang Hao shook off all the earthworms on the backpack, and then walked in front of Zhou Yuying.

"This is the backpack of their investigation team, with the United Nations logo on it." Zhou Yuying said looking at the backpack.

Zhou Yuying didn't have time to praise Tang Hao's insight. She took the backpack and squatted down, turning all the contents inside.

Some dry food, a map, a compass, and some wet clothes.This is a tactical backpack, but without weapons and ammunition.

"There is a name on the backpack, Josie Doyle." Zhou Yuying said, and suddenly found blood stains on the soaked clothes, and said quickly: "There are blood stains on the clothes."

Tang Hao was about to squat down to check, when he suddenly saw a pair of green eyes shining in the tree on the other side of the river, looking directly in his direction.

Through the night vision mode, Tang Hao can see that the other party has long arms like a monkey, the difference is that it also has sharp nails, which is somewhat similar to the mysterious man Liang Ye saw.

Tang Hao quickly aimed his gun at the direction of his eyes, and reported to Liang Ye: "Reporting captain, I also found a species similar to the mysterious person you met, and I will share the picture with you."

After speaking, he shared the screen with Liang Ye.

Liang Ye frowned when he saw the picture sent by Tang Hao.

Although they were similar, the difference was that the one Tang Hao saw had a smaller body, while the one Liang Ye saw had no green eyes.

"Do they look like monkeys?" Zhou Yuying stood up, her eyes fixed on the green eyes.

"And it's still hanging on the tree, but I can't see its face clearly." Tang Hao said.

"Let me take a look, start the screen sharing, please pay attention to receive it in the duty room." Zhou Yuying said, and lightly pressed on the frame of the glasses to zoom in on the screen.

The staff in the combat duty room are all staring at the big screen, and the technicians are also nervously waiting for the video, and they want to investigate immediately.

After the picture was zoomed in, there was half a second to focus, and when the picture became clear, everyone was shocked.

This cannot be called a human face at all, the skin is completely attached to the bones, without any flesh; the nose is completely sunken, the mouth is much wider than normal people, and the long tongue is exposed to the air, which looks like a human face. Like a demon crawling out of hell.

"What the hell is this fucking thing?" Tang Hao put his finger on the trigger, ready to shoot at any time.

Intuition told him that this thing came from bad people.

(End of this chapter)

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