Ghost Task Force

Chapter 493 Danger Zone

Chapter 493 Danger Zone

"Josie Doyle, a member of the United Nations special investigation team, is the deputy captain of the second investigation team." The technician stood beside Lan Siqi and reported to her.

As the liaison person for this mission, Lan Siqi must report to her as soon as possible any situation related to this incident in the bureau, and then she will pass it on to Liang Ye.

Without waiting for Lan Siqi to ask, the technician continued: "About the mysterious people, there is no record in the database. We found some information in the explorer forum. Some explorers have encountered them and been attacked. They are very fast. Very damaging."

"What are they, mutant race?" Lan Siqi asked.

The technician shook his head, and he didn't know about it. It would be too hasty to judge based on the video, so the technical department didn't draw a conclusion.Unless the blood of the mysterious person is collected, it will be possible to find out whether these things belong to human beings or not.

Lan Siqi didn't ask any more questions, she pressed the communicator and said, "Tyrant, please pay attention, the monster in front of you is very powerful and extremely fast, you should be careful."

"I see." Tang Hao maintained his vigilance and never let go of his finger on the trigger.

Those green eyes made one's scalp tingle in the darkness, and Tang Hao and Zhou Yuying had no idea whether there were other monsters hidden in the darkness.

Zhou Yuying put on two gloves, took out a pistol, and activated the combat assist function of the glasses, and the monster in front was locked on the display panel.

However, the monster remained in a wait-and-see state. The two sides confronted each other for nearly 3 minutes, and neither of them took the initiative to attack.

"To be honest, I really want to shoot. As a scientist, I really want to catch one and study it." Zhou Yuying said in a low voice.

However, as soon as her words fell, the monster suddenly jumped forward, jumped from the tree to the ground, and rushed towards the direction of the two of them at a speed so fast that only a shadow could be seen.

Tang Hao and Zhou Yuying were startled by the monster's sudden attack. Tang Hao reacted first, and he squeezed the trigger forcefully. The bullet mercilessly passed through the grass by the river bank and flew towards the fast-moving monster.

"This is Yueling and the tyrant, the monsters are attacking us." Zhou Yuying quickly finished speaking, and fixed her eyes on the other side of the river.

This small river is only three meters wide, and the water is very shallow. You can see the sand and rocks at the bottom of the river when you get closer.

Tang Hao's gun was equipped with a silencer, but the light from a small bullet could still be seen at the muzzle of the gun.The monster moved so fast that it escaped the rifle fire.

In the duty room, Lan Siqi and the others watched the video. Although Tang Hao and the two were only facing one enemy, the tense atmosphere at the scene still made the people in the duty room anxious.

Liang Ye also knew that there was a battle on Tang Hao's side, and he was still following him. He also believed that Tang Hao and Zhou Yuying could handle it well.

The mysterious man didn't move fast, and the clothes on the body had been worn out, making him look very miserable.

Seeing the monster dodge the shots again and again, Tang Hao cursed secretly, took out a grenade, and threw it forcefully to the other side of the river.

His marksmanship is actually not bad. He was well-known in the Army Special Forces back then. The problem was that the speed of the monster was too fast. The bullet almost flew past the monster's body, but missed it.

The grenade exploded when it hit the ground, and the shrapnel produced by the explosion blew out a small crater on the ground. While the monster was outside the range of the explosion, the shrapnel did not cause any damage to it, only the resulting shock wave knocked it back two times. Get lost.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tang Hao squeezed the trigger twice, and the bullet finally hit the monster's body.

The severe pain caused the monster to let out two screams, and the sound it made was very strange, like the cry of a monkey, and it sounded extremely sharp.

Tang Hao didn't shoot again, he looked at the monster rolling on the ground, and turned his head to look at Zhou Yuying.But at this moment, the monster suddenly jumped up from the ground, climbed up the tree, and quickly jumped onto the branch.

"It wants to run away!" Zhou Yuying quickly raised her pistol and pulled the trigger in the direction of the monster.

Because the monster was shot twice, its speed was no longer as fast as before. Zhou Yuying's shot hit its thigh.

The thigh was injured, and the monster fell from the tree, but after rolling twice on the ground, it ran into the depths of the forest and disappeared into the darkness.

"This is a tracking bullet." After Zhou Yuying finished speaking, she activated the small display screen on her left hand. There was a small red dot moving fast on it. It was the monster hit by the tracking bullet just now.

"It's really fast." Tang Hao said with emotion.

Good marksmanship is one of the necessary skills for a fighter, but if the enemy is fast enough to dodge bullets, then he can only shoot in a predictive manner.

The enemy is extremely fast, and the speed of prediction must be faster than the opponent.This, only a thunderstorm can do.

Attacking, fleeing after being repelled, the people in the duty room recorded all these scenes, and the green eyes still have a shock to their hearts.

Tang Hao's reaction was fast enough. Seeing the monster's dodging speed, he didn't shoot blindly. Instead, he used grenades to influence the opponent's actions, and then shot when the opponent didn't react.

Of course, it only took him a second to pull out the grenade and throw it out, which is impossible for normal combat personnel.

"Where is it going?" Tang Hao couldn't help asking while looking at the display screen on Zhou Yuying's hand.

Zhou Yuying zoomed out on the map, observed it for a while and said, "It's going to the middle of the forest, in the danger zone."

The communication channel between the two was always on, and Liang Ye also heard the conversation between the two of them. At this time, he speculated that the place where the mysterious person was going might also be in the danger zone.

Obviously, all mysteries can be solved there.

"My side may also enter the dangerous area. You continue to search along the route, and I will go in first to find the way." Liang Ye said.

His words surprised Zhou Yuying and Tang Hao. If Liang Ye went to explore the road first, then Liang Ye would have to face the unknown danger alone.

Tang Hao said quickly: "Captain, we request to go together."

"My order will not be repeated a second time," Liang Ye said.


Zhou Yuying quickly stopped Tang Hao, signaling him not to continue talking.

"The captain's ability is enough to face all kinds of situations, and we act according to his orders." Zhou Yuying said.

Tang Hao was born as a special forces soldier, so how could he not know that it is his bounden duty to obey orders? But before he set off, even the director Li Shan had specifically explained that there may be many terrible things in the danger zone. The first investigation team That's where the team lost contact.

Now that Liang Ye wants to enter alone, this is undoubtedly stepping into the abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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