Ghost Task Force

Chapter 495 Shocking

Chapter 495 Shocking
"Report to the commander. The two pilots were seriously injured and unable to speak." While directing the rescue, Dai Yuan quickly reported to Liang Ye: "Several team members said that they were not attacked. The problem is that the left engine suddenly disappeared, and the right The engine was damaged and the control panels were all out."

On the other side, Lan Siqi in the duty room also said: "The engineer reported that the fighter plane had just been inspected and repaired before it took off, and there are no technical problems."

"Forget it, save people first." Liang Ye did not continue to ask about the crash.

Because it’s useless to ask more questions. If you really want to solve the puzzle, then find out the situation in the danger zone. This is the most important thing to do right now.

The engine on the left side of the fighter plane disappeared, and the control panel failed. It was obvious that someone with supernatural powers was playing tricks.It is impossible for normal anti-air weapons to make an aircraft's engine disappear out of thin air.

Liang Ye was in the danger zone, but he didn't encounter the slightest danger. He became more and more curious about the mysterious man he had been following.

It had been more than half an hour since Liang Ye had left after following him, and so had the mysterious man.Moreover, the mysterious man dragged a corpse weighing more than 100 kilograms.

There is a hint of whiteness in the sky, and the sun in South America is much hotter than that in China, and China is still in winter.

Liang Ye looked up at the light in the sky, and he checked the time. It was six o'clock in the morning, and the night was slowly receding.

At this time, the mysterious man who had been walking for more than half an hour finally stopped at this moment. He turned his head and glanced at the disfigured corpse that had been dragged, with a strange smile cracked at the corner of his mouth.

And Liang Ye finally saw his appearance clearly, the same terrifying face that Tang Hao and others had seen.And his mouth is bigger, and the tongue that is exposed to the air is much longer than that of a normal person, and the tip of the tongue is triangular and extremely sharp.

The sunken eyes are barely visible, the complexion is dark brown, and the teeth in the mouth are like fangs.

When Liang Ye saw his face clearly, he felt a burst of emotion in his heart. Although he always wanted to treat this guy as a mutant, but the current appearance of the mysterious man really couldn't be treated as a human being.

Even the torsos of the limbs no longer look human.

The mysterious man didn't find Liang Ye who was hiding in the dark. He dragged the body and began to walk towards the woods on the right. Liang Ye hurriedly followed. When he walked a few steps, he suddenly found that there were several wild deer corpses at his feet.

The bodies were decomposed and had apparently been dead for days.

The further you go, the more corpses there are, and some trees also look withered.

Liang Ye glanced at the value displayed on the air detection device. The air was still in a normal state, and no deadly virus was detected.

The fallen leaves on the ground have already dried up, and normal people can make a sound when they step down, but Liang Ye is different, he can control the strength of each foot, and there is no sound when walking.

There were rats gnawing on the corpses of some animals, and there were even poisonous snakes crawling. Liang Ye felt that something was wrong. He looked up and found a 5-meter-long boa constrictor coiled on a withered tree, slowly spitting. Tongue.

The snake didn't notice Liang Ye, it was looking down at the corpses on the ground.

In this place, every step may bring many dangers.

Liang Ye breathed out secretly, looking at the dead animals on the ground and the snakes crawling around, he finally felt the "enthusiasm" of the virgin forest.

Especially in this dangerous area, there have been virus outbreaks, some animals died, and some animals survived.Whether those animals that survived mutated or developed antibodies still needs to be investigated.But if normal people enter this dangerous area, what they have to face is not only viruses or monsters, but also poisonous snakes and insects.

Just the 5-meter python coiled in a tree can scare a normal person half to death.

Liang Ye took all his breath away and walked forward lightly. The boa constrictor was still sticking out its tongue on the tree, looking for prey.

Strangely, when the mysterious man passed by, none of the snakes took the initiative to attack, but all of them retreated to make way for the mysterious man.

The mysterious man didn't seem to see the dead animal on the ground, and the big foot stepped directly on the rotting body of the animal.

"You can enter the danger zone. The air value is currently showing normal, but you must be careful. I found many poisonous snakes here." Liang Ye said.

Hearing Liang Ye's words, Tang Hao and Zhou Yuying, who had been waiting outside the danger zone for a long time, finally took action. They activated their gas masks and set off towards the marked point on the map.

After another 10 minutes of walking in the forest, the mysterious man began to walk downhill. The slope was obviously very steep, and Liang Ye couldn't see him all at once.

And here is exactly one of the red marked points on the map.Zhou Yuying discovered this, and she quickly reported to Liang Ye: "Captain, your location is one of the points marked on the map."

"I see." Liang Ye frowned, but instead of following immediately, he fired a rope gun and let himself fall into a tree.

These trees were more than ten meters high, and Liang Ye could clearly feel the fragility of these trees as soon as he landed on the branches.After dying, these branches are very brittle and will snap off with a little force.

If so many big trees die in a short period of time, once the virus breaks out in the city, the consequences will be disastrous.

Liang Ye shook his head, let go of other thoughts, then shot the rope gun and continued to move forward.

When he saw the scene below the slope clearly, he subconsciously stopped, his breathing also stagnated, and his eyes were full of shock.

I saw a deep pit ahead, with a diameter of 50 meters. The pit was full of tree roots, which was obviously formed naturally.

The scene that surprised Liang Ye was the corpse inside.

A total of 11 corpses were lying in the pit. Their abdomens were all cut open, and all their internal organs were missing. Other parts of their bodies had obviously been eaten.

Flies and mosquitoes kept circling in this big pit, and the stench from the rotting and gnawed corpses pierced the sky. If Liang Ye hadn't worn a gas mask to isolate the outside air, the stench here would have stunned him instantly.

This was a shocking and terrifying scene. Liang Ye could only tell the number of people by the clothes on the ground.Judging from the clothes, these are members of the second UN investigation team, plus the one in the hands of the mysterious man, there are a total of 12 corpses.

In the duty room, Lan Siqi watched the video transmitted by Liang Ye, subconsciously covered her mouth, resisting the urge to retch.

The contact lenses worn by Liang Ye and others are extremely effective. The video images captured are all 4K ultra-clear, and the light is relatively sufficient now, so what Liang Ye sees with the naked eye is what the staff in the duty room see on the big screen. You can see it clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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