Ghost Task Force

Chapter 496 Eavesdropping

Chapter 496 Eavesdropping

This video image is unforgettable for all the staff in the duty room.

In the duty room, only a small number of staff were providing technical and remote communication support for Liang Ye's tasks, and the rest were responsible for other tasks.There are also three large screens, which are only used when performing major tasks. If there is a major operation authorized by the director himself, the three large screens will be merged into one, and all staff in the duty room will provide remote support together.

Li Shan also planned to do this at first, but was rejected by Liang Ye. Liang Ye felt that an investigation mission, which might last for several days, did not need to use the resources of the entire headquarters duty room, so only a large screen was used.

And this big screen can be seen by everyone. When the picture is displayed on it, although other staff members should not be distracted, curiosity still makes them take a look.Just this one glance caused a huge shock to their hearts.

A total of 11 corpses were eaten badly, and there were flies and mosquitoes flying by.The flies and mosquitoes in the primeval forest are much larger than those in the city. In the video, the flying tracks of the flies are clearly visible, making people sick.

As an agent, Lan Siqi had witnessed all kinds of horrific scenes during training, but she had to admit that what she saw this time was more than any case in the textbook.

Resisting the urge to vomit, she said to the staff on the side: "Contact the UN Special Operations Team, 12 members of the second investigation team were confirmed dead."

The staff at the side also turned pale. Hearing Lan Siqi's words, he quickly slapped himself to refresh himself, and then conveyed the message to the United Nations.

It was hard for them to accept just watching the video, and the staff were all feeling how uncomfortable Liang Ye was at the scene.

In fact, Liang Ye was not like them. At this time, he recovered after a brief shock. The air detection device reminded that the air in this area was too turbid, and asked Liang Ye not to remove the gas mask.

At this time, the mysterious man threw the corpse that had been dragging downwards, and the corpse rolled down the ground, and finally hit a tree root before stopping.

After the corpse fell, three monsters suddenly crawled out from under the tree roots. These monsters were of different sizes, but they all looked exactly like the one Tang Hao had seen, and they also used hands and feet to move.They kept making monkey-like calls, chirping and gnawing around the corpse brought back by the mysterious man.One of the monsters ripped out the corpse's intestines and put it in its mouth, as if eating delicious food.

"Captain, the monster we injured is heading to your location." Zhou Yuying reported.

At this time, the green-eyed monster appeared in the distance. It was running with a limp, and green blood was continuously flowing out of its body.

"I saw it." Liang Ye whispered.

The green-eyed monster ran up to the mysterious man, pointed at the blood on his body, and chirped, and the sharp voice made Liang Ye feel annoyed.

The mysterious man bent down, and the two-meter-long left hand lifted the monster in front of him, and the monster closed its mouth at once.

"Is that his child?" Liang Ye frowned. The monsters in front of him were so ugly and disgusting that he had the urge to stop watching.

Because the corpses had been eaten to pieces, Liang Ye couldn't judge the cause of the investigators' death with the naked eye, and their cause of death is still a mystery.

If it was killed by these monsters, then why did one of the corpses lie there for days, and the monsters are only now dragging him back.

There are still many problems. Liang Ye continued to observe, but what happened next shocked Liang Ye again.

I saw the mysterious man's nails slowly stretching towards the monster's thigh, which was the place hit by Zhou Yuying's homing bullet.

Then, the two fingers of the mysterious man pierced the monster's flesh, and the monster in his hands began to scream and struggle instantly.The other three monsters that were eating the corpse also stopped, looking up at the mysterious man's actions.

Liang Ye frowned. It was obvious that the mysterious man knew how to deal with the monster after it was injured. He knew how to take out the bullet.

After a while, the tracking bullet stuck in the flesh was pulled out, and the mysterious man's right hand was covered with green blood. His eyes were fixed on the tracking bullet, as if he was thinking about something.

The monster held in his hands didn't struggle any more. Like the mysterious man, it inserted its nails into the other two wounds and pulled out the other two bullets.

Naturally, screams from the severe pain were inevitable during this period. Its behavior of hurting itself is really admirable.

Watching it pick out the bullet, the mysterious man threw it aside as if throwing garbage, regardless of the monster's wound still bleeding out.

Afterwards, the mysterious man dropped the tracking bomb on the ground, picked up a stone on the ground, and threw it hard at the tracking bomb.


The stone collided with the ground, making a muffled sound.

"The tracking signal disappeared." Zhou Yuying said.

Liang Ye pressed the communicator and said in a low voice: "The tracking bomb was destroyed by them. The mysterious man in the lead is very smart, and all the monsters obey him. There are three more monsters here, and they are eating the corpses."

At this time, the mysterious man walked in front of the other three monsters.

The three monsters looked up at the mysterious man, as if they were looking up at a god.And the mysterious man moved his mouth and spoke some strange language, because Liang Ye couldn't hear clearly because the distance was too far.

Liang Ye frowned. He quickly put the bug into the sleeve gun in his right hand, and then fired it at a stone beside the mysterious man.

These are all equipment designed for Liang Ye's needs. The bug is completely silent from the time it occurs to the time it hits the target. Even if it collides with a stone, it only raises a trace of dust without making any sound.

But even so, Liang Ye didn't understand any of the language spoken by the mysterious man. Liang Ye quickly pressed the phone and said, "Quickly analyze it with a computer."

And the technicians are already doing this, but unfortunately the mysterious man said very briefly, they only analyzed four words: "Kill them."

Hearing the report from the duty room, Liang Ye quickly pondered in his mind for half a second, then widened his eyes.

"No, they are going to find the tyrant."

The communicator was in a free talking state. Zhou Yuying and Tang Hao, who were walking, subconsciously stopped, and looked around vigilantly.

As soon as Liang Ye finished speaking, the three monsters left the big pit quickly, and their moving speed was even faster than that green-eyed monster.

"Three monsters are looking for you, get ready to fight." Liang Ye said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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