Ghost Task Force

Chapter 498 Confidential

Chapter 498 Confidential
In the headquarters of the Strategic Security Bureau, in the office of the ninth-level agent Ding Xue, Lan Siqi was sitting on the sofa, and Ding Xue poured her a cup of coffee.

Lan Siqi didn't pick up the coffee, she stood up, looked at Ding Xue and said, "Sir, what I should do now is to go back to the duty room and continue working instead of sitting here."

Although Ding Xue is her leader according to the rank, Lan Siqi only obeys Liang Ye's arrangement in the Strategic Security Bureau, and even Li Shan will not give her orders directly.

After Ding Xue read the declassified files just now, she took Lan Siqi to her office. When Lan Siqi left the duty room, the mysterious person was looking for Liang Ye's trace, which made the staff in the duty room nervous.At this moment, Ding Xue took Lan Siqi away.

Lan Siqi was suppressing her inner dissatisfaction, the duty room needed her to sit in charge, and Ding Xue's seemingly unhurried attitude made her very unhappy.

"Just now I authorized the decryption of the sealed files, don't you want to know?" Ding Xue asked.

"I'd love to know, but now is not the time to discuss that."

"You really think about Liang Ye in everything. It's not difficult to deal with that monster with his ability. Even if you monitor remotely, how can you help him?"

"Sir, I think our conversation is over."

After finishing speaking, Lan Siqi turned around with a cold face, and strode towards the office door.

"That monster is related to a research accident in the 40s, an illegal research conducted by the Institute of the Seventh Special Operations Bureau. They captured a wounded soldier on the battlefield and conducted cruel genetic experiments on him. "

Ding Xue walked up to Lan Siqi. She was taller than Lan Siqi, and she looked down slightly.Lan Siqi listened carefully to her every word.

The Seventh Special Operations Bureau, Lan Siqi knew this agency, it was one of the predecessors of the Strategic Security Bureau, and many sealed files were also handed down from this agency.People with supernatural abilities have existed for many centuries, and different agencies have been responsible for the work related to people with supernatural abilities in different eras, and the same is true of the Seventh Special Operations Bureau.

In the last century, the agency made many contributions to prevent supernatural beings from influencing the world, but later because of changes in the world pattern, the agency had to disband and seal all files until the establishment of the Strategic Defense Bureau.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Strategic Defense Bureau, it was classified as the highest level of confidentiality. Only the leaders of various countries knew about it and signed the agreement together.So Liang Ye set up the Ghost Task Force at that time, but Li Shan didn't stop it, because it would bring great help to the establishment of the Strategic Security Bureau.

"At that time, this research was not approved, and the researchers were doing it secretly, without the knowledge of the high-level officials. But later, an extremely serious mistake was made in the research, which caused the soldier to mutate and become the one in the video. look." Ding Xue looked at Lan Siqi, and continued to describe the contents of the file she just saw: "The soldier ran away after killing the researcher. small town, eventually disappearing in South America."

Judging from Ding Xue's narration, she took this matter very lightly, as if it wasn't very serious.After listening to it, Lan Siqi asked the question in her heart: "Why is this incident sealed up and requires level nine authority?"

"Because this is a scandal belonging to the Seventh Special Operations Bureau. At that time, the whole world was in chaos, and people began to have a star-like pursuit of supernatural beings, but supernatural beings don't appear just because they want to." , so the Action Bureau at that time was reduced to two factions, and the other faction advocated man-made supernatural beings, modifying the genes of ordinary people, and forcibly endowing them with superpowers."

"So there was the above-mentioned incident. After the mistake happened, the Action Bureau arrested all the people who participated in and authorized the research, but the death of thousands of people is not so easy to appease. This also affected the follow-up of the entire Action Bureau. With the development of the work, the world pattern changed, and this scandal was brought up again and again, and the Seventh Special Operations Bureau was forced to disband.”

After finishing speaking, Ding Xue turned around and returned to her desk. She pressed the button on the desk, and the whole office was sealed off.

"But the group of people who were arrested at the beginning were not executed. They were rescued one by one from the prison. Some of them are still alive in this world, and some of them are inherited by their descendants. They were at the same time. In an organization, they all hold great power. Do you think that the purpose of the investigation team of the United Nations is to investigate the cause of the virus? Not all, half of the team members are performing another task, looking for that monster, because they know that The monster isn't dead yet."

Listening to Ding Xue's narration, Lan Siqi was shocked in her heart, she really didn't know that this matter involved so much.

"What is that organization, V?" Lan Siqi asked.

Ding Xue shook her head, but nodded again.Lan Siqi was very puzzled by her actions.

"It's not V, but it has a connection with V. I found all these through the traitor Wang Bing back then, and I'm still digging." Ding Xue looked up at Lan Siqi, and said in a low voice: "I have a relationship with Lan Siqi today. What you said is confidential, which is why I called you into my office."

"What's the purpose? My authority shouldn't know this. What's the reason you told me?"

Lan Siqi was very clear. It was impossible for Ding Xue to just tell her a level [-] agent these secrets. With Lan Siqi's authority, she was not qualified to know these things.

"That mysterious man, named Cyrus, is also called the Corpse Collector. The genetic modification had a great impact on his body and appearance, and made him eat only raw food like an animal. I checked, and his lifespan is actually It’s not long anymore, and he never stepped out of that forest in half his life.” Ding Xue sighed, and said to Lan Siqi: “Liang Ye trusts you and will listen to your opinions. You and Liang Ye Say it, give Cyrus a way out, and let his life end on its own."

After coming out of Ding Xue's office, Lan Siqi's heart was shocked, not only because of the confidential information she heard, but also because of Ding Xue's last words.

In the eyes of the agents of the Bureau of Strategic Security, Ding Xue was a cold, unemotional woman, and even Liang Ye gave her such an evaluation.But just now, she actually said such words.

She also knew that if she went to talk to Liang Ye herself, Liang Ye might not pay attention to her, so she chose to tell Lan Siqi.

As for all the above-mentioned information, Ding Xue had just sorted it out and had not had time to report to Li Shan at the high-level meeting. Lan Siqi was the first to know about it besides her, and Liang Ye is not clear about these things now.

And Ding Xue also trusted Lan Siqi, being able to work beside Liang Ye for so long was enough proof of Lan Siqi's ability and loyalty.

After Lan Siqi walked more than ten meters, Ding Xue suddenly stood at the door of the office and said, "You should take a good rest. High-intensity work is not good for a woman. You should cherish your own body."

Lan Siqi turned her head and glanced at her, Ding Xue nodded slightly at her, then turned and closed the office door.

(End of this chapter)

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