Ghost Task Force

Chapter 499 Won't Kill Him

Chapter 499 Won't Kill Him

While Ding Xue was talking with Lan Siqi, Liang Ye had already fought with Cyrus.

Cyrus was destroying trees like crazy, Liang Ye was hiding in the tree, but Cyrus had nowhere for him to hide, so he had to face it head-on.

In fact, Liang Ye himself was struggling with whether he should kill this monster. His intuition told him that this monster was a genetically mutated human being, but it had powerful destructive power and ate corpses.

In the dark, his action of dragging away the corpse made Liang Ye subconsciously think of the word "midnight corpse collector".

And this monster lives in this forest. Some explorers encountered them and were attacked, but no one died. The explorer fled the forest after being attacked.

Now that there was a battle with the monster, Liang Ye had a feeling that he didn't want to kill him.

Cyrus's attack speed is extremely fast, and the main attack method is his long nails. His nails are as hard as stone. When Liang Ye jumped to the tree to avoid the attack, Cyrus' nails left behind on the tree. There were three deep claw marks.

If an ordinary person is clawed, it is estimated that they can be torn in half.

After Liang Ye landed on the tree, he took out his pistol and shot at Cyrus on the ground, but Cyrus was so fast that he dodged all the bullets, picked up a broken branch on the ground and threw it at Liang Ye.

Seeing the branches flying towards him, Liang Ye turned slightly to avoid the attack, and the branch stuck into a tree behind Liang Ye, shaking the leaves on the tree to fall.

Every attack of Cyrus wanted Liang Ye's life.

Liang Ye withdrew the pistol, pressed down with his left hand, a tornado instantly enveloped Cyrus, and the rolled up fallen leaves and ground debris hit his body, making him unable to attack Liang for a while. attack at night.

Because he was carrying a backpack, Liang Ye couldn't unfold the cloak behind him. He stretched out his Hidden Blades and jumped down from the tree.

Cyrus, who was affected by the tornado, covered his face to avoid the debris from hurting his eyes, and this is what normal people would do, subconsciously to protect his eyes or head.

After landing, Liang Ye released the tornado's influence on Cyrus, and before Cyrus could react, the Hidden Blade pierced his thigh and knee.

The knee was pierced, and Cyrus let out a scream, but Liang Ye did not continue to attack, and quickly retreated a few meters.

Once this kind of monster went mad, it would cause great damage. Liang Ye didn't like to fight, and kept his distance immediately after gaining the upper hand.

"Lieutenant Colonel, I'm Lan Siqi." At this moment, Lan Siqi's voice rang through Liang Ye's communicator, and Lan Siqi used an encrypted channel, and only she and Liang Ye could hear her voice.

Liang Ye saw on the battle panel that this was an encrypted channel. Obviously, Lan Siqi had something important to say to him, so he asked, "Tell me."

At this time, Lan Siqi was in her office, watching the battle between Liang Ye and Cyrus.

She has always had her own independent office, but she rarely uses it, because most of the time she is following Liang Ye or collecting information in other departments, so this office is often empty.

Cyrus recovered after a short period of pain, and he rushed towards Liang Ye, not forgetting to pick up a stone and throw it at Liang Ye while sprinting.

Liang Ye didn't dodge either, he used the Hidden Blade wristguard of his left hand to knock the flying stone away, and then prepared to face Cyrus' attack head-on.

But at this moment, the green-eyed monster, which was seriously injured because of the bullet out of its body, appeared from the side. It howled and rushed towards Liang Ye, even faster than Cyrus.

Liang Ye said inwardly that he was not good, and he quickly took out a cross dart and threw it towards the green-eyed monster's head.

As an assassin, Liang Ye is good at using all kinds of hidden weapons, and his favorite is this kind of cross dart, which he will wear every time he takes action.Another type of needle-shaped dart was loaded on the sleeve gun by Liang Ye for silent attacks.

The darts that flew out of his hand were often faster than the bullets. The green-eyed monster had no time to dodge, and was hit in the right eye by the cross dart, forcing it to stop.

Liang Ye didn't have time to watch the green-eyed monster rolling on the ground in pain, because Cyrus had already come in front of him, and his palm, which was bigger than Liang Ye's head, was slapping his face straight.

Liang Ye didn't dare to guess how powerful Cyrus was, let alone experience it for himself, so he quickly dodged the attack by turning sideways, and at the same time swung his right Hidden Blade, leaving a scar on Cyrus' right arm. bloodstains.

Like the other monsters, Cyrus' blood was also green, but darker.

His right hand was injured, and Cyrus' body subconsciously retreated. Liang Ye seized this opportunity and fired the rope gun in his left hand, aiming at Cyrus' right shoulder.


The rope gun hit Cyrus' right shoulder with perfect precision, piercing his body and pinning him in the back.

Liang Ye clenched his fist with his left hand, and with the help of the wrist guard, he pulled back forcefully, bringing Cyrus' body to his direction.

His series of attacks and actions were at the textbook level, and the agents in the duty room were excited. Lan Siqi originally wanted to talk, but when she saw Liang Ye's battle scene, she didn't dare to interrupt for a while.Intuition also told her that Liang Ye would not kill him.

Because Cyrus' body was dragged by the rope gun, he staggered forward, while Liang Ye rushed forward two steps and then jumped forward. While retracting the rope gun, his right leg knee hit hard Cyrus' head knocked Cyrus back two steps, and then fell heavily to the ground.

After attacking Cyrus, Liang Ye did not land immediately, but returned to the branch with the rope gun, took out two smoke bombs with his right hand and threw them downward, and the smoke instantly enveloped Cyrus.

"If you have anything to say, say it quickly, his loss of consciousness won't last long." Liang Ye said while holding down the communicator.

Cyrus fell to the ground and didn't respond for a while, while the green-eyed monster on the other side was still rolling over with his eyes covered, unable to fight for a short time.

Only then did Lan Siqi realize that Liang Ye's attack was creating time for her to speak, so she quickly organized her words and told her everything Ding Xue had told her.

She spoke very quickly, and she only talked about the main points, and she finished what she was going to say in less than 2 minutes.Liang Ye listened carefully, he would not worry that Lan Siqi would deceive him, because Lan Siqi had always shown her loyalty with actions.

"I see, I won't kill him, but you have to remind Ding Xue that these situations should be reported to the chief immediately, and it is more appropriate for the chief to decide everything." After Liang Ye finished speaking, he terminated the call on the encrypted channel.

Lan Siqi took off the communicator in her ear, and she looked at the photo frame on her desk.

It was a photo of her graduating from university, wearing a bachelor's uniform and smiling brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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