Ghost Task Force

Chapter 500 More Terrifying People

Chapter 500 More Terrifying People

On Zhou Yuying and Tang Hao's side, they also had direct contact with the three monsters.

The appearance of the three monsters was almost the same, and the eyes were as deeply sunken as Cyrus, and the eyeballs were almost invisible.

Neither of them knew about the conversation between Liang Ye and Lan Siqi, and they were not merciful when fighting monsters.In this case, it's either you die or I die.

Tang Hao shot at the three monsters, and the monsters jumped up and down the trees, dodging all the flying bullets, while Zhou Yuying grabbed the gap, and sent an electric current attack towards the leftmost monster with the left glove.

The monster sensed the danger and subconsciously stopped.Zhou Yuying took a pre-judgment. She used combat assistance to calculate the trajectory of the monster's movement, but the computer was always a computer, and Zhou Yuying couldn't help but marvel at the monster's reaction speed again.

The current fell on the ground in front of the monster, scorching the ground black, and the distance from the monster's feet was less than [-] centimeters. If the monster didn't stop moving, the consequences of the current hitting it would be unimaginable.

Zhou Yuying's electric current attacks all imitated Deng Xuan's. Although the power was not as powerful as Deng Xuan's, it was more than enough to deal with the enemy.

"I'll deal with the two on the right." Tang Hao said, retracting the rifle in his hand, twisting his neck and walking towards the two monsters on the right.

He didn't run, because the two monsters kept rushing towards him.

Zhou Yuying held the pistol in her right hand. After avoiding the lightning attack, the monster in front of her ran on hands and feet again, and Zhou Yuying took advantage of the gap to replace the pistol with tracking bullets.

These 20 rounds of tracking ammunition were brought out by Zhou Yuying for the first time, and they were also the ammunition she had just developed based on firearms, specially designed to deal with such fast enemies.

Looking at the monster that was still sprinting, Zhou Yuying slowly raised the pistol in her right hand, and the infrared assisted aiming was locked on the monster.

On the other side, Tang Hao started a fight with two monsters. He first punched the nearest monster into the air, and then kicked out with his right foot, kicking the other monster to the side of the tree.

Because of his tall stature, Tang Hao's speed was relatively weak, but the combat uniform on his body perfectly solved this problem.Although his current speed could not be compared with Liang Ye, he would not be inferior to the enemy in battle.

The monster's speed is very fast, but it will definitely be a disadvantage if it confronts Tang Hao head-on.

Tang Hao's attacks were never sloppy, and every attack was a solid blow, especially the monster that was punched by him fell to the ground and struggled after flying 20 meters away, and couldn't get up from the ground for a while.

On the other side, Zhou Yuying had already put her finger on the trigger, and a victorious smile appeared on her face covered by the gas mask.

At this moment, Liang Ye's voice rang through the intercom.

"Stop attacking, don't kill them."

Liang Ye spoke quickly, but Tang Hao and Zhou Yuying heard it clearly, and they were slightly taken aback. They didn't expect Liang Ye to issue such an order at this time.

But to their surprise, the crazy monsters stopped and looked up at the sky half covered by leaves.

"What happened?" Zhou Yuying's finger was still on the trigger, and she didn't dare to release her guard.

"These monsters will not attack again. Continue to carry out investigation tasks and stay vigilant." Liang Ye continued.

Zhou Yuying and Tang Hao looked at each other. This sudden change really made them a little confused, but obeying Liang Ye's order is the most important thing, and they both agreed at the same time.

The three monsters also stepped aside, as if they were making way for the two of them.

Neither Tang Hao nor Zhou Yuying were in a daze anymore, and continued to set off according to the route on the map.

On Liang Ye's side, he looked at Cyrus who was kneeling on the ground, and slowly retracted the Hidden Blade's wristband, releasing himself from the fighting state.However, he still did not cancel the protection of the gas mask, because the air was full of stench, and he could not accept it.

"So, you are a supernatural being." Cyrus spoke in very poor English, and he spoke with difficulty, as if he had forgotten the language.

Just now Liang Ye had revealed his identity and purpose to him, and Cyrus also understood what Liang Ye meant, and roared on the spot, causing the three monsters to stop attacking.

This led to the scene just now, when the three monsters made way for Tang Hao and Zhou Yuying.

"Yes, I am a supernatural person. I want to tell you that the Seventh Special Operations Bureau no longer exists, but some of those who hurt you are still alive." Liang Ye looked at Cyrus's appearance , Recalling the story Lan Siqi told, I couldn't help but feel sorry for Cyrus.

Once he was just a soldier on the battlefield, going through life and death, and made great military exploits for his country.But in a sneak battle, he was caught by the people of the research institute, and the researchers conducted cruel research on him for half a year.

Now this is a new century and era, but Cyrus has been hiding in the forest for half his life, until the arrival of investigators broke his tranquility.

"I don't care anymore, I can feel my days are numbered," Cyrus said.

Liang Ye squatted down, looked at the pitiful appearance of Cyrus, and sighed: "In fact, many people want to use supernatural beings as weapons. In recent years, some people have been conducting research on artificial supernatural beings, and there have even been people who transform humans." , many people are going through the same experience as you did."

"Human greed is endless." Cyrus glanced at the green-eyed monster lying on the side, and continued: "They are also experimental subjects, but they are all monkeys. At first, the researchers conducted experiments on them. Only use it on me after success."

Listening to Cyrus' narration, Liang Ye clenched his fist subconsciously.

Liang Ye has always known about the organization of the Seventh Special Operations Bureau, and Liang Anguo once mentioned it to him. Strictly speaking, the Seventh Special Operations Bureau is indeed one of the predecessors of the Strategic Security Bureau, because many of the archives of the Security Bureau are is from there.

The original intention of the Seventh Special Operations Bureau was good, but after the faction split, too many mistakes occurred, which eventually led to its disbandment.

But right after it was disbanded, only the Archives Office was in charge, and all the criminals who had been imprisoned for a lifetime were rescued.

Some of the two United Nations investigation teams came here to search for Cyrus who was still alive.Because he is considered the product of the first generation of experiments, it is still useful to capture him back now.

"Did you kill all these people?" Liang Ye asked.

However, Cyrus' answer surprised Liang Ye.

"No, although they found me, they were killed before they could attack." Cyrus raised his head slowly, and said in a low voice, "There are more terrifying people in the forest."

(End of this chapter)

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