Ghost Task Force

Chapter 501 Authorization

Chapter 501 Authorization
"How scary?" Liang Ye frowned, thinking of the woman floating in mid-air in the material.

Cyrus didn't answer right away, his long hair was blown by the wind, and there was no expression on his already terrifying face.

He seemed afraid of mentioning this person, and he said after a while, "Facing her, I don't have the courage to do it..."

After finishing speaking, Cyrus lowered his head, his whole body was as dead silent, motionless.

Without the courage to do it...

Liang Ye looked at Cyrus with surprise in his heart.

Cyrus' combat power can affect the situation of the entire battlefield when placed on the battlefield, even if he faces a tactical team, he can guarantee that he will not be inferior.

But when he mentioned this more terrible person, he said that he had no courage.And Cyrus just said it in English, he mentioned "she".

Liang Ye pondered for a long time, but Cyrus, who was as dead as dead, raised his head again, looked at Liang Ye and said, "Do you want to continue walking inside?"

"Yes." Liang Ye nodded, he didn't intend to hide anything.

Now Cyrus has no hostility towards him, so many years have passed, Cyrus is actually a dying old man, and his lifespan is running out.

He never left this forest for the rest of his life, and lived here in seclusion, living with a few transformed monkeys.

Cyrus was a victim of the greed of some evil people, looking at this poor man, Liang Ye was filled with emotion for a moment.

"The primitive tribal people there have turned into demons. They know how to arm themselves and snatched all the weapons and ammunition. That place is hell. Do you want to continue?" Cyrus looked at Liang Ye, although he looked He couldn't see Liang Ye's face, but he admired Liang Ye's courage and ability in his heart.

Liang Ye has always been curious about where the weapons and equipment of the investigation team went, and now that Cyrus said, he finally understood.

In the photo of the file, the people of the primitive tribe kneel on the ground and kowtow to the woman floating in the air, as if kneeling to worship the gods.It is not impossible to say that women control their minds and make them subordinates.

"Of course we must continue. This is the purpose of my coming here." Liang Ye stood up and straightened his clothes.

"You are very brave, but I cannot go with you," said Cyrus.

Liang Ye nodded, of course he would not ask Cyrus to go with him, because Cyrus had no reason to participate in his mission.

"Can you tell me what virus is affecting this forest?" Liang Ye asked the last question.

"It's up to you to dig out the answers yourself," Cyrus said.

Obviously, Cyrus was hiding something, Liang Ye chose not to continue asking, he nodded slightly towards Cyrus, then turned and left.

The story about Cyrus has also come to an end, Liang Ye decided to seal up his information again, and applied to Li Shan for a tenth-level blockade authority, only the director can view it.

This is one of the biggest scandals of the supernatural person processing agency. Ding Xue was shocked when she saw it. No one knew that he was hiding in the virgin forest in South America.This forest is too big, and there are too many hidden secrets. It will take a lot of time and manpower to really dig out all of them.

It is almost impossible for normal people to survive in this primeval forest, but Cyrus did it, because he can hardly be called a human anymore, and all of this is the result of human greed.

Ding Xue was ready to take action, and so was Liang Ye.

At this time, Liang Ye's investigation team composed of three people was splitting into two teams and heading towards the last marked point.Liang Ye didn't ask Cyrus where the woman was, but his intuition told him that what was marked on the dot was the final destination.

Liang Ye has always believed in his intuition, and basically made no mistakes.

A gust of wind blew away the flies and mosquitoes hovering in the air, and also the fear brought by this place, Liang Ye forgot this place in his mind.

After a while, a fire ignited in the area where Cyrus was, and the terrifying crater was shrouded in flames. Cyrus and the other four monsters stood aside and watched.

The green-eyed monster lost one eye, but it didn't cry out for the pain anymore, but stood quietly beside Cyrus, as well-behaved as his child.

The fire burned for nearly 10 minutes, and Cyrus didn't look any further. He turned around and led the four monsters to the depths of the forest, looking for a place to sleep.

"So there is such a story, this Cyrus is too pitiful." Tang Hao looked at the information on the display screen on his left hand while walking.

All members of the Ghost Task Force have level [-] authority, and with Liang Ye's authorization, they can browse all the information about Cyrus.

"In fact, there are stories about corpse collectors in the small towns around the forest. It was originally used to scare disobedient children, saying that if children are naughty, the corpse collectors will come to take them away in the middle of the night. This story has been passed down from generation to generation. One generation, I didn't expect it to be true." Zhou Yuying said.

Lei Yu and others who were far away in the lounge of the Strategic Security Bureau headquarters also learned about the relevant situation. They all expressed different views on this incident. As for the UN special operations team, who was released at the beginning? Let Ding Xue worry about it.

On the other side, Ding Xue reported to Li Shan the information she had learned, and Li Shan's final decision was to let Ding Xue take responsibility.Because she knows all of this best, and she is responsible for collecting all the information herself. If it is handed over to other agents, Li Shan will be worried.

"I didn't expect that this investigation task would involve so many things. The Seventh Special Operations Bureau had such an incident before." Lei Yu sat on the sofa with his mobile phone. Wish I was there too.

The members of Ghost Task Force knew about the Seventh Special Operations Bureau, but never mentioned it because the agency was in the past tense and classified files.

"The relevant information has been sealed long ago, and only the captain has the authority to read it. Now the captain just authorizes us to understand it." Deng Xuan said.

Lei Yu nodded, of course he understood this, after reading the information, he squeezed the phone in his hand and exploded.

Seeing his actions, Deng Xuan did the same.

Only Claire was stunned, she didn't know what happened because Liang Ye didn't authorize her.

Claire can't know too much now, and everyone agrees that it hasn't reached this point yet.

Soon, an agent sent over two new mobile phones, and the two crushed mobile phones were burned to slag by Deng Xuan.

Lei Yu looked at Claire who was still in high spirits, and couldn't help but said, "Claire, go to sleep for a while."

However, Claire shook her head vigorously, and said with a stubborn face: "I don't want it, I want to go to training."

"Oh?" Her enthusiasm made Lei Yu couldn't help but smile, Lei Yu and Deng Xuan looked at each other, and then said: "Okay, then I will take you to training, and today I will teach you how to use a sniper rifle."

(End of this chapter)

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