Ghost Task Force

Chapter 503 Sacrifice

Chapter 503 Sacrifice
At this time, Dai Yuan was leading five members of the rescue team to Wang Yu's location. They preliminarily deduced their location based on the direction of the signal flare, but the straight-line distance was 5 kilometers.

The road conditions in the primeval forest are complicated, and they cannot arrive in a short time.

The rest of the injured members of the combat team have been rescued on the plane. The Wraith Fighter they took is a new model specially responsible for rescue, with a larger fuselage and emergency rescue equipment on board.The members of the combat team who were injured by the crash were treated on board, and their lives are not in danger.

Looking back at Wang Yu, the enemy was charging towards the hill with various weapons in their hands.Wang Yu and Yu Hong occupied a favorable position and shot downward.

Duan Wenbo, who had a broken right leg, also clenched the rifle in his hand, resisting the severe pain and crawling behind a boulder to avoid being hit by stray bullets.

The task Wang Yu gave him was to protect himself, and he didn't need to forcefully join the battle. Joining the battle in his current situation may have a counterproductive effect.

There seemed to be a steady stream of enemies coming to attack. They used the rifles or pistols in their hands unfamiliarly. The bullets flew over the heads of Wang Yu and others. Although they were not accurate, they still scared people into a cold sweat.

What was more ruthless was that the primitive tribesmen threw the wooden javelins at the two of them, but when a javelin fell beside Yu Hong, he subconsciously sat on the ground.

The tip of the javelin was cut to be as sharp as a dagger, and if it fell on a person, the body would be pierced.

"Don't be dazed, keep shooting!" Wang Yu shouted.

Although the scene just now shocked him, but now they are in a very dangerous situation, and there is no time to be nervous.

Yu Hong quickly raised his gun and continued to shoot downwards. The bullets ruthlessly swept through the crowd, killing one enemy after another.

However, these people seem to be in a steady stream. Every time one falls, another person will immediately take its place, and people keep running out of the forest.

Although Wang Yu and Yu Hong now occupy a favorable position, condescending, shooting can produce better results, but the ammunition is limited, and the bullets in their hands will run out sooner or later.

Wang Yu and Yu Hong are not like members of the Ghost Task Force, who possess superpowers and can defeat a hundred with one.What's more, every enemy carries a weapon. If the bullets run out and the enemy fights hand-to-hand, they have no chance of winning.

At this time, Wang Yu and Yu Hong didn't think about anything else. Although this battle could be regarded as a collision between modern civilization and primitive civilization, they resisted for survival, and the purpose of these primitive tribesmen was to kill them.

What made Wang Yu even more curious was that the eyes of every enemy had a hint of red light.

"Yu Hong, grenade!" Wang Yu shouted, and quickly changed the magazine for his rifle.

Yu Hong took out a grenade and threw it down the hill.

"Boom!" The grenade exploded, instantly killing 7 enemies.But this made them smarter, they didn't sprint all at once, but spread out, so Wang Yu and Yu Hong had to use more time to aim.

They are not like thunderstorms, which aim and shoot at the same time, while ordinary combatants need to aim first and then shoot.

"Duan Wenbo, look at the back, if someone comes up from behind, blow his head off!" Wang Yu said to Duan Wenbo while changing the magazine.

As soon as he finished speaking, before Duan Wenbo could answer, an enemy suddenly appeared beside Duan Wenbo, stabbing Duan Wenbo's head with a javelin in his hand.

Duan Wenbo was taken aback. He quickly raised his gun and fired. While shooting, he leaned to the right and avoided the javelin attack.

"The enemy is coming up from behind!" Duan Wenbo shouted loudly.

At this time, they were completely surrounded by the enemy on the hill, and the three of them faced hundreds of people, and the battle was extremely fierce.

In the duty room of the headquarters, a staff member said to Lan Siqi, "Commander, the satellite has found the location of the combat team."

"Project the picture." Lan Siqi said.

The staff put the satellite images on the big screen, and saw that Wang Yu and the three were shooting towards the bottom of the hill, and people kept pouring out from the forest, rushing towards the three on the hill.

The fierceness of the battle shocked everyone present, Lan Siqi pressed the communicator after a brief loss of consciousness and said: "The rescue team speeds up, Wang Yu and the others are almost unable to hold on."

In fact, right after Lan Siqi finished speaking, three enemies with javelins rushed forward in front of Duan Wenbo. He continued to pull the trigger, intending to kill the three of them.

With the reflexes of a combat team member, it is not difficult to kill three enemies, but the problem is that the rifle in Duan Wenbo's hand just happened to be out of bullets.

"Ka... Ka..." Two sounds, Duan Wenbo's heart sank, and he said to himself, "It's over!"

The next moment, the javelin pierced Duan Wenbo's throat, and stuck to the ground with blood.

Realizing something was wrong, Wang Yu turned his head subconsciously. The scene in front of him made his eyes tear open, and he shouted: "Duan Wenbo!"

But he never got a response from the team member again, and the moment his throat was pierced, he was killed.

"Bastard!" Wang Yu roared, took out his pistol and shot at the three enemies beside Duan Wenbo. He squeezed the trigger vigorously, even though the three were dead, he didn't stop.

"Captain, calm down!" Yu Hong shouted.

As soon as Wang Yu left, the pressure on Yu Hong's side suddenly increased. He used both hands, holding a pistol in his left hand and a rifle in his right, and kept shooting at the enemies below.

But there were too many enemies, and soon, the death rate of the enemies could no longer keep up with the increasing speed. Several enemies escaped the shooting and rushed up the hill.

Wang Yu came to the place where Duan Wenbo died, and he saw that Duan Wenbo's eyes were still open, with a strong sense of unwillingness in his eyes.

He will not rest in peace.

On the hill below, there are more than a dozen enemies climbing up. The hill here is steeper, so their crawling speed is slower.Unfortunately, Duan Wenbo couldn't move, so he couldn't kill these enemies in advance.

Wang Yu didn't have time to be sad, he took out his gun to clear the enemy, and then turned around to help Yu Hong continue to defend.

At this time, there was a trace of hatred in Wang Yu's eyes. He hated the mastermind behind this incident.Obviously, these primitive tribal people are controlled, otherwise how could they use guns.

"Captain, I need a rifle magazine." Yu Hong shouted to Wang Yu.

While firing, Wang Yu took out the magazine and threw it to Yu Hong, and then replied, "Catch it, I'm the last one."

Hearing Wang Yu's words, Yu Hong was slightly taken aback, but just as he was taken aback, an enemy rushed in front of him, and the rifle in his hand shot at him in bursts.

"Bang bang bang..."

More than a dozen bullets penetrated Yu Hong's body. Although he was wearing body armor, his head was not protected at all.

Seeing Yu Hong's sacrifice, Wang Yu's hands hang down feebly...

(End of this chapter)

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