Ghost Task Force

Chapter 504 The Village

Chapter 504 The Village
Outnumbered and outnumbered, it is a miracle that the three of Wang Yu can persevere until now, but seeing the sacrifice of two teammates with his own eyes, he still finds it difficult to accept this reality.

He recovered after a brief absence. Even though his resistance is meaningless, as a soldier from the special forces of the Navy, he should not give up. Even if he dies, he must die in the battle with the enemy instead of giving up and waiting. die.

Wang Yu roared angrily, and shot at the enemy in front with the rifle with little ammunition in his hand.

The rest of the enemies rushed forward, not paying any attention to Wang Yu's firing at them. After the bullets in Wang Yu's rifle were all fired, he took out his pistol and continued to shoot, pulling the trigger while walking towards the enemy.


After the last pistol bullet ran out, Wang Yu threw all the guns on his body on the ground, drew his saber from his waist, and started a hand-to-hand fight with the enemy.

Looking at the support team, the team led by Dai Yuan was quickly moving towards Wang Yu. They were attacked by wild bears and wolves along the way, but they all eliminated the threat by relying on the weapons they carried.

"He can't hold on anymore." Lan Siqi looked at Wang Yu who was still fighting the enemy on the video screen, turned her head to look at the distance of the squad on the map, and said quickly: "Support the squad to speed up."

"Received." Knowing that the situation was urgent, Dai Yuan immediately accelerated his running speed. At this time, they were not far from the hills, but the road conditions were complicated, and they could not use their usual speed to deal with such an environment.

Wang Yu's eyes were already red at this time. He usually strengthened his close combat training on the training ground, and he only had to be ruthless to himself, which would come in handy in critical moments.

And Wang Yu has always regarded the members of the Ghost Task Force as role models for his own struggle. Although they are born with superpowers, during training, the task force members have not lowered their demands on themselves.Especially Liang Ye, who has the ability to control the wind and is still trained in the Brotherhood of Assassins, and has developed a powerful assassin skill.

The enemy was still pouring up the hill, the saber in Wang Yu's hand was covered with blood, and he was shot a few times, but luckily he missed the vital parts.

Dai Yuan and his party of six had arrived at the foot of the hill. There was no enemy in their position, and they could clearly hear the sound of Wang Yu fighting above.

"Rope gun!" Dai Yuan shouted.

The five team members launched the rope up the hill and began to climb upwards.

"Chi..." Wang Yu's left shoulder was pierced by the javelin, and the strong man holding the javelin shouted loudly, grabbing the javelin vigorously and pushing forward.

Enduring the severe pain, Wang Yu pierced the strong man's throat with a saber.

But at this moment, a crimson light fell from the sky, covering Wang Yu's body, and the surrounding primitive tribes stopped attacking as if they had seen a god, and knelt down on the ground, chanting.

After a while, everyone present disappeared.

When Dai Yuan and others climbed up from the hillside, they only saw two dead combat members and bloodstains all over the place.

When the red light appeared just now, the satellite was interfered, and the staff in the duty room saw nothing, and the video picture was blurred.

"What's going on?" Lan Siqi asked, frowning.

The staff member was also dumbfounded, and replied: "The satellite signal has been interfered with, it's an energy we've never seen before."

When the picture became clear, Wang Yu and other enemies were no longer visible on the hill, only Dai Yuan's team and others were searching for traces.

Dai Yuan's team and others were stunned. Just now they could hear the sound of Wang Yu fighting with the enemy, but everyone disappeared in a blink of an eye. The change was so great that they didn't realize it all at once.

"Commander..." Dai Yuan pressed the communicator and wanted to report to Lan Siqi, but he didn't know what to say.

"I will report the situation to Commander Liang Ye, and you clean up the scene." Lan Siqi said.

Dai Yuan nodded and said, "Got it."

They all knew that there might be a supernatural being appearing in this mission. Although they were surprised, they quickly adjusted.Seeing the two combat troops who died on the ground, they all felt bad.

Dai Yuan pulled out the javelin stuck on Duan Wenbo's body, and reached out to close his eyes for him.

"Report from the support team, Duan Wenbo, member of the combat team, Yu Hong sacrificed, and Wang Yu is missing." Dai Yuan reported to the duty room.

Lan Siqi lowered her head, pressed the intercom after a while and said, "Got it."

She reported the situation to Liang Ye, and then waited for Liang Ye's instructions.

In fact, the duty room really can't do anything right now, and the support team is also focused on saving lives, and cannot provide fire support for Liang Ye and others.The combat team originally arranged had no combat effectiveness, and even the team leader Wang Yu was taken away by the supernatural being.

After listening to Lan Siqi's report, Liang Ye didn't answer right away, he was thinking about the related connection.

If there are many supernatural beings in this place, the danger Liang Ye and the others will face will be even greater. These primitive people all carried guns, and the members of the UN investigation team died near here, not six kilometers away.

After thinking for a while, Liang Ye said: "Wang Yu may be taken to the deepest part of the danger zone. If there are primitive people and supernatural beings there, then Wang Yu will be there too."

Zhou Yuying and Tang Hao also heard what Liang Ye said, and continued to move towards the marked point.Liang Ye's words have already stated that the investigation will not be suspended, but will continue to deepen.

"Got it." Lan Siqi replied.

Liang Ye glanced at the map, and he was less than half a kilometer away from the marked point, and Tang Hao and Zhou Yuying also had this distance left.

You can only know what is there at the marked point with your own eyes. Liang Ye didn't stay any longer and accelerated his forward speed.Use your strengths to make quick leaps up the tree.

Once Liang Ye's speed and flexibility are fully utilized, the world will definitely think that he is not a normal human being.Even if he encounters a 10-meter-high wall while moving, he can easily climb over it without a single pause.

At the same time, with the help of his powerful jumping ability and wind ability, no amount of obstacles will basically affect him.

When the distance to the marked point was less than 200 meters, Liang Ye saw a dirt road ahead, a village at the end of the road, and several thatched cottages could be vaguely seen.

"I saw a village." Liang Ye stopped on the tree. He untied his backpack and took out a rifle from it.

Although he seldom uses a gun, if he is facing a large number of enemies, he thinks it is more appropriate to take a gun.

"Report to the captain, I saw it too." Zhou Yuying and Tang Hao hid behind the tree, Zhou Yuying checked the village ahead with her glasses, and then said: "I saw a few primitive people patrolling here, they With guns in their hands, it seems that they should be controlled by someone's mind."

(End of this chapter)

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