Ghost Task Force

Chapter 507 Wanted

Chapter 507 Wanted

"It depends on how you define it, Lieutenant Colonel Liang Ye." Gao Ruishi slowly landed on the ground, her pale face was devoid of any emotion, and her red eyes gave off a mysterious feeling.

Liang Ye canceled the impact of the strong wind on the village. Looking at Gao Ruishi's face, he didn't know where to start.

Gao Ruishi once told Liang Ye that she was his future fear, and Liang Ye had been wondering what kind of monster this woman was.

Now Liang Ye finally understands that she is a vampire, a high-level vampire, with the ability to surpass the same kind.

"It's not convenient to talk here, there are too many people who want to know everything."

As Gao Ruishi spoke, her body slowly disappeared, and the communicators of Liang Ye and others also made noises in an instant.

The staff in the duty room panicked instantly, and hurriedly reported to Lan Siqi: "The communication has been interfered."

Not only that, but the video images were also affected. Liang Ye's contact lenses had been in shooting mode all the time, and the images he saw would be transmitted to the screen in the duty room in real time.Everyone in the duty room saw his actions just now.

But at the same time the communication failed, the video screen also disappeared, and they cut off contact with Liang Ye for a while.

"Captain, Captain!" Zhou Yuying also called Liang Ye, but she got no response.

Tang Hao rushed into the village with a gun in his hand, but only the cannibals with bewildered faces were left on the scene, Gao Ruishi and Liang Ye were missing.

Zhou Yuying and Tang Hao had no problem with their communication equipment, and they could still maintain contact with the headquarters. Only Liang Ye lost contact and disappeared.

This is the first time that the captain of the Ghost Task Force has lost contact since the establishment of the Ghost Task Force. Obviously, Liang Ye was taken away by Gao Ruishi.

Lei Yu in the lounge of the headquarters jumped up from the sofa when he heard the situation at the scene, but he quickly calmed down, took the intercom and said to Zhou Yuying: "Don't panic, you must not panic, the captain has to deal with any situation." The ability, his loss of contact does not mean that something happened to him, immediately investigate the origin of that woman."

Wang Yu had already experienced Gao Ruishi's ability to take away others, so he quickly explained to Zhou Yuying what he had experienced.

Zhou Yuying actually calmed down a long time ago, but she was worried about Liang Ye's situation, no one knew how strong that woman was.What can be defined is that this Gao Ruishi is a vampire, and she has the ability to fly without turning into a bat.

According to known vampire data, vampires must turn into bats if they want to fly, and bats look extremely ugly.

"Let the European agents contact the vampire family immediately, we need to know about that woman." Lan Siqi said quickly in the duty room.

Liang Ye lost contact, and she panicked for a while, but what she should do now is not to be nervous, but to quickly find out Gao Ruishi's information, and then provide it to the members of the Ghost Task Force.

The Strategic Security Bureau has an agreement with the vampires and werewolves. The two races cannot do things that endanger the world and cannot affect the human world. life of a race.

This is a peace agreement, allowing humans to coexist with vampires and werewolves.And most ordinary people don't know the existence of the two races, and the world thinks they only appear in movies and novels.

While everyone was still busy looking for Liang Ye, Liang Ye himself had already started a fight with Gao Ruishi.

Just now, when Gao Ruishi's body became illusory, Liang Ye was enveloped by the red light she summoned, and was teleported to a place similar to a temple, surrounded by tall pillars, and above was the blue sky .

Liang Ye realized that he was on a mountain, but he didn't have time to determine his position, because Gao Ruishi brought him a strong sense of danger.

Gao Ruishi did not ask his permission to be brought here, which made him very upset.

When Gao Ruishi's body slowly appeared, a smoke bomb landed on her body. Before she could react, Liang Ye punched her in the abdomen, knocking her upside down and flying out. The body hit the pillar hard.

Liang Ye didn't dare to be careless when dealing with this woman.

At this time, the wings appeared behind Gao Ruishi again, she flew into the air like a cannonball, and hundreds of little bats appeared in front of her body.

Seeing her actions, Liang Ye frowned. He put his left hand across his chest and clenched his fist.

More than 100 bats flapped their wings and flew towards Liang Ye under the control of Gao Ruishi. Unlike normal bats, their teeth were sharper.If a normal person is surrounded and attacked by these bats, he will be killed in less than a while.

Seeing the bat getting closer and closer to him, Liang Ye swung his left hand across his chest forward vigorously, and opened his palm at the same time.

Then, a tornado appeared in front of Liang Ye and swept all the flying bats into it.

And this tornado has a strong tearing ability, and hundreds of bats were rolled into pieces without the slightest chance to struggle.

As if she didn't expect Liang Ye to have such a skill, the expression on Gao Ruishi's face, which was floating in the air, changed slightly. She didn't attack again for a while, but just looked straight at Liang Ye, as if she wanted to see through him.

Sensing Gao Ruishi's gaze, Liang Ye unfolded his cloak and used his wind power to bring himself to the top of the pillar, keeping him parallel to Gao Ruishi.

"If you and I keep fighting, it will consume each other's time."

After finishing speaking, Gao Ruishi flapped her wings and flew forward 3 meters. At this time, she and Liang Ye kept a distance of less than 5 meters. Liang Ye could even smell her body fragrance.

"You are too dangerous." Liang Ye said what was in his heart.

Intuition told him that the woman in front of him was hiding too many secrets, and the ability she showed made Liang Ye feel uneasy.

"Yes, I am very dangerous, and I can tell you directly that I did everything that happened in the forest, and I killed the investigators." Gao Ruishi did not hide anything, and directly admitted her actions to Liang Ye.

Although the communication was interrupted, Liang Ye's contact lens was still in the shooting mode. He took pictures and recorded everything about Gao Ruishi.

"The reason." Liang Ye asked.

His words made Gao Ruishi laugh twice, she looked at Liang Ye, and said with a smile: "Lieutenant Colonel Liang Ye, if you ask so directly, do you think normal people will confess to you?"

"Could it be possible for me to sit with you and drink, and tell me when you're happy?" Liang Ye made a rare joke.

"No, I don't think we have the time." Gao Ruishi's expression returned to calm, she looked at Liang Ye and said, "I just need a place to evolve, and now, I have got what I want."

(End of this chapter)

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