Ghost Task Force

Chapter 508 Prophecy

Chapter 508 Prophecy
"You once said that you are my future fear." Liang Ye looked at Gao Ruishi, his eyes gradually turned cold, and he said in a deep voice: "From the moment you committed suicide in front of me to the time you appeared in my nightmare, you have influenced me many times. My life. I believe you didn't wait for me on purpose this time, but I want to know what is your purpose. "

The woman Gao Ruishi brought too much fear to Liang Ye, making Liang Ye think that there was something wrong with his brain.

But now, Liang Ye and Gao Ruishi finally had direct contact, and he had many questions that Gao Ruishi needed to answer.He wasn't afraid of this woman, but he was uneasy about her abilities.

It can cause such a large area of ​​trees to die, animals to die, and can also perform mind control. At the same time, it has the ability to fly, teleport, and blur the body. Whether Gao Ruishi has hidden other abilities, no one knows.

If there is going to be a war, Liang Ye will naturally fight her at all costs to the end, but what needs to be figured out now is why she came to him in the first place, affected his life, and even said something that would become his future fear.

"I know you have a lot of questions, and I have always been your enemy." Gao Ruishi looked at Liang Ye's handsome face, and said slowly: "Is it because I affected your life and left you with fear and anxiety? I did it on my own initiative. Because I need you to impress me in advance, which is also laying the foundation for the future."

"In the future?" Liang Ye was slightly taken aback.

"Yes, in the future." Gao Ruishi nodded, and she continued: "Before I became a vampire, I was a supernatural being. I have many supernatural powers, such as illusory body, mind control, and dream manipulation. After becoming a vampire, I It is the most special existence among them, I don't need to suck blood to maintain my life, but I also have their abilities."

"Tell me, what is your purpose in doing these things?"

"Because I have seen the prophecy."

Liang Ye was stunned again, he looked at Gao Ruishi, frowned and said, "Prophecy?"

"Yes, a prophecy, in the near future." A trace of sadness flashed in Gao Ruishi's eyes, but Liang Ye didn't notice, she said: "Everything I have done to you is to lay the foundation for the future, I can't Tell you too much, and one day you will understand me."

"So you are my enemy?" Liang Ye asked a seemingly silly question.

"Yes, and no, I still say that, it depends on how you define it." Gao Ruishi said.

After speaking, her body began to slowly disappear, obviously she wanted to leave this place.

Liang Ye frowned, and subconsciously wanted to attack, but he controlled himself and restrained his inner impulse.

Although Gao Ruishi said a lot, there was not much that was actually useful, but Liang Ye's investigation mission this time was officially over, and everything was done by Gao Ruishi.

Taking her back was actually the most important thing for Liang Ye to do now, but he didn't do it.

Seeing Gao Ruishi's body gradually become transparent, Liang Ye said again: "You just said, evolution."

"It's my ability to improve. I need human blood, so I damaged this forest and attracted those investigators." Gao Ruishi paused, and then said: "You will also improve, not long after."

"Is this also what you saw in the prophecy?"



In a small town on the border of Brazil, Liang Ye was sitting in a coffee shop drinking coffee, his eyes were covered by sunglasses, and his combat uniform had been changed.Now he is dressed like an ordinary person, the only difference is that he is much more handsome than other men.

After Gao Ruishi disappeared, the communication resumed, and Liang Ye announced that the investigation mission was over, and he would personally report the investigation results to Director Li Shan after returning to the headquarters.

This conversation between him and Gao Ruishi, only the two of them knew about it, the Security Bureau knew nothing about it, and Liang Ye didn't intend to tell the whole story.

There are too many secrets about Gao Ruishi, but she has already told Liang Ye what she should say. At this moment, where she has gone, Liang Ye has no curiosity in his heart, let alone the idea of ​​tracing.

Liang Ye believes that he is not controlled by Gao Ruishi, mind control can only control ordinary people, Liang Ye is very powerful, and mind-controlled supernatural beings cannot affect him.

The two agents were on their way to pick up Liang Ye, and the reason why Liang Ye came to this town was mainly because he wanted to have breakfast and take a rest at the same time.

He had thought that the mission would take several days, but in fact it only took one night and the mission was over.

The matter has come to light, and how to deal with it in the future depends on Li Shan's decision.And Liang Ye no longer had the idea of ​​participating, he always felt that Gao Ruishi would never appear again.

She seemed to be waiting for something.

Liang Ye shook his head, let go of all the thoughts in his mind, and then leaned back on the chair, enjoying the rare tranquility.

There were very few people in this small town, and he was the only customer in the cafe at this time. Although it was remote, the coffee in this cafe was really good.

Liang Ye took out his mobile phone and sent Xiao Xiao a message using social software. The content of the message was very simple, just three words: "I miss you."

At this time, it is morning in Brazil, and it is evening in China, but it is not time to sleep yet.

Soon, Xiao Xiao replied: "I miss you too."

Liang Ye looked at the phone, he thought of every minute he and Xiao Xiao were together, his heart was instantly enveloped in sweetness, and he smirked for a while.

He also remembered that Xiao Xiao's coffee shop was about to open.

Half an hour later, Liang Ye boarded the Wraith fighter plane, while Tang Hao and Zhou Yuying were both on board. Wang Yu was seriously injured and was picked up by the rescue plane first.

Seeing Liang Ye getting on the plane, Zhou Yuying rushed forward and said nervously, "Captain, you really scared me to death, are you not injured?"

"No, no, that woman was beaten up by me." Liang Ye waved his hands with pride on his face.

In fact, Liang Ye did take advantage of the fight just now, Gao Ruishi took a punch from him, but he was fine.

But if both sides let go of the fight, Liang Ye would not dare to guess the final result.

"She took you too far." Zhou Yuying pointed to the map and said, "This is five hundred kilometers away. What is the background of that woman? She looks really powerful."

Liang Ye sat on the seat and told Zhou Yuying about the time when he met Gao Ruishi.When he said this, Zhou Yuying remembered the experience she had with Liang Ye in Bangzi Kingdom.

"It's her, so she really exists!" Zhou Yuying said in surprise.

"Yeah, to be honest, I was also taken aback this time." Liang Ye tapped his head and said, "She was really like a ghost at that time, and it brought me a lot of fear."

"Since she caused this incident, what is the purpose, and where is she now?" Tang Hao asked.

(End of this chapter)

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