Ghost Task Force

Chapter 509 Bootcamp

Chapter 509 Bootcamp
Liang Ye was the only one who had really been in contact with that woman, and now he was the only one who knew the truth, so everyone had a lot of questions they wanted to ask.

Li Shan has also been informed of the situation. He said that Liang Ye will report after the task force returns.

The European branch also contacted the vampire family, and the reply they got was that they never knew such a vampire existed.They all agreed that they didn't know who Gao Ruishi was, but whether they were hiding something, no one knew.

Lan Siqi didn't believe the vampire family's reply, but she still reported it truthfully.

In the cabin, Liang Ye leaned on the seat, and he didn't immediately answer Tang Hao's question.Seeing this, Zhou Yuying brought Liang Ye a bottle of water.

Liang Ye took it, took a sip, and said, "To be honest, I don't know where she went. I haven't figured out her ability to blur her body. She wants to leave, and I can't stop her now."

Tang Hao was startled slightly by his words, Gao Ruishi's combat effectiveness had already been reflected in his words.

"As for her purpose is evil, she created this forest incident in order to improve her ability, attract investigators to come, and then suck their blood." Liang Ye said.

This is what Gao Ruishi did. Under normal circumstances, the Strategic Security Bureau would hunt her down.

But Liang Ye did not issue such an order, but planned to let Li Shan decide after reporting to Li Shan.

The Wraith Fighter flew towards Shenzhou. This mission came to an end. The investigation on V had not made any substantial progress. Liang Ye suddenly felt that he could relax for another two days.

The ghost task force is based on the collected information, and then Liang Ye decides whether to carry out the mission. V is too mysterious, and Liang Ye's relaxed thoughts quickly disappeared in his mind. He can't have this idea now.

On the way back to Shenzhou, Liang Ye kept thinking about the task force's next plan.

The time in Shenzhou pointed to the early morning, and the ghost fighter plane slowly landed, and Liang Ye's thinking finally came to an end, and he already had a plan in his heart.

Li Shan hadn't slept yet. Liang Ye took Tang Hao and Zhou Yuying to stay in Li Shan's office for half an hour. He reported the situation of the mission to Li Shan. Li Shan did not issue an order to hunt down Gao Ruishi on the spot. Just ask Liang Ye to write a written report on the mission.

Before Li Shan could continue talking, Liang Ye signaled Tang Hao and Zhou Yuying to leave first. The two understood, saluted Li Shan and turned to leave.

Seeing this, Li Shan was a little curious, and asked, "What's your plan, kid?"

"I want the Ghost Task Force to train for a month. I have already thought about the training plan." Liang Ye said.

Li Shan was very surprised by his decision. Looking at Liang Ye's handsome young face, Li Shan pondered for a long time before saying, "What made you make such a decision? Now you need to use the task of the Ghost Task Force." There are many, and you will not participate in the operation for a month of training, what if there is an emergency?"

Liang Ye had already guessed that Li Shan would say this, and he himself had fully considered it, otherwise he would not have made such a decision.

"In the days when there was no Ghost Task Force, the Dragon Eagle Commando was equally fearless when facing supernatural beings. Supernatural beings have strengths and weaknesses, and the special agent team of our Security Bureau has the ability to deal with many emergencies. They are all excellent in their ability to cause incidents." Liang Ye looked into Li Shan's eyes and said: "I decided to let the team train intensively. The purpose is to improve the combat capabilities of every team member, including myself. From the time we were formed to the present If we haven’t worked it out well, the team is not invincible, and we will also encounter enemies stronger than us.”

"I understand what you mean." Li Shan nodded slowly.

Liang Ye was his soldier. He watched Liang Ye grow up step by step, so how could he not understand Liang Ye's thoughts.

"I can guarantee that if there is a situation that the secret service team cannot handle, the Ghost Task Force will suspend training and come back to fight." Liang Ye said.

"When are you going to start?"

"The day after tomorrow, I will give everyone a rest tomorrow."

"I approve."


In the lounge of the Ghost Task Force, the team members were still awake. Hearing Liang Ye's decision, Lei Yu was the first to jump up, and said excitedly, "Training?"

Liang Ye mentioned the training camp a long time ago, but it has not been realized because of work conflicts.The rest of the team members are also full of expectations for the upcoming training camp. They all know that their own strength and the overall coordination ability of the team need to be further improved.

"Captain, when will it start?" Tang Hao clenched his fists with the same excitement as Lei Yu.

"It will start the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow everyone will make a good adjustment. You can go home and get together with your family. The training time is one month. We all have to prepare hard." Liang Ye said.

Liang Ye didn't arrange the time too long, a month was just right.

"Enduring hardship? That's a trivial matter." Lei Yu waved his hand nonchalantly, and said, "Boss, do you still remember when we were in the Hunter School? We all fought back then."

"Yeah." Liang Ye couldn't help smiling when recalling the training at the Hunter School. He and Lei Yu were the two students who never complained.

The training at the Hunter School is like hell, testing the limits of the human body every day, and Liang Ye and Lei Yu are still legends in the school.There were 0 mistakes in the whole process, and all subjects got the highest score. No matter what kind of torture, the two never flinched.

Now when the instructors in the Hunter School mention Liang Ye and Lei Yu, two soldiers from China, they will subconsciously give a thumbs up, praising them as the two best students in the history of the school.

"Captain, what about our training plan?" Zhou Yuying asked.

She is the only member of the task force who does not have combat abilities. Although her own combat ability is also very good, she is very clear about her level.

"I will make a plan immediately after I come back tomorrow. I have already thought about it, and it will be easy to prepare. At that time, there will be agents from the training department in charge of all affairs. I will be in charge, but I will also train with everyone."

With that said, Liang Ye stood up, looked at the four members of the task force, and said with some excitement: "Everyone, this is the first time that the ghost task force has organized a training camp since the establishment of the ghost task force. It will be unprecedented tempering, but this will enhance the overall combat effectiveness and synergy of our team. We are all elites, and we will naturally pay more than others. I still say that, be prepared to endure hardships."

As soon as Liang Ye's voice fell, when the task force members were about to answer, Claire's voice came into their ears, "Can I join together?"

Almost subconsciously, the task force members turned their heads together.Claire was wearing pink pajamas, standing at the door of her room with a doll in her arms, looking in Liang Ye's direction nervously.

(End of this chapter)

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