Ghost Task Force

Chapter 510 Learning

Chapter 510 Learning
It was already 1:30 in the morning, and the task force members were in high spirits, looking forward to the upcoming training camp, but Claire, who had to go to school in the morning, should be sleeping.

"Why are you up?" Liang Ye walked up to Claire, pinched her face, and said, "You still have to go to school in the morning."

"I heard everyone's discussion, Brother Liang Ye, I want to join you in the training camp!" Claire's face was full of pleading, she just heard all the conversations of the task force members, and now she just wants to participate in the special task force immediately. Detachment work.

The task force members all looked at this cute little girl with smiles on their faces.None of them doubted Claire's ability, and they also looked forward to Claire becoming a member of the task force.

"You want to participate, I agree, but there is a requirement, you must wait for the winter vacation before you can join the training." Liang Ye said.

There are still ten days before Claire's winter vacation. What she should do now is to live her campus life well, not to become a soldier right away.Liang Ye took her out on a mission before to let her experience it and see her abilities, but it doesn't mean that she will join all the work of the task force now.

The members of the Ghost Task Force have already finished their campus life, and now only Zhou Yuying is still taking the exams, but those are not difficult for her.Claire was different, she was just a kid.

Liang Ye's request to Claire is to let her finish her studies normally, go to university when she should, and go through the most important stages in her life.

After Claire passes the assessment and becomes a real Security Bureau agent, Liang Ye does not intend to let her stay in the Bureau 24 hours a day. She can continue to stay at the school during normal times and recall her when there are tasks that require her to participate.

This kind of agent is very common in the Strategic Security Bureau or other secret service agencies. They are hidden agents and will appear again when they are needed to act.

Upon hearing Liang Ye's request, Claire's eyes flashed with disappointment. She actually wanted to participate together from the beginning of the training camp.

"You have to listen to me." Liang Ye looked at Claire's expression of wanting to cry, and couldn't help laughing: "Your training should be done step by step, and you can't rush for success. your expectations."

After his words came out, Claire finally nodded. She was just too excited just now, and now she calmed down and thought about it, and then remembered Liang Ye's good intentions for her.

"Okay, then after my final exam, Brother Liang Ye, you must let me participate in your training camp." Claire said.

Liang Ye smiled and pinched her little face, and said, "No problem, I promise you."

After Claire returned to the room to sleep, Liang Ye stretched his waist and said to the team members: "I flashed, everyone can go back to their respective homes tonight."

It was obvious that Liang Ye wanted to go back to find Xiao Xiao, and everyone showed expressions that I understood.This month's training meant that Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao would be separated for a whole month, which used to be just a few days.

Tang Hao also expressed that he wanted to go home to spend time with his family, so Lei Yu, Deng Xuan, and Zhou Yuying were left in the lounge.

"Oh, it's different for those who have a family." Lei Yu lay down on the sofa, took out his mobile phone and played while saying, "For an infatuated person like Boss, I think the great writer Xiao Xiao can really write a book about them." The story between the two."

"Xiao Xiao will definitely write it." Zhou Yuying followed up.

In fact, Xiao Xiao is already writing, and has already drawn up the beginning. She is full of expectations for the future of herself and Liang Ye.

Holding a cup of milk tea in his hand, Deng Xuan looked at the two of them and said, "What are we three lonely people doing? The captain has gone back to accompany Xiao Xiao. The tyrant is accompanying his wife and children. What should we do during the day?"

Seeing that Zhou Yuying took out a thick book from nowhere, she flipped through the book and said, "What should I do? Just study if you have nothing to do. I plan to write another paper on applied chemistry during the day." , and then get a master's degree, is there any together?"


Deng Xuan: "..."

"Go to bed, go to sleep, the heater is still on tonight." Lei Yu jumped up from the sofa and walked towards his room.

"Bang!" Lei Yu's room door slammed shut.

At this time, Deng Xuan was still holding the steaming milk tea in his hand, Zhou Yuying looked at him with a half-smile, and then asked, "Are you going to write a paper with me?"

Deng Xuan shrank his head back, then turned around in a cool manner, and said as he walked, "I suddenly remembered that the TV in my room was not turned off, so I went to turn it off."

"Bang!" The door of Deng Xuan's room was also closed heavily.

"Cut." Zhou Yuying rolled her eyes and sat on the sofa to read a book.

Every time Zhou Yuying proposed to study, Lei Yu and Deng Xuan would run away quickly, because they couldn't understand a word Zhou Yuying said.Except when Zhou Yuying occasionally had to explain some equipment or necessary knowledge, the two of them would concentrate on listening. Discussing knowledge with Zhou Yuying in normal times was undoubtedly looking for abuse.

Because most of the time what Zhou Yuying brings to them is the suppression of IQ.

Zhou Yuying, who has seven degrees, is the pinnacle of the entire Strategic Security Bureau.There are many agents with double degrees, but none with more than three, and all of them are middle-aged.Zhou Yuying is not, she is only 24 years old.

Zhou Yuying's original words were that she wanted to obtain seven doctorates before the age of 30.So when she is free, she will study, write papers, or participate in academic exchanges.

This made Liang Ye feel ashamed.

When Liang Ye returned to Vanke Washington, it was already two o'clock in the morning. He looked up at Xiao Xiao's apartment, but the light was still on.

This made Liang Ye frowned, wondering if she was staying up late again.

When he came back, Xiao Xiao didn't know that Liang Ye didn't send her a message, because she thought that she might fall asleep so late.

Liang Ye parked the car in the open-air parking space, then avoided the surveillance, and landed on the balcony of Xiao Xiao's room with a rope gun.

When his feet just touched the guardrail of the balcony, two sharp eyes glanced at his body, and they quickly moved away after realizing that it was Liang Ye.

Liang Ye is very satisfied with the secret protection ability of these two female bodyguards. They are not in the house, but hidden in the dark place of the community. Their breath is very well controlled, and normal people can't find it at all.

The light in the living room was on, but Xiao Xiao was not there, obviously she forgot to turn off the light in the living room.

Liang Ye walked to the bedroom door, gently pushed the door open, and saw Xiao Xiao sleeping soundly on the bed.

She often forgets to turn off the lights in the living room, which has almost become a habit, and Liang Ye occasionally laughs at her for being forgetful.

Looking at Xiao Xiao's sleeping face, Liang Ye's heart felt warm. He thought he should not wake her up, and stretched out his hand to close the door.

But the next moment, Xiao Xiao, who was lying on the bed, opened her eyes and looked at Liang Ye who was standing outside the bedroom door.

The eyes of the two collided.

(End of this chapter)

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