Ghost Task Force

Chapter 511 Warmth

Chapter 511 Warmth
Qixing District, City S, is adjacent to Linhai District, so every time Tang Hao returns home much faster than Liang Ye.

In an ordinary community, Tang Hao took off his combat uniform, and his wife Yang Lin poured him a cup of hot water.

Tang Hao's daughter, Tang Ying, has already fallen asleep, and now she has fully recovered and returned to school to study, and her illness has no longer affected her life.

"Training for a month?" Yang Lin looked at Tang Hao and asked worriedly, "Will it be very tiring?"

"This is the captain's decision. A special combat team member can't be afraid of being tired, so don't worry." Tang Hao put his arms around his wife's shoulders and said with emotion: "It is because of these partners around us that our life will be better. .”

"Yes, thank you very much." Yang Lin hugged Tang Hao's waist and said, "I still think about inviting the captain and the others to come over for dinner if you are free in a few days."

"This is very unfortunate. The training camp will start soon, but there will be opportunities." Tang Hao said.

Yang Lin responded, and then leaned her head on Tang Hao's chest, feeling his breath.


Vanke Washington, Liang Ye is sitting on the sofa drinking honey water, Xiao Xiao is pinching his shoulders for him.This was requested by Xiao Xiao on her own initiative, and she could guess that Liang Ye must have just finished the task.

Hearing Liang Ye's plan, Xiao Xiao said with some distress: "One month, isn't that very busy every day?"

Liang Ye grabbed Xiao Xiao's hand and said, "Yes, the communication will be interrupted at that time, and I may not be able to contact you."

Xiao Xiao hugged Liang Ye's neck from behind, she put her face close to Liang Ye's, and whispered in his ear: "It's okay, I will obediently wait for you to come back."

"En." Liang Ye turned his head and was about to kiss Xiao Xiao, but Xiao Xiao pushed him gently.

"Go take a bath first, do you want to eat something?" Xiao Xiao said.

Liang Ye shook his head and said, "No need, I'm not hungry."

As he said that, he grabbed Xiao Xiao's hand and said with a smirk: "Would you like to wash it together?"

"Slap." It was Xiao Xiao's slap that answered him.

She slapped Liang Ye lightly, and said with a flushed face, "You're still poor, go wash it, I'll get you clothes."

Liang Ye walked into the bathroom with a smile. He didn't intend to go back to his own house. Now that he had a rare rest, he just wanted to stay with Xiao Xiao every minute.

Twenty minutes later, Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao were lying on the bed after taking a shower. Xiao Xiao actively put his arms around his waist and leaned against his arms.

"I want to let the coffee shop open during the day." Xiao Xiao said softly.

Xiao Xiao's words made Liang Ye startled slightly, he looked down at Xiao Xiao's beautiful face, and asked: "Isn't the plan to reopen after New Year's Day? Why is it brought forward?"

The cafe has been fully renovated, baristas and staff have been hired, and now it is waiting for the opening.The original plan of the two was after New Year's Day, but now Xiao Xiao decided to move forward.

"Because you were there when I wanted to open." Xiao Xiao said softly.

Her voice was very low, as if she was worried that Liang Ye would be unhappy.

Liang Ye didn't speak any more, he lowered his head and kissed Xiao Xiao's lips.

Xiao Xiao closed her eyes, feeling Liang Ye's tenderness, her heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably.

After a long time, Liang Ye gently pushed Xiao Xiao away. He looked into Xiao Xiao's star-like eyes and whispered, "Listen to you."

"En..." Xiao Xiao's voice was like a mosquito.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Liang Ye slowly opened his eyes, and he saw Xiao Xiao sitting on the bed, looking at him with her big eyes.

It was a quiet night, nothing happened, and both of them slept deeply.

Seeing Liang Ye wake up, a smile appeared on Xiao Xiao's face, and Liang Ye was instantly taken aback.

Xiao Xiao's long hair was a little messy due to sleeping, and she just let it loose behind her head, and she didn't deliberately tidy it up. Her sleepy eyes proved that she had just woken up not long ago, and she hadn't recovered yet.And her skin is very good, even without makeup, she looks extremely beautiful. Xiao Xiao who just woke up has a different kind of beauty, and Liang Ye is fascinated by just one glance.

"Morning." Xiao Xiao greeted Liang Ye with a smile.

With her smile, Liang Ye felt his heart speed up uncontrollably, almost subconsciously, he stretched out his hand and pulled Xiao Xiao into his arms.

"Morning, my little cutie." Liang Ye hugged Xiao Xiao and said with a smile.

Xiao Xiao lay on Liang Ye's chest, heard his heart beating a little fast, couldn't help but said: "Your heart beats so fast."

"It's not because you are so beautiful that I can't control my heartbeat." Liang Ye said.

"Ah, you mean to blame me." Xiao Xiao propped up her body, her long hair fell on Liang Ye's face.

Smelling the fragrance of Xiao Xiao's hair, Liang Ye grabbed her hand to prevent her from leaving, and said with a smile, "You are being naughty."

"Hmph, let go, I'll prepare breakfast for you." Xiao Xiao pinched Liang Ye's nose and smiled, "And the opening is at 10:30, and everyone else is already in place."

"Oh yes, let me inform my comrades and let them come to cheer, and my dad, I remember he has been in the company these two days." Said, Liang Ye jumped up from the bed.

Hearing that Liang Ye wanted to notify the task force, and even Liang Anguo, Xiao Xiao was stunned, and quickly said: "It's too exaggerated."

Liang Ye rubbed his nose and said with a smile: "The coffee shop under my wife's name opened, it's already very low-key, okay, I didn't arrange it in advance, otherwise the whole city must be full of advertisements."

Indeed, for Liang Ye, this is already very low-key, and last night was too late, Liang Ye did not arrange publicity work in advance.

"You will make me very nervous." Xiao Xiao leaned against Liang Ye and asked in a low voice, "You won't send a lot of agents over, will you?"

"I really have this idea, how about letting them stand in two rows at the door, the kind that keeps applauding."

"Come on, you!" Xiao Xiao slapped Liang Ye's arm lightly, and said dumbfoundedly: "If you want to be so exaggerated, then I will be on the headlines of the news."

"It's better to be on the headlines, so that this coffee shop will be more popular, and you will just sit and collect money every day." Liang Ye has no intention of keeping a low profile.

Xiao Xiao was dumbfounded by him, so he had to persuade him in various ways to dispel his idea of ​​sending a lot of agents over.

For Xiao Xiao, Liang Ye does have a lot of selfishness, and he is willing to use all his strength to support her in everything about her, even if he uses family resources.

"Okay, let's stop here, I'll cook breakfast for you." Xiao Xiao pressed Liang Ye's lips, preventing him from continuing to plan today's opening plan.

Liang Ye raised his hands to signal that he would not continue talking.

Only then did Xiao Xiao put down her hands, and she kissed Liang Ye's face, and said softly: "You can sleep for a while, and I will call you after breakfast is cooked."

Liang Ye nodded, and simply lay back on the bed, while Xiao Xiao obediently covered him with the quilt, and then left the bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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