Ghost Task Force

Chapter 512 Cafe Opening

Chapter 512 Cafe Opening

At [-]:[-] in the morning, Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao came to the Four Seasons Sunshine Cafe opposite the headquarters of the Yeshen Group. The signboard of the cafe had already been hung up, and several baristas and waiters were busy inside.

The members of the Ghost Task Force had already arrived, and they rushed over after receiving Liang Ye's news. Tang Hao even brought his wife and daughter here. Tang Ying observed the coffee shop with her curious eyes. hall.

The task force members each brought a flower basket and placed it on both sides of the entrance of the coffee shop.

What surprised Liang Ye was that Lan Siqi also came over.Instead of the women's suit she usually wears in the bureau, she changed into casual clothes, which looked very casual.

After Liang Ye parked the car, he took Xiao Xiao's hand and walked towards the coffee shop. When the task force saw Liang Ye and the two of them, they stepped forward one after another.

"I was still thinking about what to do today, but I didn't expect my sister-in-law's coffee shop to open today, and today I finally don't have to be bored." Lei Yu was the first to speak.

Lei Yu was still asleep when he received Liang Ye's message.

"Thank you everyone for coming to join us. It's been a long time since we got together during this kind of break time. I'll invite you for lunch later." As he spoke, Liang Ye's eyes fell on Lan Siqi, and he said with a smile, "It's hard to see Until you come out to participate in this kind of activity."

"Follow the leader's request and rest." Lan Siqi replied with a smile.

Liang Ye nodded. Although he also sent a message to Lan Siqi, he never thought that she would come.What he sent was a notice, not an order, so Lan Siqi didn't have to participate.

"Who will cut the ribbon later? I think they are all ready." Zhou Yuying asked.

At the entrance of the coffee shop, the waiters saw the arrival of the boss Xiao Xiao, and quickly took out the colored cloth, but seeing Xiao Xiao standing with Liang Ye and communicating with others, they didn't dare to ask.

There were also many passers-by watching the excitement gathered around, they were full of curiosity about this newly opened coffee shop, and some passers-by recognized that Xiao Xiao was also at the scene, and began to speculate whether it was opened by Xiao Xiao.

"My dad is in charge of cutting the ribbon." Liang Ye answered Zhou Yuying's question.

Everyone: "!!!"

"Damn, Uncle Liang is here to cut the ribbon!" Lei Yu's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it for a while.

The ribbon-cutting ceremonies that Liang Anguo attended before were at least billions of dollars, and this was the first time he attended the opening ceremony of the coffee shop.

The members of the special task force were also dumbfounded. They all knew how much Liang Ye loved Xiao Xiao, and they usually supported her in various ways, but they really didn't expect Liang Ye to be so generous and ask Liang Anguo to cut the ribbon.

In fact, this was not Liang Ye's decision, he just invited Liang Anguo to attend, and Liang Anguo said that he could help cut the ribbon.

With Liang Anguo's influence, he only needs to show his face to make Xiao Xiao's coffee shop full every day.

At this time, more than a dozen reporters appeared around with cameras and video cameras, and took a burst of shots at the coffee shop.

Liang Ye gently squeezed Xiao Xiao's palm, and whispered in her ear: "Now you are the protagonist, go to the interview, I'm right next to you."

Xiao Xiao responded softly, being interviewed by the reporter was a small occasion for her, but seeing Liang Ye and the rest of the task force members on the scene, she actually felt a little nervous.

Everyone retreated knowingly, while Liang Ye stood with the task force members, watching Xiao Xiao accept the interview with a smile on his face.

The reporter was not arranged by him, these were Liang Anguo's decisions.

This is the first time in the history of City S that a coffee shop opened but surrounded by a lot of reporters, but it makes sense from another perspective, because the owner of the coffee shop is Xiao Xiao, which itself is a big news.

Her readers are all over the world, and she is already the most famous female writer in China. Once she starts business, her readers will provide support as soon as possible.

And Xiao Xiao is also one of the few writers in China who has no black fans, and there is basically no criticism of her.The only public opinion that has appeared on her is her relationship with Liang Ye. None of her readers would have imagined that she would be with the son of the richest man in China.

Those who were jealous of Xiao Xiao began to criticize her, but Xiao Xiao never cared about those comments, she would not even look at them.

"It's so beautiful." Seeing more and more passers-by gathering, Deng Xuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Captain, you really spare no effort in supporting Xiao Xiao."

"Yeah, I'm willing to do anything for her." Liang Ye smiled. He looked at Xiao Xiao who was being interviewed, then took out his phone and took a picture of her.

His words undoubtedly abused Lei Yu, Deng Xuan, and Zhou Yuying, three single people. The three of them all made goosebumps, and Zhou Yuying said: "Today's The dog food is so delicious, I feel like I don’t even need to eat at noon.”

"I'm full from dog food." Lei Yu followed up.

At this moment, exclamations came from the passers-by, and Liang Anguo walked over under the protection of a kind of bodyguard. His face was full of smiles, and he looked happier than Liang Ye.

"Dad." Liang Ye hurried forward to meet him.

Liang Anguo patted Liang Ye's shoulder vigorously, and said with a smile, "I must first congratulate you two on your successful business."

"Dad, what you said made me very embarrassed." Liang Ye smiled and said, "But I really appreciate you coming here. Xiao Xiao will become even more famous now."

Xiao Xiao's Four Seasons Sunshine Cafe is located opposite the headquarters of the Yeshen Group. Because Xiao Xiao is Liang Ye's girlfriend, the employees of the Yeshen Group will rush to buy coffee here.

Seeing Liang Anguo coming, the reporters pointed their cameras at Liang Anguo one after another, and Xiao Xiao walked up to Liang Anguo with a blushing face, and shouted nervously, "Hello, Uncle."

This was the second time she saw Liang Anguo, and she still felt a little nervous.Seeing her cute appearance, Liang Ye quickly took her hand.

Seeing this scene, the passers-by cheered one after another. Many of the people passing by were Xiao Xiao's readers. They knew what was going on as soon as Liang Anguo came.

"Girl Xiao Xiao, congratulations on the opening of your coffee shop. I'm very happy to be in charge of cutting the ribbon. Come on, uncle hasn't had time to prepare any presents. Here's the red envelope, good luck." As he spoke, Liang Anguo took out a red envelope and handed it to Xiao Xiao .

Inside the red envelope is a bank card with a password on the back of the card.

Liang Anguo's operation of sending red envelopes surprised Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao. Liang Ye didn't expect his father to prepare such a trick, so he couldn't help laughing, and quickly patted Xiao Xiao who was still in a daze. , motioning her to take it quickly.

"Thank you uncle." Xiao Xiao reached out and took the red envelope.

Seeing Liang Ye with a smile on his face, Liang Anguo said: "Don't laugh, you have it too. I know this store also has your hard work in it. Come, take it."

After speaking, he took out another red envelope and handed it to Liang Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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