Ghost Task Force

Chapter 519 Smoke

Chapter 519 Smoke
After the training camp, Zhou Yuying's fighting was very different from before. She learned Liang Ye's fighting style and relied on skills to win.

And she herself developed the required equipment according to herself, such as small flying machines and lassoes.

All the armed personnel were eliminated, and Liang Ye walked towards Jack Norman, who was shooting the prison guards in front of him with a machine gun.The deafening gunshots echoed around the entire prison, making the prisoners tremble with fear; many people did not know what happened, and some prisoners were killed in the explosion just now.

At this time, Jack Norman had entered the building where the prisoners were held, and all the prison guards guarding the entrance of the building had been killed by him.

While moving, Liang Ye pressed the communicator and said, "Master, have you found Bluch?"

"Captain, I just found him and is approaching." Deng Xuan replied.

Everyone has the exact location of Bruch, but it is difficult to find a person in the clutter, and Bruch is also a master of anti-reconnaissance, otherwise he would not have escaped from Gladys's house arrest.

Liang Ye had no plan to look for Bruch at first. This middle-aged man was not conspicuous in the crowd, but in the previous operation, the Ghost Task Force got relevant information about him, so they followed the clues and came to wait for Jack Nuo. Man's appearance.

Jack Norman is a relatively important existence in the V organization. According to the investigation of the special agents, he has participated in the task of releasing the virus. Based on this, the Strategic Defense Bureau has a reason to arrest him.

And Jack Norman was declared dead many years ago, and later reappeared in the eyes of the public and joined V, who has been secretly performing secret missions.

With Jack Norman captured, Ghost Team's mission in Africa can officially end.They now need to dig out all the hidden V members and collect enough evidence to bring down Gladys.

Every time Liang Ye thought of this, he felt an urge to drag everyone out.

With people like Gladys providing support to V, V will naturally not lack funds, but whether there are more dignitaries who are members of V is still unknown.

In the Bureau of Strategic Security, many senior agents felt that Liang Ye was too obsessed with investigating V. Most of his orders were related to this organization, but only Liang Ye knew best why he wanted to eradicate this organization.

Not because of the dead Chen Kai, but for the future.

At this time, Jack Norman had already noticed that all the people he brought over had been killed. He turned his head and found Liang Ye who was approaching him quickly.

Almost subconsciously, his body paused for a moment, then moved quickly.

The exoskeleton armor enhanced Jack Norman's speed. Like a cheetah, he ran quickly in the prison building.

"Captain, I found Bruch, on the seventh floor." Deng Xuan reported.

Liang Ye responded, he looked up at the outside of the building, then pressed the intercom and said: "Jack Norman is looking for him, Deng Xuan, take Brooke away from the back stairs, I will go to the 7th floor to block him .”

After finishing speaking, Liang Ye shot the rope gun in his left hand towards the wall outside the building, and his body followed the recovery of the rope gun and quickly ascended. While ascending, Liang Ye quickly said: "Yueling, you go to the back door of the prison to guard."

"Yes, Captain."

Although the fighting has ended for the time being, the shock to the prison guards has not faded away. They are still worried that the attack will come again, and they are still in a state of tension.

And they also realized that Liang Ye and the others were helping them, so when Zhou Yuying moved, no one came out to attack, which saved Zhou Yuying a lot of trouble.

When Liang Ye came to the 7th floor, Jack Norman just ran out from the safety stairs, and his speed exceeded Liang Ye's imagination.

At this moment, Deng Xuan had taken Brugge away. Jack Norman looked at the display panel and found that the target position was some distance away from himself. He looked at Liang Ye again and understood something instantly.

Liang Ye walked forward step by step. He kept stretching out and retracting the Hidden Blade in his right hand. The cold light brought by the Hidden Sword made the panicked prisoners around him even more panicked.

The two of them could not avoid a battle, and Jack Norman was also aware of this. Without saying a word, he directly activated the machine gun in his right hand and fired at Liang Ye.

The bullet hit, Liang Ye did not dodge, crossed his hands in front of his chest, and blocked the flying bullet with his Hidden Blade wrist guard.The impact of the machine gun bullet was extremely strong, and Liang Ye successfully blocked the bullet, but the impact still made his body back slightly.

Jack Norman's machine gun is behind him and moves to the right when activated, which looks very smart.

In the eyes of the surrounding prisoners, this is like a fight between gods. They have never seen anyone who can block the firing of a machine gun with both hands. It seems impossible.

Jack Norman didn't expect it either, but he was no longer surprised when he saw that his enemy was Liang Ye.

Gladys told him more than once, don't be surprised no matter what happens to Liang Ye, Liang Ye is a terrifying but respectable existence.

About ten seconds later, the machine gun ran out of bullets, and Jack Norman paused for half a second. Liang Ye seized this opportunity and threw a smoke bomb.


The smoke bomb exploded on Jack Norman's body, and a puff of smoke enveloped his whole body, while Liang Ye shot out like a cannonball, clenched his right hand while moving, and stretched out the Hidden Blade, stabbing Jack Norman's shoulder.

But the next moment, Jack Norman's actions made Liang Ye frown.

He stretched out his left hand and grabbed Liang Ye's right hand, causing Liang Ye to stop abruptly.

"I have been studying your combat movements and skills during this time, Captain Liang Ye." Jack Norman said in very standard Chinese, "Your movements are not difficult to guess, but you are too fast, and others have no chance to react .”

After speaking, he punched Liang Ye on the body.


Liang Ye flew upside down and hit the wall, denting the wall into a whole piece.

"It's actually not difficult to defeat you!"

As he said that, Jack Norman kicked hard and rushed towards Liang Ye's position. If he hit Liang Ye this time, Liang Ye would lose half his life if he didn't die.

But how could Liang Ye let him get what he wanted? With the appearance of a puff of smoke, his body suddenly disappeared, and Jack Norman stopped in his tracks, a strong sense of danger stung his brain.

"Bang bang bang..."

With the sound of small cracks, smoke enveloped the floor, and everyone was plunged into darkness.

"It's useless, Liang Ye, I have a thermal display." Jack Norman said loudly.

He knew that this was Liang Ye's common combat method, and Liang Ye was an invincible existence in the dark.Although he said so, Jack Norman's heart was already full of panic.

(End of this chapter)

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