Ghost Task Force

Chapter 520 Battle Plan

Chapter 520 Battle Plan
Jack Norman knew very well that if he confronted Liang Ye head-on, his chances of winning were not great, because Liang Ye's combat skills were not comparable to ordinary people.

The reason why he has a little confidence is because the boost brought to him by this set of equipment on his body is strong enough, so that he can face the assassins of the Assassin Brotherhood without fear.

And Liang Ye is the most legendary existence in the Assassin Brotherhood so far, coupled with his wind ability and teammates, this makes Liang Ye and the Ghost Task Force V's biggest enemy, so Jack Norman still has a lot of emotions in his heart. A little nervous.

Before coming here, Jack Norman didn't know that the Ghost Task Force was waiting here. The intelligence personnel only knew that they had been tracking the release of the virus, and they didn't find any traces of the Ghost Task Force here.
Smoke filled the air, and Jack Norman searched the surroundings with a thermal detector, but did not find Liang Ye.

While looking for Liang Ye, he sent a message through an encrypted channel.

"Annabelle, I'm in trouble."

Less than a second after the message came out, Liang Ye appeared behind him, and the Hidden Blade swept across his back, cutting off the body of the machine gun, and at the same time cutting off the circuit of a part of the armor.

The siren sounded in Jack Norman's ears instantly, and he turned around subconsciously, but lost Liang Ye's trace again.

This suit of armor can enhance the fighter's body speed, but only if the fighter's reaction ability is stronger than the enemy's can it work.

The machine gun was destroyed by Liang Ye, and Jack Norman roared angrily. He raised his right hand and activated the shock device on his right hand.

A strong shock wave swept all around, kicking up the dust on the ground and dispersing all the smoke that filled the air.And the power brought by this shock wave is not only that, several prison guards and prisoners who hadn't had time to leave were blown out by the shock wave, and the windows happened to be behind them.

With several mournful screams, they fell to the ground from the 7th floor.

The smoke was dispersed, and Liang Ye's traces were revealed. Instead of attacking immediately, he stopped and stood behind Jack Norman on the right side. The hood covered his eyes, making it impossible to see. Know his eyes.

The two confronted each other like this, and none of the prison guards who sensed the danger dared to come to the 7th floor. This place seemed to have become a taboo place, and people couldn't muster up the courage to step in.

On the other side, Deng Xuan took Brugge out of the prison building.At this time, the prison was in chaos, and some prisoners took advantage of the explosion and gun battle to start a riot. They attacked the prison guards and snatched weapons, and wanted to take the opportunity to leave the prison.

Prison guards were too busy resisting and suppressing the riot to care about Deng Xuan taking Bruci away.The trouble is, their support has been slow to arrive.

Bruch is a short, white-haired, middle-aged man wearing round-rimmed glasses.The information shows that he is only 50 years old, but he looks as old as 70 years old. Deng Xuan grabbed his shoulder and led him to the back door of the prison.

Zhou Yuying was in charge of the back door, and Liang Ye was still dealing with Jack Norman and failed to leave. Now Deng Xuan's first task is to get Bruch away from this dangerous area.

At this time, Lei Yu found something wrong through the sniper scope, and said quickly: "Yueling, there is a jeep approaching your position quickly."

"I'll stop them." Tang Hao said.

Tang Hao has been hiding in the dark. He is the support of this mission and will reappear as needed when the situation changes.But now Zhou Yuying was in charge of responding to Deng Xuan, and when the enemy attacked, all he had to do was to come to help.

Tang Hao jumped out of a two-story building next to the alley, and landed on the ground like a cannonball. The place where his feet stepped opened a crack like a spider web.

There were four armed men in the jeep, including the driver. They were also Jack Norman's support force. After calling for a long time but failing to get a response, they decided to go on their own. What they didn't expect was that the enemy this time was a ghost task force.

When the driver of the car saw a 1.9-meter-tall man standing in front of him, he was taken aback subconsciously, while the accomplice sitting next to him shouted: "Crush him to death!"

Almost subconsciously, the driver floored the gas pedal.


The engine of the jeep made a deafening roar, and the whole car roared and crashed towards Tang Hao at a speed of 120 mph.

Looking at the menacing jeep, Tang Hao showed no fear. He clenched his right fist and walked towards the oncoming jeep step by step.

Cruel smiles appeared on the faces of the armed personnel in the car, as if they had seen Tang Hao's blood splattered.

However, what awaits them is indeed an unprecedented nightmare.

When the front of the jeep was about to hit Tang Hao, Tang Hao swung his clenched right fist. When his fist collided with the 120-hour jeep, there was a loud noise.

Then, an armed jeep weighing 5 tons rose into the air. The body began to sag and crack from the front. fell to the ground, and the position Tang Hao was standing on did not move at all.

"I'll go..." Lei Yu saw all this through the telescope, and he was once again shocked by Tang Hao's power in his heart.

During the training camp, Tang Hao also showed this ability, but every time he saw it, Lei Yu couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and he was also glad that he was not in that car.

The four armed men sitting in the jeep were all shocked to death by the powerful impact, and their internal organs were all shattered into pieces. They leaned limply on the seats, with blood pouring out of their mouths, their eyes protruding, and they looked like they were dead. Very miserable.

After killing four enemies at once, Tang Hao moved his arm, then pressed the communicator and said, "The road outside the back door is safe."

"Got it, thank you Tyrant." Zhou Yuying replied.

At this time, Deng Xuan had already led Bruch to the back door, and formally joined Zhou Yuying.

Lei Yu looked at the time and said, "Find a car and take Bruci to a safe place first, and I will provide you with sniper support."

On Liang Ye's side, he first punched Jack Norman in the chest, but the opponent's armor offset all the impact. Jack Norman only took two steps back without any damage to his body.

But with this punch, Liang Ye had already understood the protective performance of this suit of armor, and he had already formed a countermeasure in his mind.

In fact, his combat auxiliary panel will infer the battle plan based on the enemy's armor, but Liang Ye never relies on these. He likes to use his own brain to analyze instead of relying on the computer.

Jack Norman was different. When he was fighting Liang Ye, he relied on the plan proposed by the computer to execute it.

(End of this chapter)

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