Ghost Task Force

Chapter 521 Shifting to the South

Chapter 521 Shifting to the South
Jack Norman broke free from Liang Ye's shackles. He blocked Liang Ye's attack with his left hand. While raising his right hand, he stretched out a dagger above the back of his hand and stabbed fiercely at Liang Ye's head.

This dagger was much longer than Liang Ye's Hidden Blade. Jack Norman's speed was as fast as lightning. Liang Ye took a slight step back, and the dagger slashed a centimeter in front of his throat, without any danger.

Seeing Liang Ye dodging the attack, Jack Norman subconsciously withdrew his right hand, but Liang Ye seized this opportunity and stretched out his hands to grab Jack Norman's right hand. Even though the opponent was wearing armor, he still twisted hard. .


With the sound of bone breaking, Jack Norman's armored right hand was abruptly broken by Liang Ye. Driven by the armor, it is still unable to move.

Liang Ye stretched out the Hidden Blade in his left hand and slashed at Jack Norman's arm, a flash of sparks flashed, the armor on his hand was cut off, and Liang Ye ripped off the dagger-carrying wrist guard.

Only then did Jack Norman break free from Liang Ye's blockade. He roared and raised his left hand. A fist-sized gun muzzle appeared on the armor of his left hand. A grenade was fired from the muzzle and flew straight towards Liang Ye.

At such a short distance, the flying speed of the grenade is only slower than that of the bullet, but normal people still cannot avoid it.

Liang Ye was different. He had a reaction speed that was unmatched by ordinary people. Liang Yequan saw the trajectory of the grenade flying. He didn't dodge, but just flicked his right hand casually.

The flying grenade happened to hit the Hidden Blade wristband on Liang Ye's right hand. Liang Ye's seemingly casual flick contained enough power to knock an adult into the air. on the side wall.


A huge pothole was directly blown out of the wall, and the gravel flew into the air, falling towards the fleeing prisoners below, and unfortunately several prisoners were crushed to death.

The rubble fell at Liang Ye's feet, and he didn't pay attention to the explosion beside him. The flames lit up his combat uniform, and he looked majestic in the messy floors.

Jack Norman finally understood that even with the support of the exoskeleton armor, he was not Liang Ye's opponent.

During the short fight, he had already understood the horror of Liang Ye, and finally understood why Gladys had always wanted to recruit Liang Ye instead of fighting against Liang Ye.

"Surrender, my target is your secret." Liang Ye walked towards Jack Norman and said, "You are not my opponent."

Jack Norman gritted his teeth. He had experienced many battles, so naturally he would not just catch him without a fight.

"You die for me!"

With a roar, Jack Norman shot at Liang Ye with the muzzle of his left hand, and dozens of bullets flew towards Liang Ye.

Liang Ye snorted. He moved his body quickly, dodging bullets after bullets with his advantage in speed, and kept moving forward while dodging.

Seeing Liang Ye who was getting closer and closer to him, Jack Norman activated the acceleration engines of both feet, ejected towards the front like a cannonball, and at the same time stretched out another dagger in his left hand.

But because of the movement, Jack Norman's shooting also stopped, and of course Liang Ye would not be so stupid as to confront him head-on at this time.


Liang Ye fired the rope gun towards the ceiling, and then jumped into the air, dodging the impact of Jack Norman.

Losing the attack target, Jack Norman quickly stopped himself, but because of the inertia brought by the accelerating engine, he moved forward ten meters more.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liang Ye fired a rope gun at Jack Norman's back while falling.

Liang Ye's rope gun has been improved to be more intelligent, relying entirely on the instructions of his brain, completely out of manual operation, as long as Liang Ye's mind moves, the rope gun will rely on his thoughts to execute.

The speed of the rope gun's flight surpassed that of the bullet. Even if Liang Ye wanted to avoid it, it would be difficult for him, and it was even more impossible for Jack Norman to do so.


The tip of the rope gun pierced Jack Norman's armor and pierced straight into his back.

"Ah!" The severe pain caused Jack Norman to let out a scream, his body twitched subconsciously, and an indescribable discomfort stung his brain.

The rope stopped in mid-air, and Liang Ye fell to the ground, looking coldly at the pained Jack Norman.

At this time, Jack Norman could not move, the exoskeleton armor could not protect him, and the penetration ability of the rope gun exceeded the protection ability of his armor.At this time, the rope gun had firmly locked his spine, and no strong person could bear this kind of pain.

Liang Ye controlled it very well, neither breaking his spine nor taking his life.

"Remove the armor and surrender, or you will spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair." Liang Ye said in a deep voice.

He didn't want to waste too much time with Jack Norman, and he didn't want his life, because he had too much information related to V, and he could be regarded as an important person of V.

Jack Norman was entangled by the Ghost Task Force this time. It was really a mistake in intelligence. He knew that the Ghost Task Force was in Africa, but he didn't expect them to track down this mission.

Lei Yu, who was far away on the lighthouse, saw Liang Ye's fighting process, and on the other side, Tang Hao and others had already got into the car and left the prison.

The city is still in a state of panic, and the security forces have not been able to arrive at the prison. Many prisoners have already taken advantage of the chaos to escape, and the remaining prison guards cannot stop them.

"Tyrant, drive south to the place where the fighter jets are parked. Be careful of enemy ambushes on the way," Lei Yu said.

"Got it, it's moving south." Tang Hao responded.

He was driving an SUV, and Zhou Yuying was sitting in the passenger seat. She replaced the pistol with a new magazine.Deng Xuan and Brugge sat in the back seat of the car, Brugge looked nervous, he didn't know what the purpose of these people was to arrest him.

"Has the captain not resolved yet?" Deng Xuan asked.

Zhou Yuying shook her head and said, "It's not that easy. Jack Norman's combat power is very strong. It may take a lot of time to deal with him. The purpose of the captain is to capture him, not kill him."

Lei Yu listened to everyone's discussion, but did not speak. At this time, Liang Ye had already controlled the situation, and Jack Norman had no chance to resist.

Suddenly, a strong sense of danger stung Lei Yu's brain, and the instinct of his body made him turn around, and at the same time activated the pistol wrist guards in both hands.


A samurai sword landed on his gauntlet with a slight thud, and Raiyuu's arm tingled, but he was even more shocked by the enemy who attacked him.

I saw Annabelle in black standing in front of Lei Yu, holding a samurai sword in her right hand, her eyes were cold.

(End of this chapter)

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