Ghost Task Force

Chapter 523 Explosive Bomb

Chapter 523 Explosive Bomb


A rocket bomb hit the protective cover. Although Deng Xuan's magic was protecting it, the car body still shook uncontrollably twice.

The armed personnel in front kept firing at the vehicle, the grenade gun fired continuously, and a few grenades landed on the side wall, blasting a big hole in the wall.

The gravel hit Deng Xuan's protective shield, making a crisp crashing sound.

Tang Hao slowed down the speed of the vehicle. Seeing an alley in front of him, he quickly turned the steering wheel to the left and drove away from the area covered by firepower.

However, there were also two armed men waiting in the alley, firing their rifles in the direction of the vehicle.However, under the protection of the protective cover, the vehicle was not damaged, and Tang Hao stepped on the accelerator hard, and the SUV roared and slammed into the two armed men.

As if they didn't see it, the two armed men continued to shoot forward until the front of the car hit them.


With two muffled sounds, the two armed men were instantly knocked into the air, and the rifles in their hands fell uncontrollably. Before it was over, the SUV driven by Tang Hao mercilessly ran over the two of them.

The alley was very narrow, Tang Hao had to slow down the speed of the car after hitting two enemies to death, Deng Xuan disarmed the defense of the protective cover, and he looked around vigilantly.

There are many local people in the alley, and this is the first time a vehicle has driven into this alley. They are horrified and cursed at the same time.

"Give me the map!" Tang Hao said loudly.

He said this to the staff in the duty room. The staff immediately shared the map on Tang Hao's battle panel, and he saw his position through the contact lens in his left eye.

The alleys stretched out like spider webs. This is a very chaotic residential area. The alleys were full of debris. Residents ran in the alleys in a panic, which made Tang Hao step on the brakes constantly.

Not only that, but new troubles reappeared.Tang Hao glanced at the water temperature gauge on the dashboard and found that the engine temperature of the car was too high.

"This car is dead." Tang Hao said loudly.

The bullet from the machine gun hit the hood of the car just now, hitting the engine.

Deng Xuan glanced at the safe location. At this time, they were still nearly 10 kilometers away from where the fighter plane was parked.

"Abandon the car." Tang Hao shouted.

As he said that, he turned the car into a corner, and then he was the first to get out of the car with a gun in his hand to ensure the safety of the surroundings.

"The mage reported that he couldn't go to a safe location by means of transportation, and requested to start plan B." Deng Xuan took Bruci out of the car and reported the situation to Liang Ye.

Liang Ye looked at Zhou Yuying who was quickly approaching him, and replied, "I agree to start plan B, pay attention to safety."


With Liang Ye's approval, Deng Xuan looked up and looked around, and at the same time said to Tang Hao: "We are looking for a tall building."

"That!" Tang Hao pointed to the north and said, "Is that building tall enough?"

Deng Xuan looked in the direction Tang Hao pointed, and saw that there was a building still under construction there, with a height of 20 floors and surrounded by scaffolding.The construction workers who were supposed to work on it had already gone into hiding because of the chaos in the city.

"Just go there, we have to make sure that the fighter plane will not be bombed." Deng Xuan said.

Plan B is to remotely control the ghost fighters to their location, but the premise is to ensure the safety of the surroundings and prevent the fighters from being attacked.

Liang Ye did not ask for a support team for this operation. After arriving in Africa, the Ghost Task Force did not call for support. Liang Ye also tested the ability of the entire team.

As the saying goes, practice is the best test, and this is one way to test the abilities of Ghost Squad members.

Liang Ye was very satisfied with their performance so far.

Tang Hao and Deng Xuan took Brugge and ran towards the tall building, Tang Hao opened the way ahead, and he used the map to plan a course of action.The three of them ran wildly all the way, and the enemy also quietly launched a siege net.

On the other side, Zhou Yuying took over Jack Norman. At this time, Jack Norman has lost his combat effectiveness. Although Liang Ye did not destroy his spine, but his hands were destroyed. Now Jack Norman can barely walk , The previous injury made him unable to stand up straight.

"I'm glad to see you here." Liang Ye looked at Zhou Yuying and said.

Zhou Yuying glanced at Jack Norman, who was kneeling on the ground, and said with a smile, "He was captured just like that."

As Liang Ye walked towards the balcony, he turned his head and said, "Of course, I had a good talk with him, and the effect was very good."

After finishing speaking, Liang Ye jumped and jumped off the balcony.

The battle between Lei Yu and Annabel is still going on. This is the second time Lei Yu has contacted Annabel. The last time they fought, Zhou Yuying and him caught Annabel by surprise and beat her back in embarrassment.

But this time was different, Lei Yu could only fight alone, and Annabelle had learned to be smart and did not take the initiative to attack.

This met Liang Ye's request, holding Annabelle back and preventing her from getting close to Jack Norman.

After firing one magazine again, Lei Yu installed a special magazine on the "Eye of the Sky".

Explosive bomb.

This is different from the explosive bombs of other equipment. Zhou Yuying developed a matching explosive bomb based on Leiyu's weapon. The power is similar to that of grenades. The strongest explosive bomb can be used directly against tanks.

The previous attack on Thunderstorm was all to interfere with Annabelle's cognition, making her think that she only had this kind of attack method.

The caliber of the explosive bomb is exactly the same as the previous bullet, and the weight is not much different. The only difference is that the position of the bullet is a little white, and it is difficult for normal people to distinguish the gap between these bullets.

This time, Lei Yu paused for a moment while changing the magazine, Annabel seized this opportunity, and appeared in front of Lei Yu in a flash.

Lei Yu had already guessed that she would do this, and he made this slight pause on purpose to make Annabel think he made a mistake.

Before Annabelle's samurai sword slashed at him, Lei Yu fired a rope gun to the left, and his body moved quickly to the left.

While moving, Lei Yu held the "Eye of the Sky" with his right hand, and pulled the trigger towards Annabelle.

As before, seeing the bullet coming, Annabelle swung her katana, intending to cut the bullet in half.

But this time, she noticed the white on the bullet.

The samurai sword successfully hit the bullet, and time seemed to stop flowing at this moment.

The red flames spread from the warhead, Annabelle's eyes caught this moment, almost subconsciously, her body shrank back.


An explosion occurred where she was. The diameter of the explosion was 7 meters, and a small sunken pit was blown out on the ground. The edge of the small pit was covered with traces of charred gunpowder.

But there was no sign of Annabelle.

(End of this chapter)

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