Ghost Task Force

Chapter 524 Confidence

Chapter 524 Confidence
Lei Yu knew very well how strong Annabelle was. Every time she appeared, her strength was stronger than before. Even Liang Ye didn't dare to underestimate her.

It was impossible to solve Annabelle with this tactic, Lei Yu didn't count on it, he just wanted to catch her off guard.

The thunderstorm succeeded this time. When Annabelle reappeared, the power of the explosion accompanied her body. Before she could stand still, she flew a few meters away and rolled on the ground a few times.

Although she used teleportation at the moment of the explosion, the impact of the explosion still affected her.

It was the second time that the thunderstorm made Annabelle into a mess, and the corner of his mouth could not help but draw a smile.However, he did not let down his vigilance. How difficult it is to kill Annabelle can be seen from the battle between Liang Ye and her. No matter how seriously injured this woman is, she can recover. fighting power.

Sure enough, Annabelle quickly jumped up from the ground, and the samurai sword came out of her hand, flying straight towards Lei Yu's chest.

Her sudden attack startled Lei Yu, who quickly turned sideways to avoid the flying samurai sword.

After the training camp, Lei Yu's melee combat ability has been greatly enhanced. Melee combat is one of Lei Yu's key training items during the training camp. For this reason, he was often beaten by Liang Ye, because Liang Ye would fight him directly.

The effect is also very obvious, today's Thunderstorm is almost reborn, the speed and melee combat have been greatly enhanced, and it no longer only focuses on firearms.

To Lei Yu's surprise, the samurai sword that flew out suddenly turned around and flew towards him again.This caught Lei Yu by surprise, and he tried his best to avoid it, but the samurai sword still cut a hole in his right arm.

The samurai sword returned to Annabelle's hands, and she stared straight at the thunderstorm with a bloodthirsty gleam in her eyes.


After reacting, Lei Yu fired two shots at her, which made him very angry, and he used all his strength when he pulled the trigger.

This time Annabelle didn't use her samurai sword to cut off the bullet. She teleported and appeared on the other side, just outside the explosion range of the explosive bomb.

Lei Yu quickly shifted the gun and fired again towards her position, and Annabelle continued to move.

Every time Annabelle moves, she will be closer to the thunderstorm. The samurai sword in her hand is shining coldly in the sun, which can bring deep fear to ordinary people.

At this time, Lei Yu had already noticed that Liang Ye was approaching, not only because it was shown on the map of the contact lens, but also because Liang Ye's cloak was very conspicuous.

The location of the lighthouse is not far from the prison, Liang Ye has to rush over very quickly.The battle between Lei Yu and Annabelle had only passed a few tens of seconds.

Looking at Annabelle who was getting closer, Lei Yu didn't move his position, but continued to shoot at her.

Annabel also sensed something was wrong at this time, and before she could turn around and look into the air, several smoke bombs exploded beside her, enveloping her instantly in smoke.

At the same time, Lei Yu took out a grenade and threw it towards the smoke-shrouded position.

While the grenade is flying in the air, it automatically disperses and turns into 5 small bombs.


Five explosions blasted the already fragile ground into cracks like spider webs, and the smoke floating in the air was shaken even more scattered.

Afterwards, Annabelle rushed out of the smoke. There was no scar on her body, but her right hand holding the samurai sword could be vaguely seen trembling.


Liang Ye landed 10 meters in front of Annabelle, and slowly took off the hood covering his eyes, revealing a handsome and young appearance.

After a month of training, Liang Ye's appearance has not changed at all, his skin is naturally not tanned.The only change is that he is stronger than before, and his eyes are sharper.

Annabelle stared at Liang Ye standing in front of her. No one knew what she was thinking at this moment, and the killing intent from before was no longer in her eyes.

Lei Yu, who was standing aside, didn't pull the trigger again. He replaced the "Eye of the Sky" with ordinary bullets, then continued to aim at Annabelle with his gun, and put his index finger on the trigger position, ready for battle.

A gust of wind gently blew through the bodies of the three of them, and the tense atmosphere made people's hearts beat uncontrollably, and those who hid in the house to peek at the battle subconsciously accelerated their breathing rate.

On the other side, Deng Xuan and Tang Hao brought Bruch to the entrance of the building. The building is still surrounded by guardrails, and there are danger signs on the pillars, reminding people not to approach.

The three of them encountered many enemies along the way, and in order to cover Bluch's evacuation as soon as possible, they did not bother to fight.

Tang Hao took the lead to open the way ahead. He pointed to the entrance and said, "Here, go up the stairs."

As soon as he finished speaking, dense gunfire rang out again, and more than a dozen armed men were approaching the three of them with guns in hand.

Deng Xuan quickly activated the shield, covering Tang Hao and Brugge.

"If they don't get rid of them, they will always follow. I'll get rid of them. You take Bluch up to the top floor first." Tang Hao said quickly.

Deng Xuan responded, he grabbed Bruch's clothes, and then exchanged glances with Tang Hao.


Tang Hao yelled, then raised his rifle and shot at the approaching armed men.Deng Xuan grabbed Bruch and ran towards the stairs. As he moved, he shot in the direction of the armed personnel with the pistol in his hand, interfering with their progress.

At this time, Zhou Yuying's voice sounded through the communicator, and she said, "Master, come pick me up after the fighter plane takes off, I also have a lot of trouble here."

The prison building where Zhou Yuying was located was being rushed up by armed men. They obviously wanted to rescue the captured Jack Norman, but Zhou Yuying was the only one resisting here.

But her voice was very calm, and she didn't take these people seriously.

"Bang bang bang..." Zhou Yuying fired three shots in a row, killing the three enemies who rushed out of the stairs, then took out a grenade and threw it towards the corner of the stairs.

Zhou Yuying walked to Jack Norman's side, smiled at him and said, "Your people want to save you, guess if they can succeed."

Jack Norman didn't speak, and he didn't have the strength to speak at this time. The pain in his body made him feel like suffering every second.

"Got it, hold on, I will come to pick you up." Deng Xuan replied.

"Don't worry, I'm fine here."

The battle situation is very fierce, and the task force members are now fighting in a scattered manner. Almost all of them have enemies to deal with, and they all have different difficulties.

But at this time, they are all calmly facing it, without the slightest nervousness, and they all believe that they can solve all problems by relying on their own abilities.

This is the confidence of Ghost Task Force.

(End of this chapter)

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