Ghost Task Force

Chapter 528 Officially Ended

Chapter 528 Officially Ended
Ling Shishi can give people a kind of lightness. Under the sunshine, her complexion is as crystal clear as jade, like a crescent moon giving birth to halo, and like flowers and trees piled up with snow.

She gives the impression that she is a weak woman, not an ancient warrior.

Under Liang Ye's sharp eyes, Ling Shishi took a step back uncontrollably.The pressure on Liang Ye's body made her heart beat faster and her breathing became very difficult.

Liang Ye saw a lot of beautiful girls, not to mention that in his eyes, no matter how beautiful others were, they couldn't compare to Xiao Xiao, so he didn't care about Ling Shishi's looks at all.

The only thing that Liang Ye can appreciate more is that this girl who looks less than 20 years old is very skilled in ancient martial arts. With the swordsmanship she used back then, it is estimated that other ancient warriors may not be 40 years old. to this extent.

Liang Ye glanced at the white figure still on the roof of the villa, then looked at Ling Shishi again, and said, "You tell me not to attack, tell me your reason."

Although he said so, Liang Ye still put down his pistol, because Ling Shishi did not show any hostility.

This little girl is actually easy to see through. Since she is not hostile, she will naturally not make any sneak attacks.And Liang Ye is also very confident in himself, no matter what plans the other party has, Liang Ye can guarantee that he will be unscathed.

"Because we won't attack you either." Ling Shishi said.

Her gaze stayed on Liang Ye's body all the time, but when she met Liang Ye's eyes, her eyes would be a little flustered, and then she hurriedly looked away.

This made Liang Ye feel a little funny.

"Tell me, what do you want to do." Liang Ye asked.

"Jack Norman is just an executor, and he doesn't have many secrets. Regarding V, there is a council of elders behind Gladys, and they have been making decisions for the operation of this organization, and Gladys is just one of the top leaders." Ling Shishi revealed information that surprised Liang Ye.

What surprised Liang Ye was not the information about V, but why Ling Shishi knew about it.

"Have you rangers been investigating V?" Liang Ye looked at Ling Shishi, and he suddenly felt that this little girl was a little cute.

"No, it's just that we have information about them." Ling Shishi replied.

Liang Ye took back the pistol and darts, folded his arms and said, "Okay, tell me your request."

An imperceptible smile flashed across Ling Shishi's face, she said: "The Bureau of Strategic Security has released the investigation and monitoring of Ranger, and we will provide you with a high-level list of V."

"That's it?" Liang Ye couldn't help but smile, this request made by Ling Shishi was really not worth mentioning in Liang Ye's eyes.

He didn't have any hostility towards Ranger. Although Ranger was very mysterious, this organization really didn't do any bad things.

The only thing that worried Liang Ye was who the leader of the rangers was, and another white-robed man who appeared in England back then. This man was so capable that Liang Ye felt a strong sense of danger.

"Yes." Ling Shishi nodded.

"How can I be sure that you won't do what you shouldn't?"

"There is no precise definition of what to do and what not to do." Ling Shishi took out a USB flash drive. She looked into Liang Ye's eyes and suddenly smiled. She said with a smile, "Whether it's right You, or Shenzhou, we rangers are a guardian force. We are not as strong as the Strategic Security Bureau, but the purpose is not to want this world to be destroyed."

Liang Ye: "..."

The two just stared at each other. After a long time, Liang Ye slowly raised his left hand, pressed down on the communicator and said, "I am Lieutenant Colonel Liang Ye, Commander. Please pay attention to all departments."

As soon as he said this, all the personnel above the ministerial level in the entire Strategic Security Bureau suddenly became nervous, and they all focused on the communicator, waiting for Liang Ye's next sentence.

"Release the investigation and monitoring of Ranger, remove the organization from the 'uncertain' list, I ordered with the nine-level special agent authority, seal up the relevant materials and put them into the eighth-level review authority."

"Received by the Ministry of Intelligence."

"Received by the War Department."

"Received by the Network Department."


"Did you hear that?" Liang Ye looked at Ling Shishi, the reason why he gave the order so quickly was because his intuition told him that this little girl would not deceive him.

Ling Shishi nodded, she took out a USB flash drive, and handed the USB flash drive to Liang Ye just like the last time they met.

The only difference is that last time she provided information to Liang Ye for free, but this time she made a request.

She is not the leader of Ranger, but she has always been in contact with Liang Ye on behalf of Ranger.

Liang Ye believed in his intuition, so when facing Ling Shishi, he made a decision.The decision is two-sided, good and bad; Liang Ye also believes that the Ranger organization will surface by itself.

At this time, Deng Xuan's voice sounded through the intercom, "Report to the captain, we will arrive at your location in 30 seconds."

"Goodbye, Lieutenant Colonel Liang Ye, we will meet again." Ling Shishi turned around slowly, ready to leave.

"What if I need to find you?" Liang Ye asked.

Ling Shishi stopped in her tracks, she turned around gently, looked at Liang Ye's handsome face, and said, "Then we will show up."

After finishing speaking, she continued to walk away. When she was about to reach the gate of the manor, Liang Ye suddenly remembered something.

"Wait, what did you just say mean to me?"

But before he finished speaking, Ling Shishi's figure had disappeared. She obviously didn't plan to listen to Liang Ye's words.

Liang Ye started to catch up, but stopped after taking two steps. He looked down at the USB flash drive in his hand. The USB flash drive is pure white and exudes a scent, which may be Ling Shishi's body fragrance.

Just now Ling Shishi said that whether it is for Liang Ye or Shenzhou, Ranger is a protective force.

It was also because of this sentence that Liang Ye let go of his vigilance against the ranger.

Ling Shishi's meaning is obvious. Ranger is serving China, but what is the specific operating structure, Liang Ye is still unclear.

But when Ling Shishi left, Liang Ye suddenly remembered that she had told herself.At first, Liang Ye thought it was because of his status as a ninth-level agent, but when he suddenly thought about it, something was wrong.

Why is this a guardian force for me?
Liang Ye didn't want to understand, so he wanted to call Ling Shishi; but she had already left, and Liang Ye had no answer.

The Wraith fighter plane slowly landed on the open space of the manor. After landing, Deng Xuan opened the rear hatch, and Lei Yu stepped off the plane first.

"Boss." Lei Yu's voice brought Liang Ye back to his senses.

"Captain." Tang Hao and Zhou Yuying also got off the plane and looked at Liang Ye, waiting for his next instruction.

Liang Ye said before that after Jack Norman was captured, Task Force Ghost would end its mission in Africa.Now, Jack Norman has been successfully captured, and now he is waiting for Liang Ye's order.

Liang Ye let out a breath. He clenched the USB flash drive in his hand, removed the combat uniform on his body, then turned around slowly, looked at the task force members and said, "Let's go back to Shenzhou. The mission in Africa is officially over."

"Yes, Captain!"

(End of this chapter)

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