Ghost Task Force

Chapter 529 Adjustment

Chapter 529 Adjustment
Strategic Defense Bureau Headquarters, Director's Office.

Li Shan looked at Liang Ye standing in front of him, and said sternly, "Wouldn't it be too hasty to abandon the investigation of Ranger and even seal up their information for a list of high-level personnel?"

"They claim to be a guardian force of Shenzhou." Liang Ye recalled what Ling Shishi said to himself, and then continued: "It means that they will not do things that hurt nature and reason like V."

"But the duty of the Strategic Security Bureau is to monitor this type of organization. As a ninth-level agent, you should know it better than anyone else. It is difficult for me to support your decision."

After hearing that Liang Ye dismissed the investigation of Ranger, Li Shan couldn't figure it out. When the ghost task force returned to the headquarters, Li Shan immediately called Liang Ye over to listen to his report.

"Indeed, all of this seems very sloppy, but Director, it may be hard for you to believe it. At that time, my intuition told me that rangers would not endanger the world."

"Intuition? You told me that you trust your intuition for such an important decision?" Li Shan felt that he was pissed off by Liang Ye.

In the past, Liang Ye rarely mentioned the word "intuition", and he rarely came to a conclusion without a good reason, but now he seems to be a different person, starting to make decisions based on intuition.

This intuition is a double-edged sword for the top executives of a major organization.

"Yes." Liang Ye did not deny it.

Li Shan didn't know how to continue talking for a while. He wanted to criticize, but he didn't know what to criticize.

If this matter is regarded as a transaction, the Strategic Security Bureau will be at a loss no matter what. Although it takes time to investigate the list of V's high-level personnel, with the resources of the Strategic Security Bureau, it will be a matter of time to find out.

Liang Ye canceled the investigation and monitoring of them because the ranger provided this list, which in Li Shan's eyes was a bit unbelievable.

But Li Shan also thought that Liang Ye had made no mistakes in the series of decisions and instructions he had made since he became the ninth-level agent of the Strategic Security Bureau.

Especially in the past month, the missions carried out by the ghost task force led by Liang Ye in Africa have been successfully completed and a lot of useful information has been obtained.

Liang Ye is young, but it is precisely because he is young that his vision and viewpoint play an extremely important role in this position.Whether leading a team to carry out missions or managing an intelligence agency, Liang Ye is a natural leader. Apart from his age, he really has no flaws to pick from.

Thinking of this, the anger in Li Shan's heart gradually dissipated. He sighed, knocked on the table lightly, and said, "The Spring Festival is over."

Liang Ye nodded. It was already mid-February, and the Spring Festival had just ended.

"As the director, I must say that your decision lacks consideration. But the order has been issued, and I don't want to pursue anything further, but you must know that if the Ranger does anything that endangers the balance in the future, you will bear the responsibility." responsibility."

After finishing speaking, Li Shan waved his hand, signaling Liang Ye to leave.

"I understand." Liang Ye turned and left the director's office.

Li Shan seldom criticizes Liang Ye. In fact, it's not just Li Shan. Even Lan Siqi thinks that Liang Ye's decision is too hasty, but she dare not say anything. Naturally, Liang Ye has his fault for doing so. reason.

After returning to the task force lounge, Liang Ye checked the time, and it was ten o'clock in the morning.

And Xiao Xiao is on the plane at one o'clock in the afternoon. She is going to Cambridge University to participate in the International Literature Summit Forum today. She is one of the representative writers in China, and there are more than 50 writers in China who are invited to participate.

Liang Ye originally wanted to send his family's private plane to take Xiao Xiao there, but the China Writers Association had already chartered a plane.After all, this is a large-scale event, and the Writers Association has budgeted enough funds.

Just when Liang Ye was about to go out, Lan Siqi opened the door and walked in.

"Lieutenant Colonel, the field agent team will arrest a vampire hiding in the outskirts of the city this afternoon, and the team leader asks you for the support of the task force." Lan Siqi handed the tablet computer in her hand to Liang Ye.

"Do we need to dispatch to catch a vampire?" Liang Ye took the tablet and looked at the report on it.

The report showed that this vampire was expelled from the vampire clan, fled to S City under the pursuit of the Apocalypse Knights, injured several passers-by, and had an extremely cruel personality.

"The war department is ready." Lan Siqi said.

What she meant was obvious. If Liang Ye sent a task force, it would be the combat team to support.

Liang Ye returned the tablet to Lan Siqi, and after thinking for a while, asked, "What time does it start in the afternoon?"

"It hasn't been decided yet. The agents are monitoring the vampire. They are waiting for the sunny afternoon to act." Lan Siqi replied.

Some lower-level vampires are afraid of sunlight, while higher-level vampires can ignore the effects of sunlight, such as Gao Ruishi.

"I'll just go and let everyone else rest. I just want to meet the vampires for a while. Help me prepare a rifle full of silver bullets."

In fact, Liang Ye also had a trace of fatigue on his face. During the month in Africa, his spirit was in a state of high tension.

"Yes." Lan Siqi nodded, ready to turn and leave.

"Wait a minute." Liang Ye called to Lan Siqi to stop, "You can go with me too, you drive my car."


Lan Siqi was preparing for the mission, Liang Ye went to the parking lot first.When he just walked to the elevator, he saw a familiar figure.

Wang Yu.

Since the mission in the virgin forest last time, Wang Yu has been hit hard and has been receiving psychological treatment for a long time.For his state, the top management of the Operations Department felt sorry for him and asked him to go home and rest for half a month; this is Wang Yu who just finished his vacation and came back to the headquarters to report.

Liang Ye had also heard a little about his situation.

"Wang Yu." Liang Ye shouted.

Hearing Liang Ye's figure, Wang Yu stopped and ran towards Liang Ye.

"Hello, Chief." Wang Yu saluted Liang Ye with a military salute.

Liang Ye nodded. He could tell that Wang Yu no longer had the arrogance he had before, and even his eyes were a little hollow.

"Haven't you come out of the initial failure?" Liang Ye said straight to the point.

Hearing Liang Ye's words, Wang Yu was subconsciously stunned, and nodded after a while.

He didn't deny it.

Seeing the tragic death of two comrades-in-arms before his own eyes, Wang Yu still couldn't let go of that failure in his heart, so that he was not in the mood to participate in the follow-up missions.

It wasn't that he was too fragile, but that mission was the biggest failure he had ever experienced, and he needed time and other factors to adjust.

(End of this chapter)

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