Ghost Task Force

Chapter 531 Written Only For You

Chapter 531 Written Only For You
China has entered spring in February, and there is no snow on the streets anymore.The warm sunshine shines on the earth, spring returns to the earth, and everything is renewed, sweeping away the lifelessness of winter, and full of infinite hope everywhere.

The SUV slowly stopped at the door of the Four Seasons Sunshine Cafe, Liang Ye pushed open the door and got out of the car, his eyes stayed on Xiao Xiao who was seriously reading in the cafe.

Xiao Xiao read the book very seriously, and didn't notice Liang Ye's arrival.

Lan Siqi parked the car in a nearby parking space, and then walked into the coffee shop; the remaining two hours were exclusively for Liang Ye to rest.

All the members of the Ghost Task Force rested separately under Liang Ye's instruction. Although it was daytime, they finally got a rare rest. They all slept in the room of the headquarters, and only Liang Ye came out alone.

Lan Siqi knew very well what they had paid for these two months. First, there was a high-intensity training camp, followed by a one-month task. They were in a state of high concentration almost every day.

After returning to the headquarters, the spirit is relaxed, and fatigue will naturally sweep over.

The popularity of the cafe is not as full as it was when it first opened, but it will still maintain a half-full passenger flow, especially today when Xiao Xiao is here, many customers in the cafe are unwilling to leave, and can't help but order a few more. cup of coffee.

Tao Zhiqing was the first to see Liang Ye. When she saw Liang Ye walking in, she subconsciously wanted to call Xiao Xiao, but Liang Ye made a "shh" gesture towards her, signaling her not to speak.

Liang Ye tiptoed towards Xiao Xiao, a smirk could not help but be drawn on the corner of his mouth.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Liang Ye came behind Xiao Xiao, covering her eyes with both hands.

Xiao Xiao kept looking down at the book, and didn't notice that Liang Ye was approaching. The instinctive reaction of her body made her subconsciously want to struggle, but within half a second, she stopped struggling and her shoulders began to tremble. .

Although she didn't see Liang Ye with her own eyes, she was very familiar with Liang Ye's aura. When Liang Ye's hand touched her cheek, she knew it was him.

Only Liang Ye could give her that feeling of rapid heartbeat.

Feeling Liang Ye's aura, Xiao Xiao felt as if she had lost all her strength, and fell limp in Liang Ye's arms.

This move of hers made Liang Ye a little dumbfounded. He hugged Xiao Xiao vigorously from behind, and then leaned his head on her shoulder, breathing in the fragrance of her long hair.

The intimate behavior of the two of them was undoubtedly a critical blow to the single people in the coffee shop. Tao Zhiqing also looked envious. Although there were many rumors and rumors about Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao in the outside world, Tao Zhiqing could tell that the two loved each other. Love has penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

"Hey, many people are watching." Liang Ye whispered in Xiao Xiao's ear.

His gentle voice made Xiao Xiao's bones weak, and she didn't even have the strength to answer for a while, so she leaned against Liang Ye's body softly, like a fragile and pitiful kitten, who could only be cared for. with.

Liang Ye ignored the envious eyes from the outside world. After thinking for half a second, he directly hugged Xiao Xiao by the waist, turned around and walked out of the coffee shop.

There are simply too many people here for a date.

"Bring the car over here." Liang Ye said to Lan Siqi.

Lan Siqi responded, quickly turned around and ran out of the coffee shop.

The singles in the coffee shop once again felt that they had been hit by a crit, and that the crit had caused all real damage. Many of them stared wide-eyed, expressing deep jealousy for Liang Ye's act of showing affection in public .

I saw Liang Ye lovingly hugging Xiao Xiao in his arms, while Xiao Xiao was hugging his neck with a blushing face. She never thought that Liang Ye would do this, but she liked this kind of love of being loved by Liang Ye very much. Feel.

"Lan Siqi, ask the Internet Department to clear up today's news about me and Xiao Xiao." Liang Ye whispered through the intercom as he walked outside.

Lan Siqi was starting the car, and after hearing Liang Ye's words, she quickly sent a notice to the Internet Department.

Ten minutes later, at Jiangbin Park in S City, Liang Ye held Xiao Xiao's hand and walked with her on the path by the river, feeling the spring breeze.

Today's Jiangbin Park is very clean, not many people hang out.

"You seem to have lost weight." Xiao Xiao whispered.

"Really?" Liang Ye touched his face subconsciously.

Xiao Xiao stopped in her tracks. She looked at Liang Ye's handsome face, and then noticed that he was only wearing a plaid shirt jacket. On the riverside where the temperature was only 10 degrees, his clothes looked very thin.

"It's a little thin." Xiao Xiao said, untied the blue scarf tied around her neck, and put it on Liang Ye's neck.

Liang Ye just wanted to stop it, but Xiao Xiao said first: "You wear so little, don't yell at me."

Xiao Xiao's body fragrance still remained on the scarf, which made Liang Ye feel as if Xiao Xiao was hugging her neck.

In fact, Liang Ye was not cold, and with his physical fitness, he could completely ignore the low temperature, but in Xiao Xiao's eyes, he just felt that he would be cold.

Seeing the smile on Liang Ye's face, Xiao Xiao stuck out her tongue and whispered, "I wove this scarf by myself, this one is mine, and the one for you is at home."

Liang Ye took Xiao Xiao's hand, put it on his face, and said with a smile, "Is there any difference between us?"

"There's no difference, the couple models are exactly the same."

"Then I want this one, because it has your breath on it, so I can feel you all the time."

Xiao Xiao was startled by Liang Ye's sudden love words, and then hugged his neck vigorously.

In more than an hour, she will leave for England, and Liang Ye is still unable to spare to accompany her to participate.

It's not because Liang Ye has a task in the afternoon, but after getting V's high-level list, Liang Ye will hold a meeting of eighth-level agents tomorrow to discuss the next action with them.

Liang Ye needs to take charge of the overall situation, and he cannot do without him in the follow-up tasks; he is also very helpless about this.

And Xiao Xiao's exchange has lasted for nearly half a month. She is the most anticipated writer on the forum this time. European readers have expressed their hope to see Xiao Xiao speak.

"Okay, I can hardly breathe when you hug me so tightly." Liang Ye said with a smile, "Tell me, have you missed me in the past two months?"

Xiao Xiao leaned her head on Liang Ye's chest, felt his heartbeat, and said, "I think about it all the time."

After finishing speaking, she looked up at Liang Ye, her big watery eyes looked at Liang Ye, and her heart almost melted.

Xiao Xiao stared into Liang Ye's eyes affectionately, and said with a light smile, "Liang Ye, when I became a writer, I never thought of writing my own story. I only found out after falling in love with you. Writing my own story is actually a very happy thing, I like this process of remembering very much. Liang Ye, I want to tell you that your favorite story, no matter what it will be, I will only write it for you .”

The breeze gently blew over the bodies of the two of them, blowing the scarf tied around Liang Ye's neck and Xiao Xiao's smooth long hair.

It's warm and fitting.

(End of this chapter)

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