Ghost Task Force

Chapter 532 Emergency Information

Chapter 532 Emergency Information

At one o'clock in the afternoon, an Airbus A320 plane took off slowly at S City International Airport and departed for London, England. Fifty-two Chinese writers took the plane, accompanied by a team of 52 journalists, who will report every detail of the Chinese writers at this literary forum, and there are also some ordinary passengers going to the UK on the plane.

On the hillside outside the airport, Liang Ye was wearing a combat uniform, holding a rifle in his right hand, and looked up at the plane that was taking off.

Xiao Xiao was sitting on this plane, and two female bodyguards from the Liang family were also traveling together. Liang Ye was always worried about Xiao Xiao's safety. They pretended to be ordinary passengers, and one of them sat beside Xiao Xiao.

In the cabin, Xiao Xiao sat in the first-class seat on the left side by the window and looked out the window. She could see Liang Ye standing on the hillside outside the airport runway.

She waved at Liang Ye, even though Liang Ye couldn't see it.

The plane continued to climb, Liang Ye watched the plane gradually turning into a small black spot before turning around, and Lan Siqi was standing not far away waiting for him.

I haven't seen each other for two months, and I had to leave after only staying for a while after returning. Liang Ye suppressed the reluctance in his heart. He still has tasks to do next.

Lan Siqi noticed Liang Ye's emotions, and she asked, "Lieutenant Colonel, the operation is about to start, do we need to postpone it?"

Liang Ye shook his head and said, "No need, proceed as normal, notify the secret service team to get ready, we're leaving now."

He will not let his mood affect the task. As a senior leader of the Security Bureau, he must take the overall situation into consideration.

The SUV started slowly. Lan Siqi drove the vehicle towards the suburbs of the city. Liang Ye sat in the passenger seat and watched the latest news from the Strategic Security Bureau.

"Lan Siqi, would it be a bit irresponsible if I said that I would retire early and leave the Strategic Security Bureau for Xiao Xiao?" Liang Ye asked suddenly.

This was an idea that came out of his heart suddenly, not that he really wanted to do it, and he just wanted to know what Lan Siqi would think about it.

If Li Shan knew that he thought so, he would definitely jump out from behind the desk and give him a stick.

Leaving aside that Liang Ye may become the youngest general in China, Li Shan trained Liang Ye as the next director of the Strategic Security Bureau. Liang Ye's existence is extremely important to the Security Bureau. He is not only an excellent A leader is an excellent fighter.

He turned the existence of the Ghost Task Force from a fantasy into a possibility, and also deterred the entire world of supernatural beings hidden in the dark. He made many supernatural beings take the initiative to register information with the Strategic Security Bureau, so that they dare not do evil anymore.

Liang Ye was already a legend at a young age.

"Lieutenant Colonel?" Lan Siqi looked at Liang Ye, she didn't expect Liang Ye to say that suddenly, and she didn't know how to answer for a while.

"It's okay, I approve you to put aside the gap in position and just express your own opinion."

"Yes..." Lan Siqi pondered for a while, she even started the autopilot, turned her head to look at Liang Ye's face, and said, "I personally don't think this is irresponsible, because you have a choice, Lieutenant Colonel. The reason for my own life. Whether you are an agent or a soldier, there will always be a day when you leave your post. You need Xiao Xiao, and Xiao Xiao also needs you."

"You mean to support me leaving?"

"No, I haven't finished." Lan Siqi shook her head lightly, she said: "But the Strategic Defense Bureau also needs you, and the Ghost Task Force needs your leadership. In fact, you are always needed .”

Liang Ye: "..."

"Then it's no different if you didn't say anything." Liang Ye couldn't help complaining.

"Lieutenant Colonel, you asked me to express my opinion, I did." Lan Siqi rarely showed a sad look, "Actually, you just need to do whatever you want, how you live is your own freedom, you You don’t owe the world anything, and you can’t be a soldier or an agent forever.”

"Yes." Liang Ye nodded, closed his eyes, and leaned his head on the headrest.

When he closed his eyes, Xiao Xiao's smiling face appeared in front of him again.

He had to admit that he couldn't do without Xiao Xiao. He loved this girl so much that he valued her more than his own life.

The same is true for Xiao Xiao.

When Liang Ye was away, Xiao Xiao didn't actually live in her own home, but lived opposite, which was the house where Liang Ye lived before.

There were still Liang Ye's clothes in the bedroom of that house, and there was Liang Ye's breath on the bed. Xiao Xiao would sleep there every night, because she would have the illusion that Liang Ye was still by her side.

Liang Ye didn't know, and Xiao Xiao didn't tell him.

The two have not been in love for a long time, but in such a short period of time, the two have been completely inseparable from each other. Every time they look at each other, their eyes are full of love.

"Have you ever tried to love someone deeply?" Liang Ye asked.

Lan Siqi shook her head, and said bluntly, "I don't have time for love."

This answer made Liang Ye speechless for a while, he sighed softly, and said: "Actually, this is also the first time I really fell in love with someone. Before I met Xiao Xiao, I never thought about getting married. After I met her, I married her." I never thought about other people...that's the kind, it may be difficult for you to imagine, it seems that you suddenly have armor, and you also seem to have a weakness. When you hear something, it is obviously irrelevant, and you will turn a few corners in your heart Think of her."

It was rare for Liang Ye to speak incoherently like this, but Lan Siqi listened very carefully, and she really understood Liang Ye's state very well.

"Perhaps I will understand your feelings in the future, Lieutenant Colonel." Lan Siqi said.

As Liang Ye's secretary, Lan Siqi knew everything about Liang Ye very well.

Xiao Xiao is Liang Ye's biggest weakness and rebel, Lan Siqi can even believe that if someone wants to hurt Xiao Xiao, Liang Ye will definitely drop everything and chase him to the ends of the world.

"Actually, there is someone who loves you deeply." Liang Ye said.

What he said made Lan Siqi stunned for a moment, and instantly thought of the sixth-level agent who was still in a decadent state.

Lan Siqi pursed her lips, tried her best to organize her words, and then said, "Lieutenant Colonel, I don't want to think about these things now."

"OK." Liang Ye nodded, but he just said it casually. Even if he didn't say it, Lan Siqi knew very well Wang Yu's feelings for her, but she never took it seriously.

Maybe it was because she really just wanted to work hard, or maybe it was something else.

Liang Ye didn't know how to ask, nor would he help Wang Yu or Lan Siqi on this matter. He thought that these two people would find a suitable time to have a good talk.

At this time, Liang Ye's cell phone vibrated slightly, and an emergency message was displayed on the screen.

Liang Ye opened it curiously. When he finished reading the content of the message, his pupils instantly shrank into pinholes, and his breathing stopped at this moment.

Sensing Liang Ye's expression, Lan Siqi instantly became nervous, and she couldn't help asking, "Lieutenant Colonel, what's wrong?"

"Stop." Liang Ye said in a deep voice.

His voice was very cold, this was the first time Lan Siqi saw Liang Ye showing such an expression.

What appeared on Liang Ye's face was fear and tension.

And this message came from one of the two female bodyguards protecting Xiao Xiao. The content of the message was very brief: "Master, this plane has been hijacked."

(End of this chapter)

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