Ghost Task Force

Chapter 537 Launching an Attack

Chapter 537 Launching an Attack
The passenger plane kept descending, Liang Ye controlled the fighter plane to descend, and the windows of the passenger plane were still closed, but Zhou Yuying had already reported that the passengers were all fine, so Liang Ye didn't worry about it for the time being.

As long as Xiao Xiao is safe, things will not go to the worst.

Zhou Yuying had actually taken control of the aircraft's system at this time, and the cockpit of the aircraft was projected on her desk, monitoring the changes of the aircraft.But she hasn't taken over control of the plane yet, she needs Liang Ye's order.

At this time, Zhou Yuying noticed that there were two red dots on the radar, and she quickly said: "Captain, the Air Force has sent two fighter jets to track them, and they are expected to arrive in 15 minutes."

In fact, Liang Ye really doesn't have much to do now. The best way is to let his own bodyguards deal with the hijackers inside, and after retaking the passenger plane, Liang Ye will escort him back to the airport.

The worst plan is that Liang Ye forcibly breaks open the door of the passenger plane outside, but this will instantly put the passenger plane into an extremely dangerous situation, and the cabin will lose pressure. Liang Ye cannot guarantee that he can bring the plane back to the airport safely.

In this case, Liang Ye didn't have many choices, and he had to make a decision as soon as possible.

Now he is waiting, waiting for what altitude the plane will eventually descend to. If the worst happens, he will let Zhou Yuying control the passenger plane and let the passenger plane descend to 1500 meters.

The problem is how to let the bodyguards open the hatch from the inside after descending to 1500 meters in the air.The hijackers have taken control of the cabin, and any slight move will be discovered, and making them act will also put them in danger.

Although they were determined to sacrifice for the Liang family, Liang Ye could not issue such an order before the worst happened.

In the cabin, everyone including the hijacker did not know that there was a ghost fighter plane of the Strategic Security Bureau following it outside, and even many passengers did not know what unit the Strategic Security Bureau was.

But the hijackers knew very well that when they first found Xiao Xiao on the passenger, they really thought it over.If Xiao Xiao contacted Liang Ye and Liang Ye came to stop them, they would be very dangerous.

In the end, they decided to take the risk and activated the signal jammer immediately after hijacking the plane, completely cutting off contact with the outside world.

The two bodyguards were watching the situation quietly, their first task was to ensure Xiao Xiao's safety, and the hijacker had already expressed his attitude that he would not harm Xiao Xiao, which made them feel a little more relaxed.

The problem now is how to save the plane. They have already contacted Liang Ye, but because they can't communicate, they don't know what action Liang Ye will take.

The plane was still descending, and soon it had descended to an altitude of 2000 meters, and its speed had also dropped to 300 kilometers per hour.

"What are they doing?" Liang Ye frowned. At this altitude, he could even skydive on a passenger plane.

At this time, the passenger plane was flying over the East China Sea, with the vast ocean below; the sun had already started to set, and the sunset red looked so gorgeous.

Liang Ye drove the Wraith fighter a little closer, and then activated the infrared detection of the camera on the right to scan the fuselage of the passenger plane.

"Yueling, I'll share the screen with you, and you can mark the location of the hijacker for me."

"Got it, wrap it on me."

Liang Ye couldn't wait any longer, the fighter jets were approaching, and although the passenger plane had slowed down its descent, it was still lowering its altitude. If they frantically tried to drive the plane into the sea, it would be a nightmare.

So Liang Ye was about to take action, and he couldn't wait any longer.

"Captain, the enemy has been locked." Zhou Yuying said.

Qiu Yue was in the first class, Zuo Lei was in the tail of the plane, and Jeffrey was in the economy class.The positions of the three are relatively scattered, but fortunately the plane is not big, and the distance between them is actually not very far.

Liang Ye looked at the enemy's position and said, "Yueling, restore the plane's communication."

"Yes, Captain. But I want to remind you that the restoration of communication will be noticed by them."

"It's okay, just do it."

With that said, Liang Ye took out his mobile phone, ready to send a message to the bodyguard.

The two female bodyguards are the best in the Liang family's bodyguard team. Their abilities have been highly praised by Jiang Long, so Liang Ye is very relieved of them.

Two seconds later, Zhou Yuying's voice sounded through the communicator: "Captain, the communication has been restored, I wish you good luck."

"Report your location, put on the portable communicator, I'm on your left." Liang Ye sent a message to the two female bodyguards, and then put a new communicator on his right ear.

This communicator allows her to speak directly to the two bodyguards.

A female bodyguard was sitting in the economy class, close to the aisle, so that the hijackers could not easily detect her. She quickly put on the communicator and reported her location to Liang Ye in the form of a text message.

Liang Ye came, which made them excited, but at the same time they began to prepare for battle. Since Liang Ye contacted them, it proved that they were about to start action.

The female bodyguard sitting next to Xiao Xiao also put on the communicator while Qiu Yue was not paying attention.

"You listen to my instructions, find a way to eliminate the enemies in the cabin, open the hatch from the inside and let me enter the plane, I will seize the cockpit, and you will dismantle the bomb."

"Ai Xin received it."

Ai Xin is the female bodyguard sitting in the economy class seat, and the other bodyguard sitting next to Xiao Xiao is named Ai Qi. The two are not biological sisters, but because they have a good relationship, they changed their names together.

Ai Qi couldn't speak, and Qiu Yue was less than five meters away from her, but she tapped the communicator lightly to indicate that she had received it.

Both Jeffrey and Zuo Lei are the closest to Ai Xin, and she has to deal with these two enemies. The trouble is that she has no weapons in her hand, while the two hijackers have guns in their hands.

The situation is not good for them, but even if there are difficulties, they still plan to give it a go. It is not a good thing to sit here and wait for death.

What's more, Liang Ye was outside.His presence was like a reassurance to them.

The two sisters are loyal to the Liang family, and they admire the young master of the Liang family even more.

The man sitting next to Ai Xin was holding a pen in his hand. At this time, the man was still trembling and hadn't recovered from the emotion of being hijacked.

Ai Xin grabbed the pen in his hand, and before the man could react, she unbuckled her seat belt and threw the pen at Jeffrey.

Jeffrey is also a seasoned killer, but he always felt that no one in the passengers dared to resist, so he felt a little relaxed.

He only reacted when the pen tip was about to hit his head, but it was too late.

"Chi..." The tip of the pen pierced the back of Jeffrey's head, and his body tensed up. The pain made him unable to help but let out a heart-piercing scream.

Then, Ai Xin rushed out of the seat, ran two steps, and kicked Jeffrey to the ground with a tactical sliding shovel.

(End of this chapter)

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