Ghost Task Force

Chapter 538 Open the Hatch Door

Chapter 538 Open the Hatch Door
Hearing the sound, Zuo Lei hurried over with a gun in his hand. What he was most worried about was the resistance of the passengers. Although they had guns in their hands and were extremely capable in individual combat, they couldn't stand the crowd of all the passengers.

When Zuo Lei came to the cabin where Jeffrey was, he happened to see Ai Xin snatch the gun from Jeffrey.

Ai Xin had already noticed that Zuo Lei was approaching, and after grabbing the pistol, she immediately aimed at Zuo Lei.


A gunshot made the passengers in the cabin panic. They covered their ears and screamed. This sudden situation made them panic.Almost none of the passengers present had heard the gunshots, and now a passenger had a fight with the hijacker, which exacerbated their inner fear.

What they are worried about is whether the hijackers will take revenge on them if the passenger is killed.

After the gunshot rang out, Zuo Lei slowly fell to the ground, his forehead was hit by a bullet, and he died instantly.

After killing Zuo Lei, Ai Xin quickly withdrew his pistol and aimed it at Jeffrey's head.


Another shot was fired, and the No.2 hijacker was killed.

The gunshots in the cabin caught Qiu Yue's attention, she picked up the walkie-talkie: "Zuo Lei, what's going on behind?"

While talking, she walked forward with a gun in her hand.

Without a response, Qiu Yue quickly stopped in her tracks. She stared ahead vigilantly, then picked up the walkie-talkie and continued, "Jeffrey, report the situation."


Still no response on the intercom.

"Arno, open the door." Qiu Yue said holding the walkie-talkie.

With that, she turned and walked towards the cockpit.

At this moment, Ai Qi seized the opportunity and jumped up from the seat. Like Ai Xin's previous attack, she rushed towards Qiu Yue with a sliding shovel.

This sudden attack startled Qiu Yue, she couldn't dodge in time, and was knocked to the ground by Ai Qi's shovel.


And the moment just now made Qiu Yue pounce forward, her abdomen collided with the ground, making a muffled sound.As she fell, her pistol dropped to the ground.

The pain kept stimulating Qiu Yue's brain, she gritted her teeth and crawled forward, trying to get back the pistol.

But how could Ai Qi make her wish come true, she quickly pressed on Qiu Yue's body, and locked Qiu Yue's neck with both hands.

Her throat was locked, and Qiu Yue began to struggle violently. She slapped Ai Qi's arm with her hands, but it was of no avail. This kind of blockade is difficult to break unless it is someone with strong strength.

Xiao Xiao watched the fight, and almost subconsciously, she unbuckled her seat belt and wanted to pick up the pistol on the ground.

But at this moment, the door of the cockpit opened suddenly, and Arnaud, who was piloting the plane, came out. When he saw Qiu Yue and Ai Qi lying on the ground, he quickly pulled out the pistol from his waist.

Ai Qi said badly to herself, and quickly dodged to the right.


The gunshot made Xiao Xiao cover her ears, and the first-class passengers were all trembling with fright.The bullet hit Ai Qi's body mercilessly, causing her to lose the blockade against Qiu Yue.

Ai Qi was repelled, and Qiu Yue ran towards the cockpit. She knew that her fighting ability was not as good as Ai Qi's in the face-to-face confrontation just now.While she's a shapeshifter, her powers are primarily about transforming into various people rather than fighting.

Arno looked ahead vigilantly, and when Qiu Yue entered the cockpit, he closed the door forcefully.

Xiao Xiao hurriedly went to check on Ai Qi's situation. Fortunately, the bullet only hit her right shoulder, not her vital parts.

At such a close distance, she couldn't dodge that bullet at all, after all, she wasn't Liang Ye.

"How are you?" Xiao Xiao squatted in front of Ai Qi, helped her up from the ground, and took out a tissue to cover her wound to prevent blood from flowing out.

Ai Xin also ran over at this time, and Ai Qi stood up with Xiao Xiao's support. "They hid in the cockpit," Aki said.

"Master, the cabin is safe, and there are two hijackers left in the cockpit." Ai Xin reported to Liang Ye.

At this time, Liang Ye released the stealth of the Wraith fighter. He stood at the rear hatch and looked at the plane close at hand, and said, "Open the hatch manually and let me in."

He couldn't let the two bodyguards attack the cockpit, because they didn't have superpowers, and it was difficult to use their fists in the narrow space of the cockpit.

"Everyone fasten your seat belts!" Ai Xin said through the cabin radio.

Enduring the severe pain, Ai Qi said to Xiao Xiao: "Young Madam, please sit down and fasten your seat belt, we are going to open the cabin door."

"Open the cabin door?" Xiao Xiao was startled for a moment, but she didn't ask any further, and helped Ai Qi to sit on the seat, and fastened her seat belt.

Although the wound was still hurting, Ai Qi still showed a smile, and she said: "The young master is coming in, look to the left."

Almost subconsciously, Xiao Xiao opened the window next to her, and the whole black ghost fighter came into her eyes.

The rear hatch of the Wraith fighter was open, and Liang Ye was standing on the edge of the hatch in a combat uniform. The strong wind blew the cloak on his back constantly fluttering, majestic and majestic.

"He..." Xiao Xiao suddenly had the urge to cry, and she didn't know how to describe her feelings.

When the plane was hijacked and her destination was unknown, Liang Ye, the man who loved her deeply, came here without fear of danger.

Xiao Xiao covered her mouth, holding back the tears in her eyes.

Ai Qi, who was sitting by the side, had to admit that she was really envious of Xiao Xiao, who could be deeply loved by Liang Ye.

In the cockpit, both Qiu Yue and Arnold had dark faces. The current situation was very unfavorable to them. They had already lost control of the cockpit, and they didn't even dare to step out of the cockpit door.

"The plan can no longer be carried out normally, at worst, we will die together with them." Arnaud gritted his teeth and said.

Qiu Yue hurriedly stopped Arnaud, "No, we still have the advantage now, the bomb is in our hands."

"We can't go to Japan at all. The leader's plan is too good. Fighters will catch up with us, and Japan's air defense forces will shoot us down. It is impossible for us to attack in full view." Arno said excitedly.

However, Qiu Yue didn't seem to hear what he said, she looked at the windshield on the left with fear on her face.

"What's wrong?" Arnaud asked.

He followed Qiu Yue's gaze and looked outside, his eyes widened immediately.

I saw a ghost fighter plane following the left side of the passenger plane, and Liang Ye was standing on the edge of the rear hatch, watching the passenger plane.

Before Arnaud could react, an alarm sounded in the cockpit, and the fuselage began to shake violently.

Arnault quickly sat back on the captain's seat, holding the joystick firmly.Qiu Yue hurriedly put on her seat belt, she asked in panic, "What happened?"

Arnaud gritted his teeth, "They opened the hatch."

"Not good..." Qiu Yue took a deep breath, and said with a trembling voice, "Liang Ye came in."

(End of this chapter)

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