Ghost Task Force

Chapter 539 My Little Cutie

Chapter 539 My Little Cutie

At the same time as the cabin door of the passenger plane opened, Liang Ye jumped off the fighter plane and spread his cloak the moment he left the rear cabin door.

The fighter plane was flying at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour. The moment Liang Ye left the cabin, the strong wind brought him back rapidly.

Liang Ye unfolded his cloak in order to stabilize his body.While retreating, Liang Ye fired the rope gun in his left hand towards the door of the passenger plane. Before leaving the fighter plane, he had already calculated everything and could guarantee 100% that there would be no mistakes.

The rope gun was precisely locked on the upper edge of the cabin door. Liang Ye seized the opportunity, started to retract the rope, and flew towards the cabin with his body.

This series of movements was extremely smooth, as if it had been set long ago.The passengers sitting in the plane are still panicking because of the opening of the cabin door. In their memory, opening the cabin door is a very dangerous thing, and it will cause the plane to crash in minutes.

Before that, there were people who wanted to stop Ai Xin, but considering how Ai Xin had confronted the hijackers before, no one dared to stop her, because she could beat anyone who blocked her to the ground with a single face-to-face.

Ai Xin grabbed the handrail beside her with all her strength, trying her best not to let herself be blown out by the wind.The entire passenger plane was violently bumped due to the loss of pressure, and the altitude was also dropping continuously. The passengers in the cabin were all wearing oxygen masks, and the luggage on the luggage rack also fell due to the bumps, hitting the seats or other places. In the aisle, the passengers exclaimed again.

The rope was quickly retracted, and Liang Ye finally entered the cabin. When his figure flashed past, Ai Xin quickly closed the cabin door.

After Liang Ye landed, he retracted the unfolded cloak, and loaded a bullet into the sleeve gun in his right hand.Some passengers have noticed that there is an extra person in the aisle, and this person seems to have flown in from outside.

This scene, which almost never appeared in the movie, was presented in front of these passengers today.

"Master." Ai Xin looked at Liang Ye, waiting for his order.

"Demolish. I'll get the cockpit back."

After finishing speaking, Liang Ye ran towards the cockpit, intending to make a quick decision.

The windshield of the cockpit is transparent, and it is impossible for the remaining two people not to notice his arrival. If they choose to kill each other, there will definitely be an accident, so Liang Ye must hurry up.

The hatch was closed, and the turbulence of the plane was slightly reduced, but Liang Ye ignored these effects. He had been trained to seize the cockpit of the plane, and he did it according to his ability.

The passengers felt a gust of wind blowing by, and they couldn't even see the shadow clearly.

"Then let's die together. Although we have set ourselves up, at least the plan is half successful." Qiu Yue took out the remote control, with a look of resignation to death.

Arnault also gave up control of the plane, he said: "Hmm!"

The pilot lost control, and the nose of the passenger plane began to drop, and the altitude began to descend again.Liang Ye, who was still running wildly, shouted while running: "Yueling, hold the plane."

After speaking, he fired the rope gun in his left hand, and the tip of the rope gun penetrated the door of the cockpit.After being fixed on the door, the tip spread out quickly, forming a triangular shape, and the sharp corners began to spread towards the entire door.

This sudden occurrence startled both Qiu Yue and Arnold, and they forgot to press the remote control in their hands for a while.

What Liang Ye wanted was for them to be in a daze. When the tip of the rope gun completely sealed the door, he pulled hard with his left hand.


Accompanied by a muffled sound, Liang Ye tore down the entire door of the cockpit.

Both Xiao Xiao and Ai Qi were sitting in the first class cabin, and the cockpit was not far in front of them, so they witnessed everything Liang Ye did.

The door of the cockpit was broken open, Liang Ye quickly stretched out his right hand, and aimed the sleeve gun in his right hand at Qiu Yue who was holding the remote control.

Qiu Yue turned her head subconsciously when she heard the sound, and the infrared rays on the sleeve gun were aimed at her eyes.


With a gunshot, Qiu Yue's left eye disappeared, leaving only a hideous blood hole.The remote control in Qiu Yue's hand fell to the ground, and her body also fell down slowly.Until she died, she didn't see Liang Ye's movements clearly.

Arnaud was still in a daze, but when he saw Qiu Yue collapsed, he quickly jumped up from the captain's seat, took out his pistol and wanted to shoot Liang Ye.

How could Liang Ye let him get what he wanted.Liang Ye flicked his left hand, and a dart flew by like lightning, just hitting Arno's right hand holding the gun.


The dart completely sank into the palm of Arnaud's right hand. He screamed and covered his right hand, and the pistol fell to the ground.

"Hoo..." The rope gun shot again, and before Arnold could react, the tip of the rope gun penetrated his right shoulder and fixed it at his collarbone.

The pain in his right hand continued, and there was another injury on his shoulder. Arnaud felt that his brain was about to be exploded by the pain. numb.

At this moment, Liang Ye was actually standing in the aisle on Xiao Xiao's right, and Xiao Xiao watched his every move.It's just that he doesn't have time to say hello to Xiao Xiao now, he has to get the cockpit back first.

"Come here for me!"

Liang Ye let out a low growl, and the rope gun began to be retracted, taking Arnold's body and flying towards Liang Ye.

Arnold's body was taken up into the air, and halfway through the recovery, Liang Ye unfastened the rope gun, stretched out his right hand, and grabbed Arnold's throat.


The Hidden Blade stretched out and pierced Arno's throat.

Arnaud stared at Liang Ye with widened eyes.

Like Qiu Yue, until he died, he didn't see Liang Ye's movements clearly, and he had no room for resistance.

"Yueling, I have eliminated all the enemies." Liang Ye said.

With that said, Liang Ye threw Arnold's body aside.

"Received, I am controlling the plane to turn around. Please allow me to talk to your bodyguards, and I will instruct them how to dismantle it. Captain, you can go and be gentle with Xiao Xiao." Zhou Yuying said with a smile.

Hearing Zhou Yuying finish the last word, Liang Ye couldn't help showing a smile, and his hanging heart finally relaxed.

There was no activation, the remote control was unattended, and there was virtually no threat on board.But for safety reasons, it should be removed first.

Liang Ye talked to Ai Xin, and then connected Zhou Yuying's channel to his own communication channel.

After doing all this, Liang Ye finally set his eyes on Xiao Xiao.

This girl who made him willing to sacrifice everything to love deeply touched his heartstrings all the time.

Liang Ye looked at Xiao Xiao, took a deep breath and said, "Hey, my little cutie."

(End of this chapter)

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