Ghost Task Force

Chapter 540 Missile

Chapter 540 Missile
Xiao Xiao unbuckled the seat belt, she stood up from the seat, her feet were still trembling.

These were all caused by emotional agitation. Seeing Liang Ye desperately coming to rescue her, her heart was completely filled with warmth.

But she suddenly thought that Liang Ye was going to perform a mission in the afternoon, but now he appeared here again.

Thinking of these, Xiao Xiao understood that Liang Ye gave up the task for her own sake.

What she didn't know was that Liang Ye actually gave up more.

Liang Ye took the initiative to hold Xiao Xiao's hand. He glanced at Ai Qi who was still clutching her wound, and said, "Thanks for your hard work."

Ai Qi hurriedly struggled to stand up, but Liang Ye waved her hand to signal her to sit down.

"Ai Xin has already gone to dismantle the bomb. You can deal with the wound yourself first, and I will go to the cockpit to check the situation." Liang Ye continued.

"Yes, sir."

Although Ai Qi was shot, the bullet passed through her body and did not stay in her body, so as long as the bleeding was stopped, it would be fine.

Liang Ye brought Xiao Xiao to the cockpit, and he moved Qiu Yue's body outside the door to prevent Xiao Xiao from being uncomfortable.

Xiao Xiao obediently did not speak, but watched his every move with blinking eyes.Everything Liang Ye did today made her, a writer with a rich vocabulary, feel at a loss for words.

If bodyguards had not been arranged to protect her safety, it would have been really difficult for Liang Ye to carry out today's rescue operation.

Fortunately, Ai Xin and Ai Qi were both very strong and successfully opened the way for Liang Ye.

Liang Ye observed the situation in the cockpit and was relieved after making sure that the control system was not damaged.

At this time, Ai Xin reported: "Master, the bomb has been dismantled."


Liang Ye glanced at Xiao Xiao and said, "Zhou Yuying is controlling the plane remotely, we just need to wait for the landing."

Then, Liang Ye picked up the small microphone next to the captain's seat, turned on the cabin broadcast, and said: "Ladies and gentlemen, I am Liang Ye, a soldier from Shenzhou. The hijackers have been wiped out and the bomb has been dismantled. We will Return to S City International Airport, please continue to sit in your seats, fasten your seat belts, and wait for the landing."

"it is good!!!"

There were warm cheers and applause in the cabin, and the passengers were happy that they survived, and they also applauded Liang Ye who saved the plane.Some passengers knew that Liang Ye was the son of Liang Anguo and also the boyfriend of the writer Xiao Xiao.

"Yue Ling, continue to block the communication, I don't want to talk about it now." Liang Ye said.

Zhou Yuying hastily executed, "Got it, it's been blocked."

After doing all this, Liang Ye turned around and looked at Xiao Xiao. He stretched out his hand and lifted the hair by her ear, and said softly: "I have never told you before, our Liang family will only know you in this life. Falling in love with someone, falling in love, is a lifetime."

Xiao Xiao's eyes trembled, "Life?"

"Yes, I will never fall in love with anyone else in my whole life." Liang Ye's emotions suddenly became agitated, and he held Xiao Xiao's hand forcefully, his voice began to tremble a little, "So, if you I lost my life because of this incident, so what should I do? Xiao Xiao, I used to be able to face hundreds of killers alone without fear, but after knowing that you are in danger, I felt scared for the first time."

Looking at the girl he loves in front of him, and thinking of the details of his love with her, Liang Ye took a deep breath and said affectionately: "Before I came here, I had already offered to resign as a ninth-level special agent of the Strategic Security Bureau. Xiao Xiao, if time is measured by you, it will be day with you, and endless night without you; if you are used to distinguish places, the place with you will be heaven, and the place without you will fall into hell. I don’t want to The days of longing and daydreaming are over, so... let's get married."

Liang Ye's communicator was always on, and all the ghost task force members in the Strategic Security Bureau heard what he said.For a moment, everyone's eyes widened. Zhou Yuying, who was controlling the plane remotely, even shook her hands, almost causing the plane to deviate from the course.

While they were surprised that Liang Ye suddenly proposed to Xiao Xiao, they also drew an astonishing conclusion from his words.Liang Ye did not intend to return to the Strategic Security Bureau.This made the task force members look at each other in blank dismay, and this result was obviously unacceptable to them.

Xiao Xiao heard very clearly, and she heard every word Liang Ye said very deeply.At this time, her shoulders were trembling, and she couldn't say anything for a while.

On this flight that was just out of danger, Liang Ye chose to propose to her without even wearing a ring, and only had those extremely tear-jerking words.

But Xiao Xiao didn't care about these, she stood on tiptoe and hugged Liang Ye's neck, tears slid down her cheeks, wet Liang Ye's combat uniform.

"I am willing, I am willing, I am willing!" Xiao Xiao cried with a smile.

Her love for Liang Ye has gone deep into her bones, and she has long expected that she can marry Liang Ye and become his bride.

Now is the new year, Liang Ye is already 22 years old, and has reached the age where he can get a marriage certificate.

Liang Ye felt Xiao Xiao's heartbeat and breathing, smelled the fragrance of her hair, and slowly closed her eyes.

At this moment, he didn't think about his responsibilities anymore, he didn't think about the V who hadn't been eradicated, he just wanted to hug Xiao Xiao for a while in this rare peaceful time.

Soon, Xiao Xiao will become Liang Ye's bride, maybe in a few years, the two will have a child, Xiao Xiao will also become the most beautiful mother in the world, hugging her beloved child, in the bright sunshine down smiling.

All of that is so beautiful.

But suddenly, this warm calm was broken by Zhou Yuying's panicked voice: "Captain, there are anti-air missiles!!!"

Less than a second after her voice sounded, a loud noise startled the drifting white clouds.Then, the flames lit up the entire sky, and the plane began to disintegrate from an altitude of 1 meters.

No one expected such a situation to happen, and no one knew where the missile was launched from.

After the plane disintegrated, those passengers who did not die in the explosion fell from the sky one after another, but below them was the vast ocean.

Both Liang Ye and Xiao Xiao were in the cockpit. After the missile hit the plane, their feet split apart instantly. No matter how fast Liang Ye reacted, there was no time to grab Xiao Xiao's hand.

Just like that, Xiao Xiao fell from a height of 2000 meters towards the sea below.

Liang Ye fell only a little later than Xiao Xiao. He unfolded the cloak behind him and controlled his body to avoid the wreckage in front of him.

"Xiao Xiao!!!" Liang Ye shouted, he could clearly see Xiao Xiao who was falling, and he was getting closer and closer to her.

Xiao Xiao stretched out her left hand, and Liang Ye also used the wind ability to speed up her fall, and stretched out her right hand.

The distance between the two became shorter and shorter, within ten centimeters, Liang Ye could touch Xiao Xiao's fingertips.

As long as he holds her hand, Liang Ye is confident that both himself and Xiao Xiao will be safe.

"Xiao Xiao!" Liang Ye shouted again.

Suddenly, Liang Ye felt a sharp pain in his back, and he instantly lost control of his body.

The wreckage of the plane's engine hit him hard in the fall.And Liang Ye has been focusing on Xiao Xiao, not noticing that there are many wreckage still falling above him.

Liang Ye's eyes darkened and he lost consciousness.

Before closing his eyes, Liang Ye vaguely saw that Xiao Xiao was getting farther and farther away from him...

(End of this chapter)

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