Chapter 545
Strategic Defense Agency Headquarters, Ghost Task Force Lounge.

Lei Yu sat on his desk and looked at the documents. When Liang Ye was still there, it was not his turn to worry about these tasks.Ever since he took over Liang Ye's position, he finally understood the pressure Liang Ye usually bears.

Once the decision is wrong, it will lead to casualties in the special agent team, or even more serious consequences.

"Dong dong..."

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the office, Lei Yu raised his head subconsciously and said, "Come in."

I saw Lan Siqi walking in hastily with a piece of paper in her hand.

"Lan Siqi?" Lei Yu was slightly taken aback, curious about her arrival, and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

Since Lan Siqi became the head of the network department, she seldom came to the lounge of the ghost task force, and usually kept in touch with the task force through the intercom.

She used to be Liang Ye's secretary, but after Liang Ye left the Bureau of Strategic Security, she voluntarily applied to be transferred to the Internet Department. Li Shan agreed to her application and promoted her to be the minister.

"Today, someone took a photo in City H. I think it is necessary to report to you in person, Commander."

As she spoke, Lan Siqi put the paper in her hand on Lei Yu's table.

Lei Yu picked it up and looked at it, his eyes widened instantly.

It can be clearly seen in the photo that a black figure is floating in the air, and it seems that it is flying towards the sky.

"I preliminarily concluded that it was Commander Liang Ye." Lan Siqi said.

Even now, when Lan Siqi mentions Liang Ye's name, he still refers to him as the commander.

It's not just her, when the members of the Ghost Task Force mention Liang Ye, they will also call him the captain.

When the photo was zoomed in, the black shadow had white hair, which was why Lan Siqi concluded that the person in the photo was Liang Ye. They all knew about Liang Ye's gray hair overnight.

This is the first photo related to Liang Ye collected by the Internet Department in a year.

"I have already deleted the photos on the Internet, checked the source of the photos, and deleted the original pictures." Lan Siqi continued.

Lei Yu crushed the paper, looked at Lan Siqi and said, "He can fly now."

Lan Siqi nodded, her eyes were also full of surprise, "It seems that yes, most of the Viper members who died before were their corpses turned into pieces, which was also caused by the wind power."

"Severe mood swings lead to the evolution of abilities. This is not without precedent in the past. Take Claire as an example. She also awakened her abilities because her mother was killed." Lei Yu sat back on his seat, showing a With a thoughtful expression, "The boss's ability has evolved to the point where he can fly, and his wind can blow people into pieces, which is too strong..."

Lan Siqi seemed very interested in this topic, she sat directly on the chair in front of Lei Yu's desk.

"Among the currently known superpowers, the abilities of Commander Liang Ye and Claire are defined as the highest level of danger, but that was a year ago." Lan Siqi said.

"That means the level will be renewed." Lei Yu looked up at Lan Siqi, "I don't intend to let the director know about it."

"I agree, but now many agencies are already investigating the death of Viper's core members and their family members, and it will not be hidden for too long."

"If it can be delayed for a day, I don't want to receive an order to hunt down the boss." Lei Yu sighed, and said in a low voice: "In fact, we can't stop him."

Lan Siqi was also silent. The former Liang Ye was already very capable. Even without relying on superpowers, he could face hundreds of elite killers alone.

Now, his wind ability has evolved, and he can even fly in the air, not to mention not many people can compete with Liang Ye.

Lei Yu also had to admit that Liang Ye, even if the entire Ghost Task Force went together, might not be able to win.

It's just that paper can't contain fire. He and Lan Siqi are very clear that one day Li Shan will be pressured to issue an order to hunt him down.

Once there are cases related to supernatural beings in the world, they will be reported to the Strategic Security Bureau, and the Strategic Security Bureau will send special agents to deal with them.The previous cases were like this, and some of them were caused by Lei Yu who knew about it in advance and stopped other agents in front of them, preventing them from reporting to Li Shan.

Lei Yu has no objection to Liang Ye's revenge, and the fight against the poisonous snake organization is also something that is being carried out by all countries.The problem was that when Liang Ye killed the core members of those poisonous snakes, he didn't even spare their family members.

This was what Lei Yu was most worried about. Liang Ye almost killed innocent people indiscriminately.

If things continue, the hunt for Liang Ye will definitely start, and even if the Ghost Task Force is unwilling, other agencies will send combat teams.

Now, there are more and more rumors about the previous series of cases, and sooner or later the council will hold a meeting to force the Security Bureau to carry out related work.

"If there is such a day, I will resign." Lan Siqi said.

Her words made Lei Yu stunned, he never thought that Lan Siqi would say such a thing.

As if guessing Lei Yu's question, Lan Siqi continued, "I don't want to stand on the opposite side of Commander Liang Ye."

"Hahaha." Lei Yu laughed a few times and said, "I bet Wang Yu would be jealous if he found out."

It has been a year, and Wang Yu is still chasing Lan Siqi. Although he has not succeeded, at least Lan Siqi has not ignored him like before.And this is also the topic that Lei Yu and others teased Lan Siqi, and even Li Shan deliberately facilitated the two of them.

Today, Wang Yu is a seventh-level field agent. He left the Operation Department and joined the Field Service Department. He is responsible for carrying out investigation tasks and has been outside for many years.

The reason why he joined the Field Secret Service Department was also because what Liang Ye said to him a year ago aroused the fire in his heart.He started training again to recover his state. After passing the assessment, he became a field agent as he wished, and was quickly promoted to level seven.

Lei Yu also appreciates him.

For Lan Siqi to say this, Lei Yu of course understands very well.Lan Siqi didn't like Liang Ye, but respected him from the bottom of her heart.

Even though she was a few years older than Liang Ye, Lan Siqi deeply admired Liang Ye's leadership ability, and she was unwilling to make Liang Ye an enemy.

In fact, Lei Yu is not willing, but he also has to consider the overall situation.

"Whatever he thinks." Lan Siqi expressed indifference.

Then, Lan Siqi continued: "Actually, we can all understand Commander Liang Ye, can't we?"

"Oh?" Lei Yu was a little curious, "Tell me your opinion."

"The reason why he didn't let the family members of the poisonous snake members go is because Xiao Xiao is also his family. The recording in the intercom has shown that Xiao Xiao accepted his marriage proposal. The two should get married soon. Then This incident caused him to lose his love."

When Lan Siqi said these words, it was purely out of personal feelings, and there was no work attitude in it.

If she changed her work attitude, she would never be able to say such a thing, because it did not match her responsibilities.

Lei Yu didn't express his point of view, he bit his index finger joint in a rare way.In fact, he also thought so deep down in his heart, but he couldn't admit this thought, which was also inconsistent with his responsibilities.

"The two of us can talk about these things ourselves," Lei Yu said.

Lan Siqi nodded: "Of course."

(End of this chapter)

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