Ghost Task Force

Chapter 546 Shocking

Chapter 546 Shocking
Syria, a relatively peaceful town.

This is one of the small towns less affected by the war. People's lives are still normal, and they rarely worry that the war will hit here.

It was supposed to be a quiet night, but it was suddenly enveloped by a strong wind. The people in the town hid in their homes and dared not go out, for fear that they would be blown away by the wind.

In one of the most luxurious villas in the town, a middle-aged man ran out of the bedroom in a hurry. His white pajamas were stained red with blood. , rolled down the stairs.

The pain caused by falling down the stairs did not lessen his fear. The middle-aged man struggled to get up from the ground, while the servants in the villa and his family members heard the noise and ran out to check what happened thing.

"Don't look, run, get out of here!" The middle-aged man shouted at his family.


As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of crisp footsteps reached the ears of the middle-aged man.

I saw Liang Ye in a black combat uniform walking down the stairs step by step. The Hidden Blade in his right hand was covered with blood, which looked shocking under the dazzling light.

Liang Ye said in a cold voice as he walked, "Jerrold, the deputy leader of Viper, you were one of the planners for the hijacking incident a year ago."

When Liang Ye mentioned the hijacking incident, Gerald's heart sank instantly. He turned his head and looked out the window subconsciously, and found that all the guards outside were lying on the ground, and that's why the alarm didn't go off. reason.

Gerald was in a deep sleep when he was suddenly awakened by severe pain. The moment he woke up, he saw Liang Ye's terrifying eyes and the Hidden Blade piercing his waist.

"So it was you who were hunting us down." Gerald stood up and tried his best to calm himself down.

Liang Ye nodded, and he said: "Yes, I said, I will assassinate the core members of Viper one by one."

Recalling the dead partners and members, Gerald's body couldn't help but tremble, and he said, "Who the hell are you?"

Because of Liang Ye's assassination, the entire Viper is now a little depressed, most of the core members have died, and the rest are hiding in the dark and dare not show up, for fear that they will be the next to die.The suppliers also cut off contact with them one after another, fearing that if they continue to cooperate, they will suffer.

"My wife was killed in that incident." Liang Ye stretched out the Hidden Blade in his left hand, the hood covered his white hair, but did not cover his sharp eyes, "Now I am just an Avenger .”

He walked towards Gerald step by step, the Hidden Blades in both hands gleaming with cold light.


Gerald fell to his knees on the ground. He, who was once cruel, felt unprecedented fear at this moment.

His family witnessed all this, they were trembling, and even forgot to run away.

"My family, they are all innocent and have not participated in my work." Gerald lowered his head and begged, "Please let them go."

"My wife is also innocent, have you let her go?"

Liang Ye's roar was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and everyone in the villa was frightened and stunned.

"She's only 20 years old, and she should be the best writer in the world." Liang Ye clenched his fists, his anger almost made him gnaw his teeth, "Did you ever think that when you hijacked the plane, all the people on board People are innocent? They also have families, children, did you think about that when you made your plans?"

As he spoke, Liang Ye grabbed Gerald by the collar and lifted him up from the ground.

"Now you ask me to be merciful and spare your family just because they didn't participate in your work? Tell me, the passengers on the plane, what did they do wrong, and what did my wife do wrong?"

After finishing speaking, Liang Ye threw Gerald to the wall of the hall with a strong shake.


With a loud noise, a small hollow was smashed into the wall, and Gerald fell to the ground. The severe pain made him bend his body, and he lost the strength to stand up.

His wife hurried forward to help him up, but when she saw Liang Ye slowly approaching, she was frightened and collapsed to the ground.

"Please." Gerald struggled to get up from the ground, but because of the pain in his body, he struggled a few times but failed.

Liang Ye stopped, and even retracted the Hidden Blades in both hands, which made Gerald look happy. He thought Liang Ye was not angry anymore.

Liang Ye slowly took off his hood, revealing his white hair and scarlet eyes.

This was the scariest expression Gerald had ever seen, not ferocious, and even a little plain.But it was such an expression that made Gerald's heart sink to the bottom.

The next moment, a gust of wind blew through the interior of the villa, startling everyone.

After 1 second, Liang Ye soared into the sky and quickly disappeared into the sky.And everyone in the villa turned into blood mist as the wind blew by.

Not long after, the wind that shrouded the town gradually disappeared, and the nearby residents smelled the pungent smell of blood, and followed the smell.When they saw the scattered corpses outside the villa, they immediately screamed.

The massacre shocked the police. All 20 people, including the villa owner’s family, servants and bodyguards, were killed. There was not a single dead body in the villa, and it was even difficult for the police to identify the corpses.Soon, relevant information was reported to the Strategic Security Bureau.

Lei Yu happened to lead a team to perform a mission outside, but failed to stop the information in time, and the Minister of Intelligence reported it to Li Shan.

"My God...does he know what he's doing?" Li Shan put down the materials in his hand, feeling complicated inside.

Liang Ye has completely crossed the line. As the director, he can no longer stand by and watch.

"Let the agents fully investigate Liang Ye's whereabouts and find a way to find him." Li Shan ordered.

Intelligence Minister Qiao Kun responded and quickly left Li Shan's office.

But Li Shan knew very well in his heart that it was really harder than finding a needle in a haystack if he wanted to find Liang Ye's trace.

He has super anti-reconnaissance capabilities, and can crack the defense system of any intelligence agency, and he is very familiar with the internal system of the Strategic Defense Bureau, and it is not difficult to invade.

Li Shan sighed, it was not what he expected.

A person who was willing to give his life to protect this world has become an avenger who endangers safety and kills innocent people indiscriminately. All of this seems a bit ridiculous.

Now, Li Shan has to admit that if he hadn't stopped Liang Ye at the beginning, maybe things wouldn't have turned to such a point.

It's too difficult to stop Liang Ye. Li Shan dare not imagine how strong he is now.

Now he can only hope that Liang Ye will stop as soon as possible, so that things can turn around.

(End of this chapter)

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