Ghost Task Force

Chapter 547 Confused

Chapter 547 Confused
Two days later, Switzerland, Zurich.

This is one of the largest financial centers in the world, and it is also known as the "European City of Billionaires".

In the indoor swimming pool of the Atlantis Giardino Hotel, a slender figure was swimming in the pool, surrounded by several maids, some of them were holding bathrobes, some were carrying red wine, obviously It's all for the people in the pool.

At this time, the door of the swimming pool was pushed open, and Liang Ye, dressed in casual clothes, walked in.It seemed that he was used to his arrival, and the guards here did not stop him.

Seeing that the people in the swimming pool were still swimming, Liang Ye stopped. He reached out and took the red wine that the woman was holding, and drank it down.

Obviously, he is very familiar with the people here.

As if aware of Liang Ye's arrival, the woman in the swimming pool stood up slowly from the water. With her beautiful face and long red hair, her figure was enough to drive most men crazy.

Erin Carroll.

The controller of the "Hunter" intelligence agency, which is one of the largest private intelligence agencies in the world, and its members are top-notch hackers.

And she has another identity, that is, the princess of the European underground world.Her father, Auguste, is the leader of the largest gang in Europe, "Battle Flag". Irene, who is only 24 years old, is comparable to Gladys in terms of identity.But she is different from Gladys, she rarely appears in the public eye, and her whereabouts are extremely mysterious.

There were fewer appearances, and the media naturally did not pay attention to her interest, and focused all their attention on Gladys.

Irene walked out of the swimming pool slowly, and the woman standing aside quickly covered her with a bathrobe.

"This outfit doesn't suit your identity." Irene looked at Liang Ye, feeling dissatisfied with his casual clothes.

Liang Ye didn't pay attention to her complaints, he left the indoor swimming pool and walked to the balcony of the hotel room.

There was a table and two chairs on the balcony, and some extremely delicate fruits were placed on the table. Seeing Liang Ye's arrival, the maid quickly poured a glass of red wine.

Liang Ye seemed to be familiar with this place.

After Irene went swimming, she would sit on the balcony and drink a few glasses of red wine.

"You should know this is my bedroom." Irene followed, still wearing the same bathrobe.

"If you talk about being reserved at this time, it will make me feel that you are very strange." Liang Ye said in standard English.

Irene gave him a blank look, then sat across from Liang Ye, crossing her legs.

Her slender legs appeared in front of Liang Ye, but Liang Ye didn't even look at them, he knocked lightly on the table.

"The information I want." Liang Ye's expression was very calm.

Irene snapped her fingers at the maid beside her. The maid understood and quickly left the balcony.

She fixed her eyes on Liang Ye's face. The 23-year-old Liang Ye still looked no different from the 18-year-old youth, but his eyes became deeper and his white hair didn't match his age. .

"It's time for you to stop," Erin said.

She has a beautiful appearance compared to Gladys, and her soft red hair is her biggest highlight. No matter which man sees her, his heart will tremble twice uncontrollably.

"After removing the poisonous snake, I will naturally stop." Liang Ye didn't look at Irene, he leaned on the seat, shaking the glass of red wine with his right hand.

"An agency has already ordered to track down your tracks. You must know that you have provoked many intelligence agencies in the process of eliminating the poisonous snakes. The interests of the poisonous snakes involve their interests. They have strong funds and cruel methods. These people will not let you go. of."

"It's fun like this, isn't it?" A sneer slowly emerged from the corner of Liang Ye's mouth, and he said, "The more you come, the better."

Today's Liang Ye is no longer like a year ago, with the world in mind. Now he is called a devil by many people.

Because he killed with extreme cruelty and without mercy.

At this time, the maid walked in with a white envelope, she handed it to Irene respectfully, then turned and left.

Irene put the envelope on the table and pushed it in front of Liang Ye with her fingers.

"This is the last time." Liang Ye picked up the envelope, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, "Morris, Miranda."

Morris is the leader of the poisonous snake, and Miranda is the space teleporter who follows him.

These are all traces found by Irene's intelligence agency. It has been Irene who has been providing intelligence support for Liang Ye this year.In fact, they didn't do much work. It was Liang Ye who discovered the situation first, and then Irene's agency conducted a follow-up investigation, and finally obtained the information Liang Ye wanted.

The two sides can be said to be cooperating.

"What about after getting rid of the poisonous snake?" Irene looked at Liang Ye, and she asked, "What are you going to do?"

This is a question she has always been curious about. She watched Liang Ye start to take revenge, step by step to the present.

"I don't know." Liang Ye shook his head, and when he mentioned this topic, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

All he wanted was revenge, and he never thought about what to do after the revenge was over.

Back to the Bureau of Strategic Security? Impossible, Liang Ye has no such idea at all.

Come back home?

Liang Ye also denied this idea. Now he can be said to be a criminal, and returning home will only cause trouble for his father.

Revenge is what supported Liang Ye's belief that he did not go with Xiao Xiao at the beginning. Now there is only one last step left for revenge. He found out that Morris, Miranda and the remaining core members will hold a secret meeting three days later. Irene Find out the address of the meeting for him.

As long as Liang Ye appeared at the venue, the year-long revenge would come to an end on that day.

"Join me," Erin said suddenly.

Her words startled Liang Ye slightly, and he couldn't help turning his head to look at Irene.That face that can drive many people crazy is not attractive to Liang Ye, and he looks at Irene without any impurities.

In his eyes, there is only one person who is beautiful enough to touch his heart, and that person can no longer return to his side.

Irene showed a slight smile and said, "We cooperated very well this year, didn't we?"

Liang Ye couldn't help laughing, and said, "Actually, we haven't met a few times."

The two sides have been conducting intelligence transactions secretly for a long time. Liang Ye came to this place more frequently recently. Liang Ye only appeared when Irene asked for a meeting.

The two have actually known each other for several years. When Liang Ye was still in high school, Irene and Liang Ye met at a reception held by the Liang family.

"That's not important. Of course, I hope to see you go back to be a young master and promote the relationship between the family business. This is also very good." Irene smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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