Ghost Task Force

Chapter 548 New Skills

Chapter 548 New Skills

Liang Ye cast a glance at Irene, and complained: "When did you start thinking about the family business, this is not like your style."

Although the two didn't meet much, they were like old friends who had known each other for many years, and there was basically no taboo in talking.But Irene is very clear that Xiao Xiao must not be mentioned, because that is the biggest pain in Liang Ye's heart.

In the dead of night, Liang Ye would often be awakened by nightmares. He would always dream that on the day the plane crashed, when he was about to grab Xiao Xiao's hand, the falling engine hit his back.It was that blow that separated the yin and yang of the two lovers, and almost killed Liang Ye.

That was the most serious injury Liang Ye had ever experienced. After three days and three nights of rescue, the doctors of the medical department once declared Liang Ye's life was in critical condition.

It was the belief in his heart that kept Liang Ye alive. He was eager to know whether Xiao Xiao was safe, so a miracle happened, and he came back from the brink of death.

Irene stared at Liang Ye's handsome face and sighed softly.

For what happened to Liang Ye, she also felt sad for a while. Such an infatuated person lost the love of his life. This kind of pain is unimaginable.And Liang Ye is also the most special boy she has ever met. He looks at others without any impurities. Even if a beautiful woman stands in front of him, his eyes will not be touched in the slightest.This made Eileen feel that Liang Ye was a little cute.

The person who can really touch Liang Ye's heartstrings has long since left this world.

"Well, I'm not joking with you anymore, there are enough guest rooms here, do you need to take a rest?" Irene asked.

Liang Ye shook his head, "No, I will be discovered if I stay here for a long time. If the Bureau of Strategic Defense finds out that you are cooperating with me, it will only bring you trouble."

Hearing Liang Ye's words, Irene couldn't help giving him a blank look, and said, "Liang Ye, have you underestimated me? Don't worry, this place will be the safest place with me."

"There are no absolutes in this world." Liang Ye stood up from his seat, he swung his glass, and then drank it up.

Now Liang Ye exudes a terrifying breath of death, and he no longer gives people a strong sense of justice like before.

"Well, let me also remind you that if they dare to hold a meeting under the threat of death, they will naturally be fully prepared. Don't be overconfident." Irene said.

"Are you worried that I will get hurt?"

"I'm worried that you will die." Irene stood up, her blue eyes fixed on Liang Ye's deep gaze, "A world without you would be much less fun."

"Thank you for thinking so." Liang Ye jumped onto the balcony guardrail, turned around to look at Irene, and said with a smile, "I should go. The red wine from your winery is really delicious."

"If you like, you are welcome to come to my winery anytime."

"There will be this opportunity."

"Good night, Mr. Liang Ye."

Liang Ye nodded slightly, and jumped backwards.When his body left the edge of the balcony, the combat uniform covered Liang Ye's body, and as a gust of wind blew by, he flew into the sky like a cannonball.

Irene looked up and watched Liang Ye's figure disappear into the darkness, then slowly lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking.

In St. Moritz, Switzerland, Liang Ye walked into an apartment building, and he took the elevator to the tenth floor.

This is his temporary residence. Irene often stays in Switzerland. Liang Ye decided to set up a foothold here because he wanted to meet her to obtain information.

Although he could live in Irene's house, he didn't want to, and would leave on his own every time he got the information.

Irene is one of the people Liang Ye can trust at present, and she is not wary of Liang Ye, and the two of them cooperate very happily.And Liang Ye is also grateful to her, after all, she has helped him the most this year.

The scenery in St. Moritz is very good. Liang Ye likes snow very much, and here you can directly see the magnificent Alpine peaks. It is also a paradise for winter sports. Various winter activities such as skiing, hiking, and sledding attract countless people every year. Sports lovers come here.

The long history and cultural precipitation make this city exude a luxurious and low-key charm. Many rich people, politicians and members of the royal family regularly come to St. Moritz for vacation every year. Although it is dangerous to live here, the natural scenery here really makes Liang Ye got a rare relaxation while being tense. He thought about taking a good tour of the city, but he never had the time.

He spends most of his time on revenge and obtaining intelligence. Every time he kills a core member of Viper, he will start to investigate the next person's trace.


The elevator door opened, and Liang Ye walked towards the suite on the left side of the corridor.

There are only two rooms on the first floor here, and the location is relatively remote, very clean, and no one will disturb Liang Ye at ordinary times.

Liang Ye skillfully took out the key, and when he was about to open the door, the door of the suite on the right was suddenly pushed open, and a brown-haired woman in pajamas came out in a hurry, and she said quickly in Italian: " Okay, I understand, you just wait downstairs, don't look for it, I'll come down right away."

Her name is Jenny, and she is a resident of this apartment.When Liang Ye just bought the suite here, he deliberately checked the identity information of all the residents in the entire building to ensure that there were no secret agents hiding here.Jenny was the most carefully investigated. She was a doctor at St. Moritz Hospital and was often on duty. Liang Ye had only met her a few times.

Liang Ye glanced at her subconsciously, while Jenny put down her phone and smiled at him, "Pizza, the delivery guy can't find his way. It's too remote here, so I can only go down and get it by myself."

"The road here is really hard to find." Liang Ye said.

"Do you want to eat together? I ordered a big one."

"No, thank you for your kindness, I have already had dinner."

"Okay, I'll go down and get it first." After speaking, Jenny walked into the elevator.

Liang Ye looked back, and he opened the door of his suite.

He used to have many stays, but this is the one where he stayed the longest.Looking out from his room, you can clearly see the peaks of the Alps, which is why he set his foothold here.

The moment he stepped into the living room, Liang Ye snapped his fingers.Then, a gust of wind blew through the living room, bedroom, and kitchen... all the dust was cleaned up.

This is a new skill that Liang Ye acquired after the supernatural evolution.His manipulation of the wind has become more detailed, and now he can do things that he couldn't do before.

Like flying, or using the wind to clean a room, and killing people.

(End of this chapter)

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