Ghost Task Force

Chapter 568 Uneasy

Chapter 568 Uneasy
"What's there?" Lei Yu frowned and looked at Zhou Yuying. The report she brought just now made him feel uneasy.

The Strategic Defense Agency has just received a request for help from the Maldives. A major accident occurred in one of their research institutions. All the researchers died, and the poisonous gas inside was leaked. They need the ghost task force to enter the institution to seal the leaking pipeline.

"I don't know yet. We don't have much information, and the Maldives don't know what happened inside. Now the island has been sealed off in all directions, but no one dares to go to the island." Zhou Yuying replied.

When an accident occurs in the research institution, the system will automatically send out an alarm, and a rescue team from the Maldives was ordered to investigate. Before all died, a team member sent back a report of a poison gas leak.

The reason for their death was not because of the poisonous gas.A special forces unit entered the institution again with weapons, and was attacked by a monster shortly after entering the door. The camera failed to capture the monster's figure clearly, and the heavily armed special forces had no resistance in front of them, and were annihilated in an instant.Before several team members died, they pressed the button of the sealing mechanism, and the poisonous gas and monsters were sealed inside the mechanism.

The problem is that with the monster's destructive power, it is only a matter of time before the blockade is broken.The Maldives intelligence department turned to the Strategic Defense Agency for help, because once the poisonous gas leaked into the air, it would cause the lives of nearby islands to be devastated.

Li Shan is not at the headquarters, and the decision-making power falls to Lei Yu. He needs to make a decision as soon as possible, and the situation is still deteriorating.

Monsters, poisonous gas... In such an unknown environment, the Ghost Task Force may face unprecedented challenges.

After thinking for a few seconds, Lei Yu slapped the table and stood up from the seat.

"Call all the team members and dispatch."

"Captain Lei, Claire is participating in school activities in City Y."

"Call her back."



Kandy, Sri Lanka.

Kandy is located in the central south of Sri Lanka, long surrounded by mountains with rare plant species.Located in a tropical vegetation zone, it has historically been an administrative and religious center.

Liang Ye stayed in Norway for a week, decided to take a walk outside, and came to this city by accident.

The Buddha Tooth Relic Temple in Kandy is a famous historical building and a place of pilgrimage for Buddhists. Liang Ye saw many monks wearing cassocks on the streets.

Back at the hotel, he turned on the computer that he hadn't used for a long time.

The old injuries on his back have all healed under the medicine provided by Lan Siqi, and now his body has returned to its peak state.

Traveling is also a way for him to temporarily forget the pain, not that he wants to forget, but that he wants to see more of the world.

Xiao Xiao used to always shout that she wanted to see more of the world and feel the customs of different places.Liang Ye thought, he would take a good walk for her.

On the Internet, people leave messages on Xiao Xiao's social account every day, still feeling sad for her death.

Liang Ye thanked these people from the bottom of his heart.

Although he was traveling outside, Liang Ye had been looking for Annabelle's trace.It is difficult to find Annabelle, she has the ability of teleportation, she can move to another location immediately.

This ability is very powerful, but it is extremely uncomfortable for those who track her.

Fortunately, Liang Ye knew how to invade the internal network of the Strategic Security Bureau. The intelligence department would mark it on the map. Every marked point was where Annabelle had appeared or might appear. It was not very accurate, but Liang Ye could do it. exclude.

The latest one is located on a small island in the Maldives.Liang Ye saw from the news that the Ghost Task Force had just left the headquarters and was heading to the island.

This was an intelligence prediction made by the agents. The probability was set very low, only 10%. According to the previous probability, she would basically not appear there.

But the focus of Liang Ye's attention was what happened on the island, and the ghost task force was going to solve the problems there.

"Poison gas leak?" Liang Ye frowned. Every institution related to viruses and poison gas can easily attract his attention, because V has always been engaged in research on viruses. In the words of Gladys back then , she wants to use viruses to reshape the world.Before leaving the Strategic Security Bureau, Liang Ye always wanted to eradicate this organization. After Xiao Xiao's death, he never paid attention to these things again.Deep in his heart, he was always thinking that the person he loved the most had already left this world, so what's the point of continuing to protect him.

It was precisely because of this thought that Liang Ye let go of his hands to take revenge for more than a year, and he was merciless when hunting down his enemies.

Now, he only needs to kill Annabelle again, and everything can really come to an end.

Because he was no longer a senior agent of the Strategic Security Bureau, Liang Ye could not directly ask Lei Yu about their mission.Intuition told Liang Ye that the island they were going to was very dangerous.

A major accident happened in a research institution that studies viruses, all the researchers died, and there were monsters in the building, which sounds a bit scary.

After thinking for a while, Liang Ye turned off the computer, and he glanced at the watch on his left wrist, which concealed his entire combat uniform.

Nanotechnology has greatly facilitated the portability of Liang Ye's participation in the battle, and no longer needs to spend time changing clothes.

And this was developed by Zhou Yuying.

A gust of wind moved the white clouds and blew across the street, causing the children playing on the street to stop and laugh.

There was no longer Liang Ye in the hotel room. People could vaguely see a black shadow flashing across the sky, but because the sunlight was too glaring, they dared not stare for too long.


"Everyone, I think we've encountered a big problem this time." In the cockpit of the Wraith Fighter, Lei Yu stood next to the display screen with a gun in his hand, and briefly described the mission.

Like Liang Ye, Lei Yu believed in his intuition, and this action made him a little uneasy.But even so, he called out to Claire.

Claire's ability is very strong, and she is already a qualified combatant. Apart from being easily nervous when things happen, she has no other faults to pick on.

When things happen, she tends to get nervous because she hasn't performed enough tasks, and she still lacks experience.

The solution is also very simple, let Claire participate in the mission a few more times, and this situation will be eliminated automatically.

Before this, the tasks Lei Yu assigned to Claire were relatively easy, but this time, even he himself was a little uneasy.

"Yueling, please call up the floor plan of the research institution, and then contact the army guarding outside the island to ask what's going on now," Lei Yu said.

(End of this chapter)

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